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This just in, social media is fake. There is a new app going around that I looked into this weekend and it absolutely broke my heart. I selected photos I didn’t feel pretty enough in to post and It found my greatest insecurities of my face and fixed them in a split second. It made my smile less gummy, made my eyes angled up more, smoothed my skin, made my lips slightly bigger and gave me a smaller nose. It’s like it knew my biggest insecurities and targeted them. I look at these before and after photos and it breaks my heart. NO ONE LOOKS like these after photos. They are fake and unreachable standards. Please I beg of you not to compare yourself to social media on the daily. I didn’t even realize myself just how much people were editing their photos. Be cautious and guard your heart out here folks. Be careful who you follow and compare yourself to. I unfollowed a couple people this week, not to be mean or because I think they are bad people. But I kept comparing my body to theirs and it became unhealthy. You get to control what you see everyday on this app. Choose wisely what you fill your soul with 💛 #bodyconfidencemovement #editingphotos #naturalbeauty #comparison #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #faceapp #mentalhealthmatters
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I love that you shared this ❤ you are beautiful with or without the filter but by posting this you just proved your beauty goes deeper than your skin.


Gorgeous before and after! No filters needed.


I never before saw these 3 dots you mention here in comments! Interesting!
Maybe for this video to have social effect you hope, mention it in the caption. :-)

Also, now seeing the dots, sometimes they’re there sometimes not and instead is a little generic profile like icon (the profile shadow/head). Click on that and it also offers your description. Wish I could comment a screenshot for you.


The original photos are just as nice. No need to airbrush


Just wanted to clarify for those who didn’t understand the messaging of this. Click the description for the caption that goes with this video (: I didn’t post the filtered images on my social media. I just took pictures of myself and applied these ridiculous filters to show how absurd they are. I don’t post heavily filtered images like this. sorry for the confusion !


It's great to spread awareness like this, but then the question arises, if we know these filters contribute to harmful body images and impossible beauty standards, then why continue to use them? I'm talking about more than a bit of color correction or erasing a zit or two.


This almost made me cry. Sometimes I get so frustrated because I don’t edit my photos and it’s hard to stand up to edited and smoothed over pictures and I don’t want to. But there is so much pressure to do it.


I think you are more beautiful without the filters. Real is beautiful!


Why do you use the filters, then? Each photo looks so much better before the fancy alterations. I get you're showing how fake social media is and it is good for young people to see at the same time you're still using these fake filters in your own


But doesn’t using filters like these propagate the unrealistic standards women hold themselves to?


You are so beautiful that I had to watch again to notice that the photos were changing! No one needs a filter or Facetune 😍


I grew up in a generation where we called each other on the phone (that was on the wall in the kitchen) and always saw each other in person. We weren't constantly taking selfies of ourselves--we were outside living life. Don't get me wrong, I love taking pictures but mostly nature pictures. I'm 52 and my husband says that I have the body of a 25 year old. I see every freckle and line but I have to tell myself that I earned all those. I have a flat stomach but I'm thick waisted and short so I'll never look like those 5' 10" swimsuit models in the catalogue. That's okay. I'm me. I have all different curl textures in my hair and it's long, silver/brown and does its own thing. I don't wear makeup (it's extremely rare if I do) and sometimes I feel like I "should" wear makeup. I love the feeling of no makeup and people are used to seeing me with no makeup. I take care of my skin and I think it looks pretty good for 52. I'm not going to lie, I was unsure about this whole aging thing and should I stop dyeing my hair and start wearing makeup, blah, blah, blah. I love my silver sparkles and my smooth bare skin. My top is perky and my legs are sexy. Lol! I'm the one that has to see myself in the mirror everyday. It works for me. Love this video of yours, India. I wish more people felt confident about their looks. I'm in a gray hair group on FB and you wouldn't believe some of the rude comments people make about women who decide not to color their grays. It's sad. There are a lot insecure people out there. Sorry for the major essay.


It sure is. I always see all these beautiful people online but never see them in real life. Same with bodies. Everyone has an amazing body on Instagram but I hardly ever see a banging body unless it’s at gyms.


Why do you use the filters? It is perpetuating the problem.


Thank you for always normalizing natural beauty! I love your real smile by the way…much more beautiful than the filtered version. 😊


Love that you shared this I really think you look beautiful (jaw dropping Lee gorgeous) without any of the filters, I really think they should just be used for fun or if you’re really rough every now and then but with a full face of make up I think it’s very much not needed and confusing our youth honestly the less we even use them the better❤


thank you for this. constantly thinking there is something wrong with my face. it is so exhausting!! let's make more of this content. all of us


You are gorgeous with or without the filters! 💛 Thank you for this! This is why I love you, you are so humble and real. Beautiful inside and out 🥰


You are very sweet girl. Young. Big eyes. No filters needed


Love your honesty but you're totally beautiful both ways
