4 Keys to Telling Stories Everyone Will Love, from Cave Paintings to Star Wars | Joe Lazauskas

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"There’s actually a science to why stories matter. So when we hear a good story as human beings our brain lights up. It illuminates the city of our minds," says Contently's Editor-in-Chief Joe Lazauskas. "It makes us care. It builds relationships. And that’s why storytelling has been such a fundamental part of being human since early times." Lazauskas then defines the four key elements that all compelling stories share, from cave paintings to the Bible—even Star Wars. If you can incorporate them all into a single narrative, you may have mastered storytelling.
Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow are the authors of The Storytelling Edge (February 13, 2018), available for pre-order now.



Joe Lazauskas is the editor-in-chief of Contently and its flagship publication The Content Strategist, which Digiday named a 2015 finalist for Best New Publisher and The Drum named the Best B2B Content Marketing of 2015. A technology and marketing journalist, Joe is a regular contributor to Fast Company and has written for Mashable, Digiday, The Huffington Post, and Forbes, among other publications. He is the former editor-in- chief of The New York Egotist and The Faster Times. He can be found on Twitter @JoeLazauskas.




JOE LAZAUSKAS: There’s actually a science to why stories matter. So when we hear a good story as human beings our brain lights up. It illuminates the city of our minds. The neural activity in our brains increases fivefold and in addition we basically get given a drug. It’s called an empathy drug called oxytocin that gets released when we hear really good stories. And this combination of all of these neurons firing at five times the capacity otherwise when we hear a story, plus this really awesome drug seeping into our brain that makes us feel good makes us remember things.

It makes us care. It builds relationships. And that’s why storytelling has been such a fundamental part of being human since early times. When we were sitting around campfires and chasing wooly mammoths and trying to rub sticks together and like figure out how to make more fire and starting to build tribes we didn’t have written language. But the way that we passed down stories told our next of kin that, you know, "stay away from the tigers over there and don’t eat these berries," was through stories. Because we saw that it allowed us to store information and remember and be captivated in such a different way.

So the first element of great storytelling is relatability. And if you think back to Star Wars, right. What makes Star Wars so good? It isn’t necessarily the technology. It isn’t just the amazing graphics. The thing that makes Star Wars so good is that it was based on nostalgia for 1950s Americana. So if you look at the original Star Wars the spaceships kind of look like old hot rods from the 50s. A lot of the fashion evokes the 1950s. A lot of the shots evoke the great movies from 1950s Americana. And George Lucas was obsessed with 1950s Americana in this way. So it gave this sense of relatability that allowed viewers to be transported to this bizarre, crazy, alternate universe where these weird looking aliens were getting drunk and fighting in a space bar and there was a giant Wookie who’s a dude’s best friend. But they’re grounded in all of that nostalgia from their life that they had just had in an era where American in the 1970s was really nostalgic to that 1950s Americana and allowed it to click.

This actually ties in with the second key to great storytelling, the great element which is novelty. So relatability isn’t very good if it’s all boring, it’s generic, it’s the same thing that we’ve seen over and over again, right. Our brains also light up when we see something that’s new. It was a survival mechanism from prehistoric times when we saw something new. It was a potential threat to our lives. We had to be on high alert. We had to be wired to pay attention to it right away. And so when we see something new our brains light up, the city of our brain is illuminated. It’s going like crazy. But if something is too novel, it becomes confusing to our brains. If there’s too much novelty, we either get scared or disinterested and our brain starts to shut off and go into a survival mechanism. So in storytelling amongst those first two elements there’s this great Venn diagram between relatability and novelty and that sweet ...

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1. Render it relatable.
2. Give it novelty, but not too much.
3. Give it tension. Aristotle said the job of a storyteller is to create a gap between what should be and what is, and then string the read along closing that gap, and then reopen that gap, repeatedly until the story ends.
4. Make it simple.


Telling or writing a story is even more exciting than consuming it. A fictional realm, invented by your own brain is like a conquered land that will be yours forever and can be shares with others. Imagination is the greatest gift humanity has recieved.


The four key elements of a story are: relatability, novelty, tension, and simplicity


Relatability, novelty, tension, and fluency.

I just saved you 6 minutes.


"Illuminates the cities of our minds"

That phrase did that, and I love that way of phrasing paying attention!


Thanks for the great upload, this was really helpful for an aspiring writer like myself. Always glad to hear another viewpoint on how to tell better stories!


I understand that simple language is more accessible, but sometimes, using more vocabulary and longer sentences can tell a great story too. For every Hemmingway there is a James Joyce.


Once upon a time there was an ending that never came....

...to be continued, indefinitely.


Here's me telling a story, "I bought a tomato and I ate it, and it was good".

~ Louis CK


Wow, that was very informative.
Appreciate the good work!


My brain shut off halfway through this video


SIMPLIFY your writing and speaking! Yes! As a teacher and writer at ProsperousTeachers.com I totally agree!


Wow Lenord u should try telling stories like this to penny


orphan boy with no life, finds out he is magic and is actually one of the Chosen ones. Chosen One leads the underdogs to defeat the big bad guys who wear black.

That is the secret to story telling.


The reason Star Wars is famous is because Americans are nostalgic for the 50s? Star Wars is a global hit and to explain that you think every culture in the world is nostalgic for the American 50s. Get out of here.


The irony is that I lost interest in this video almost straight away.


The crap he's droning on about is only like 30% accurate.


Reason why you don’t have much written documents in some parts of Africa is a lot of history was passed through oral stories. Makes sense


3:44 "The job of a storyteller is to create a gap between what should be, and what is."


I had to watch this a second time because I wasn't paying attention
