things i wish i knew in high school

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I have to talk about this real quick omg. so I remember there was this new girl at my middle school who transferred there in the middle of the year, so of course on her first day she had zero friends yet. But she was just really happy and polite and she didn't act super shy and scared of everyone, but also wasn't like, obnoxiously-boisterous just to overcompensate for being alone, you know? She was just calm and cool with being herself and starting conversations with everyone in between classes and on her first day she just walked right up to my friend group and asked if she could sit with us at lunch, and we became really good friends.

I just thought that confidence she had while being in an unfamiliar place made her look so much cooler than everyone else who was so dependent on having a friend in every class or like, not knowing what to do with themselves if their friend was at home sick one day or something. Like this girl *just got here* and she's literally fine.

Fast forward 15 years and Reina is still my best friend. She got me through losing a parent in high school, we were roommates in college, we hung out so much at each others family events that our siblings ended up getting together and they recently had a baby together, she's literally become family to me. And in June she'll be my maid of honor at my wedding! 😁 she's been a constant in my life while also helping me to see that it's okay to take new journeys by yourself sometimes. Your true friends will still be there when you get back :)

And to all the young folks, trust me-

It's way more fun when someone keeps you around *not because they think they need you, * but simply because they genuinely *want* you to be there with them.


Is it me or does she have hearts in her eyes?


I wish I knew the first tip earlier I lost all my high school friends over the span of 1 maybe 2 years at most


“don’t do a class to be codependent on friends” i have none so this should be easy 😅


in my case i literally have to have all my classes with at least one friend because i have extremely severe anxiety and if i’m left alone i worry so much that then only way i can calm down is to leave


Thank you so much, I really needed this


The take care of your body one is so true. I tend to workout everyday and drink this drink called Solti (can be found at target). My mom always says “Oh it’s just baby fat”


Thank you I am home school and going to public high school in 2 years and I’m scared


Ok but RESTING at home isnt where memories are made. If you are an introvert that may be your goals- but as an intro or extro you should try and learn to be the opposite and get comfortable with BOTH scenarios…. But ya… the parties i went to are where the best memories were made! 😊❤😊❤. Just remember to not gossip, dont drink too much, be yourself, and try to avoid things that are BAD that ppl may gossip about (like kissing someone elses bf/gf- or drinking so much you ruined the party!). ❤. Stay safe and have a buddy system!


Did she just use a butter knife to apply her foundation???


you forgot to teach them how to breathe too
