7 things I wish I knew in my 20s

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Life lessons from my 20s.

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Bro hasn't smiled even once, he's not boring , it's like he faced some harsh realities and telling us not to do the same, respect👍🏻


Your "monotonous" way of presentation is really UNIQUE and that makes you stand out from the crowd of other presenters on YouTube. You don't have to change that for anyone. Personally, I find your presentation style and voice soothing to the eyes and ears!!!


1. Most of the decisions you make is reversible.
2. If you have spent lot of resources on a wrong thing thinking it is the right think, this doesn't give you excuse to stay on that path just because you gave too much and are willing to go further down that road.
3. The universe doesn't care about you.
4. Get Over your fear
5. Don't outsource thinking, take some time to think by yourself. Doing/learning things what everyone else is doing will make you mediocre.
6. Work hard but on the right path.
7. Good communication skills are imp even when you are an introvert. Helps you get the job done!


A couple of things that I came up with deep thinking on my own:
1. Most goals are not really difficult, they are more of a time sink. In most cases, if you spend long enough working towards it, you eventually will reach it. The difficult decision is if you want to sink that much time into the goal or not?
2. Getting started is much more important than planning how to do a thing perfectly. As you start doing the thing, and gain experience with it, you will learn how to optimize it little by little to make the experience better.


On my own, I realised this --
- believing in yourself than anyone else is the most important thing to do first.
- Planning what and how you are going to do next on your own.
- Being Consistent.
- Meditation is the key to focus !!!!


My story is same as you brother. I did civil engineering, and worked two years in construction sites. Then I lost my job due to economic crises in my country (Sri Lanka). Same as you I started learning programming. I almost give up learning programming and I got your video in my youtube home feed. Thank you for your inspiration. This video helps me to keep fighting. I'm 28 years old.


I will be turning 20 in four months and I think this video made me think about myself and not give up when fear wins over my mind. Thanks for the video man.


I'm currently 19 now and I feel so left behind. i haven't been making any progress in my life for past three 3 years. When open Instagram and see my friends having a good times there, I feel so lonely and depressed. I always used to distract myself doom scrolling all day and night. but today i randomly found your video and after watching it, I feel so relaxed and I can relate to everything you talked about in the video. I realized and learned a lot through this video I couldn't stop myself from crying. I don't know how to put it into words man. thank you very much, more power to you!


Im a 19 year old CS major. Ive been feeling like I havent done enough no matter how hard I try. Thank you so much.


Biggest Lesson I Learned: Embrace Solitude

When I was in my early twenties, I had the chance to live in another city while attending school. Long story short, I faced immense pressure, stopped going to school, and ended some relationships. It was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made. But with the support of my family, I gained valuable insights:

Embrace Fearlessness: Most people are too busy with their own lives to pay much attention to what you’re doing. So, go ahead and try things you thought were impossible, too embarrassing, or not your style.
*side note: This also just made me more aproachable in general bc I didn't take myself too srsly anymore, so good way to make long time friends in new cities!!

Self-Reflection: Having that much free time forces you to confront the less-than-perfect aspects of yourself. It’s a case-by-case journey, so go about it however you see fit. Ultimately, I've gained a stronger sense of self and the confidence to attempt things I once thought impossible. There's still plenty to learn, though.

This is all just forehead advice to alot of you im sure, but it genuinely transformed my life.


I really appreciate your hard work and you give your precious time by shooting these videos and share your thoughts is just awesome .


I realised on my own that underestimating yourself and working hard for your goals is better than overestimating yourself and doing negligible work and just passing judgements on what others are doing


You stand out of the crowd and also all your videos shows your intelligence, hard work, and patience. Hats off!


Thank You so much for the video. I get motivated while watching your videos and they are really really helpful. The content you are putting in is really amazing keep going and expect more content from your side.


Truly Inspiring and motivating. Thank you for sharing your experience with us 😀


I hear you! I really can understand your story, I had a similar one and now I'm working from heart ❤ to be every day better at my passions and communicate better, at the end we all are social people by nature


Your monotonous way of present is literary excellent, It seems like you are speaking from heart and feels like every next minute you are gonna tell some unique think therefore we stick till the end in your all videos.Thank you so much for making this quality content and sharing your experience with us.


HEY ! Thanks for sharing wisdom with younger generation and inspiring us to better future ! Good luck with your future career and life !


Great thumbnail! It definitely caught my attention and made me want to click on the video. Can't wait to watch and learn more about tech. Thanks for sharing 🤗


Thank you very much. Changing my career from Telecommunication Engineering to Software Development has been a significant milestone for me. This story has truly motivated me
