'Magnificent Matsutake' Kickstarter Campaign

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Hey guys!
666 subscribers! Creeepy
This is the link to our kickstarter campaign!
We really appreciate any support, every dollar counts. If 2000 people each give a dollar, we'll reach our goal! Thank you very much, to all my viewers and friends

This is the video for our Kickstarter campaign to raise money for our mushroom documentary!
We will be driving from Ontario to Northern British Columbia, where we will commence the ultimate mushroom hunting expedition. Really exciting times! We leave for the West Coast Oct 1, 2019 - and we want to take you with us!
We will be filming this years expedition to the West coast, in search of the fabled White Matsutake. We'll capture tonnes of footage and compress the entire season into a 1 hour documentary, which will be available here on channel, FOR FREE!
We will not make any money from this documentary, we are paying for everything out of our own pockets. In fact, we are having a very difficult time getting companies to sponsor our adventure, which was surprising. This means that we have to purchase several pieces of outdoor/survival equipment for our excursion this October. This will be the second kickstarter campaign that I have run, and unfortunately my first campaign was a failure. This pushed the release of my wild mushroom field guide, wayyyy back, but I will be releasing my self published mushroom field guide, just in time for Christmas 2019, so keep your eyes out for it!
We are hoping to raise $2000, to help us pay for gas, food, and the once a week motel accommodation, where we can shower and use the internet. If we can raise more than our goal, we will be venturing to more remote locations like Haida Gwaii! Your support will ensure that we have an amazing Matsutake season, and that we can share the journey with you. If you would like to support, check out our kickstarter page, which should be released in the next 4 days. We will be filming whether our campaign is successful or not, but we greatly appreciate all your support!

If you would like to follow our progress and trip, check out our instagram page "Fungicopia", for quick updates

**Update November 2019 - That's right ladies and gentlemen, we picked all season long in those green clothed mountains.
We didn't reach our crowdfunding goal, but we did have an incredible, full length, Matsutake season, during what most thought was a bum year! The unthinkable happened for a second year straight!
Last year it was drought, and nothing grew.
This year: We drive across Canada, hit the motherland. So much rain, so much mushroom, oh mah god!! It's going to be a slammer of a.... oh wait. All the buyers are shut down!
We managed to find a buyer for our first(and last) load of Grade #1 buttons & # 2's, drove 100km with our 30lb, 1st days haul. It was tough to find, but bless this gentleman for staying open long after the other buyers had shut down. The price was unfortunate. We'd heard it was bad, but.. $4/lb for our #1's, and $2/lb for our #2's. Not his fault, the price is set by the big dawg(s), in Vancouver and in part, the Japanese customers who appreciate this magnificent mushroom delicacy. Shook, but not dissuaded, we left with around $70 in gas money, vowing to never sell our Matsutake for chump change, ever again. It was the perfect worst case scenario, demonstrating that not everything is peachy in the world of the commercial mushroom forager. If I had any advice to people considering it as a career, I would say it's not a good idea. It's not the legendary dream job that you get told about. It is extremely unpredictable, nature and weather will decide how the season is going to play out. Some years its incredible, some years are bust. I am a madman and foraging White Matsutake mushrooms is my absolute favourite thing to do.
With the help of some very special local friends, we were able to run our large dehydrators and dry out all of our foraged Matsutake. With the help of our online customers, 400 Market patrons, and the hard work of our amazing friend Brit(who was running the entire operation, while we were away); we were able to forage 6 days a week for an entire month! We captured enough footage and photographs to produce a documentary, but we decided to film for another season to really make it incredible. We could not have done it without the support of many of you, we thank all those who contributed to the successful filming of "Magnificent Matsutake". We have no plans of stopping, the free documentary will definitely be released by Jan 1, 2021, for everyone's enjoyment.

Short clips of this years crusade, can be found on the Fungicopia instagram page.

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This is the link to our kickstarter campaign! Help us make this amazing documentary on the White Matsutake Mushroom!




