5 Questions to ask your dentist before you get dentures

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5 Questions to ask your Dentist before you get dentures

In this video, Dr. Rich goes over 5 questions that you need to ask your dentist before you get dentures.

0:00 - Intro
0:35 - Should I get immediate or regular dentures?
2:42 - If immediate dentures, will they be “healing dentures” of the final set of dentures?
5:04 - Is the cost of the reline or final set of dentures included in the price quote?
6:46 - How are adjustment visits handled?
8:00 - How natural will they look?
9:21 - Bonus questions: What if I don’t like the dentures?

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any dental advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained dentist or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional dental advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed dentist or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your dental health.
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Watching this videos made me realized, i got ripped off by not explaining this really well before even offering the immediate denture!! Thank you for educating us!! Love your videos


I had to have 13 extractions. Most of them were teeth that were broken of at the gum. 5 of them were the top front teeth that were jagged. My dentist was very up front with me and made sure that I knew the pros and cons to immediate dentures and permanent dentures. I have chosen to heal completely before getting my permanent dentures. I am getting the top denture and a partial for my bottom. It's hard to have the patience but it is the best choice.


I just had 27 teeth pulled. I’m day 5 now, and I game one super sore spot in the front bottom, otherwise I don’t have ANY pain post op, I was struggling with teeth pain for years, almost like getting teeth pulled feels better than a toothache, or wisdom teeth working themselves outs pain. I’m STOKED on the results so far.


He makes a very important point. Don't be shy. 1) You must discuss your expectations in advance, as to whether you want perfectly looking dentures vs. copying old imperfections. 2) HUGE leap of faith having all your teeth pulled, then assuming your immed or regular dentures are gonna fit.
3. Buyer beware! Getting suckered into a "point of no return" by a very friendly-sounding dentist, who may eventually get sick of making adjustments, is not fun! BINGO!! that's me...fighting with the owner of the dental practice because nothing was discussed up front, with the guy featured in the friendly TV commercial.


thank you very much for explaining the process here. I have had an upper plate for more years than I can remember and am on my 3rd one. I have had it maybe 10 years and it is still perfect. I wear no adhesive at all. I also have a partial on the lower in the front and still have some molars that it connects too. I was fortunate that my dentist always has done a great job making the teeth look right, pretty and fit well. The first one I got freaked me out because it had too much product that made my lip stick out. When I went in the next day he took off all the excess and all was great. It is very traumatic for people and it helps if your dentist is aware and thoughtful when helping a patient adjusting to wearing a denture. Kindness and extra care go a long way to making a person needing a denture feel normal. I plan on keeping the teeth I have left so I won't need a lower plate. I understand they can be hard to deal with. I certainly can't afford implants


I'm getting my immediate dentures next week. I'm so anxious. Our teeth are not just tools, they are part of how we are perceived by the world. I won't 'just' be adjusting physically, but my self-identification will be adjusting too. I know that it will be a long process. I expect pain. But preparing with realistic expectations will help me a lot.

My dentist didn't explain anything. Just did an impression, then told me I would have all my teeth pulled & go home wearing the dentures. I never heard of this method. I think that she should have told me more or given me some literature to take home with me. Thank God for UTube. I really appreciate that you made this video.

I'm making a list of helpful videos to recommend. You will be at the top. Thanks.


I’m a teacher so I’m definitely going to wait until my mouth heals first and can get away with wearing a mask until I can get permanents put in. I’m off for the summers so that’ll be a perfect time frame for me.


In the Netherlands dentures is free of cost . The basic health insurance about 180 euros every month included this even implants . Even rebase reline . Also removing teeth.


This is the best video I've seen so far on this subject. Thank you.


I want you for my dentist. I’m so tired of the run around that I have been through just to get my top plate. I have a smaller gum line and had smallish teeth. I was promised that my new teeth would look the same yet no impressions were made prior to them all being pulled. I also have space/gaps and I want it back!! I’ve been making my own while trying to find a trustworthy honest dental practice.


In my treatment plan and explanation my dentist made it clear that there were the immediate dentures and then the 2nd set. He included both with costs in plan and went over it with me. I would hope every dentist did that but apparently they don't.


Haven't started the process or the decision yet so, I really appreciate this information today and you explained it well . Now to find a Dentist I can trust !


I am grateful for you sharing this information. I feel I will be more confident and aware of what to expect


I appreciate your thorough explanations of what to expect and what questions to get answers to.


Thank you ... I am equipped to fully understand the process before deciding


Very informative and I appreciate how straight forward you are in the video. This will help anyone who intends to get dentures.


Thank you so much…I’m facing getting dentures and you answered a lot of things that my dentist didn’t address because of lack of time. I’m 77 yo woman and was hoping my teeth would last a lifetime given how much I’ve been to the dentist but decay won. Freaked out by the thought of dentures.


I'm going in for my initial visit in a few days. I am dealing with some advanced periodontal disease and the impressions worried me. But now, a lot of dental practices do use "Itero" 3D imaging to make your immediates. I have several loose teeth and did some checking.


I'm in the middle of treatment where my implants are healing and I'm wearing a temporary until the healing is done. I will ask my dentist how my final dentures will be handled should there be problems. Thank you very much.


Thanks for the info Doc, I have Hyperdontia where my third set of teeth basically destroyed my second set and themselves and I am looking into getting them replaced with dentures, My dentist also advised me that it would be wise to run around without teeth for a week or two depending on how my jaw heals and the sockets close so that my Dentures would fit nicely and not fall out. I would like to see a follow up video on permanent dentures that get bolted in, I would like to have that as the end goal but would want to know the pros and cons about having teeth put into your head with a torque wrench. :)
