Common Causes of Testicular Pain | Treatment for Testicular Pain | Dr Rahul Reddy | Androcare Clinic

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Common Causes of Testicular Pain | Treatment for Testicular Pain | Dr Rahul Reddy | Androcare Clinic

#TesticularPain #healthtipsformen #Androcare

Dr.G. RahulReddy, Andrologist and Men's health consultant and Microsurgeon, is the first university-certified Indian doctor to practice exclusive Andrology and Men’s health. He is preeminent for his fantabulous and patient ways to conduct puberty clinics, premarital counseling, andropause clinics, psychosexual counseling, and couple counseling. He is presently the director of ANDROCARE Andrology and Men’s health center.
ANDROCARE is the Best Exclusive Super specialty Andrology And Men’s Health Institute with a highly advanced area of expertise that is of global standards. The facilities and amenities that are offered by us are exclusive with matchless qualities of providing surreptitious, confidential, and reliable care.
Our Mission is to provide comprehensive and confidential medical and surgical care to all andrology problems under one roof in a transparent way.

The range of services offered at ANDROCARE are

Male Infertility Clinic
ERECTILE/Ejaculatory Dysfunction Clinic
Gynaecomastia clinic
Testicular pain clinic
Puberty clinic
Prostate clinic
Andropause clinic

For Appointment : +91 72074 50778.

Androcare Team
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Whosoever is watching this comment, I hope your testicular pain goes away as soon as possible 🙏🙏


Best video about testicle pain in other videos they only talk about scarry things but this video was really informative


Bilateral testicular pain while walking or sitting, and tenderness after errection? Can you guide me about further management


Respected sir my name somnath sukul age 52 years.4 sal sa my left testies ma pain hoycha.sir my last usg report epididymo orchities with minimal particulated free fluid in both seas.sir ki medicine khala pain koma jaba.thank you sir.


Hi Doctor recently I have noticed intermittent testicular pain on left side. Pain remains mild but cause discomfort and sweating. Can you suggest something


I haven’t opened up to anyone about mine but I’m 15 and this is somehow occurring, it’s kinda embarrassing. Every time I move my leg my testicles hurt


Hi there, I strained my groin whilst weightlifting, I thought it was an adductor strain but now I have a dull ache in my testicle about a week later, so I'm unsure what it could be


does varicocele grade 2 can be cured without surgery ?


I feel pain when I sit too much not always but sometimes should I consult a doc?


I had a light pain in left testicular, is this normal? Plz help!!


Sir, I recently had an abdominal surgery of spleen cut on 1 nov and after 5-6 days, my left testicle started hurting, when I stand for a while and maybe because of that i feel some pain near my abdomen cut too near my belly so please tell me that what to do now ..
Should I consult a doctor it will go away itself?


@Androcare Andrology Clinic 
Hello Sir I am Having Pain and Slight Swelling in my Right Testical.. With High Fever.. Local Doctor has Recommended Antibiotics Azomax and Dazaon DS.. And Advised to wear Tight Underwear.. It has revealed 50 % Pain.. But why it is happened and What should I do..? I am 40 year old and Married... It is symptoms of Hernia..??
Plz reply waiting.... Thanks 🙏


I feel pain in my left testicles happens once in a while though but when it does happen I feel this gathered weird feeling of tissues around the inner structure of my testicles please any idea on what this might be?


I used to have varicocle along with pain, and after I got it removed I now have chronic pain in the upper left testicle. Random things make it better and worse, and no urologist has really helped me. They keep saying it’s my pelvic floor but I’ve done every excercise in the book religiously and eventually pain comes back. I’m pretty sure there’s just some scars than are screwing up my nerve endings. If anyone else has similar story pls share


Let me hold you first in healthy respect.

For last a few years I have been suffering from pain in my left testis. Sometimes the pain which isn't acute arises and again goes off. Is there any major issue to fear ?


Sir, can you tell where does testicular cancer tumor grow. I mean does testicular cancer tumors grow on top of testicle or side of testicle.
Is there a chance that lumps on top of a testicle are cancerous?
Please reply.


Does testicles pain causes high fevar?, waiting for reply guys. plz tell me asap, thank you


Iv had pain in my right testical constant for goin on 7 months iv had a MRI, CT SCAN, and an ultra sound and they havent found anything iv taken atleast 6 different antibiotics and they tried a spermatic chord block and other injections but no relief i suffer everyday and living like this is the hardest thing iv ever been through


Hello can an mild overactive bladder cause testicular pain?


Hello doctor, I was suffering with pain that seems to be from left testis that only cause when stress fall on it what might be the cause sir
