7 Surprising Reasons You May Have Heartburn (Acid Reflux)

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Join me in this video as we discuss 7 common root causes of acid reflux. .

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Note: Depending on your stage of GERD, it may be imperative to stay on acid suppressing medications while pursuing gut healing. If you have advanced + severe GERD I recommend working with a Functionally Trained Provider for an individualized plan.

The chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen), and Aleve (naproxen), can wear away at the mucus layer of the digestive tract. If you are someone who takes these daily, do not address stomach acid before addressing your gut lining.

The information contained in this video is not medical advice and meant for educational purposes only.
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I suggest trying a quick & easy alternative approach that just might work for you. Just drink a couple glasses of water and jump up and down for a couple minutes to jiggle the stomach back down to its normal position. No harm or cost in giving this approach a try. You should know quickly, in same day or in a couple days, if this approach helps.

Forty years ago, I did an activity which forced part of my stomach up through or past the diaphragm. It was a couple months later that I suddenly started having severe stomach pains. I was initially misdiagnosed by a doctor as having ulcers. It was a couple of years of misery before I realized that the doctor was wrong and I had gastric reflux disease, or GERD. GERD often happens naturally without a clear cause, especially with older people. Normally, the esophagus sphincter and the diaphragm sphincter muscles line up and reinforce each other. If part of the stomach is pushed or pulled up through the diaphragm, the two sphincter muscles don’t line up and stomach acid can more easily leak into the esophagus, causing GERD.

Other people suggest drinking warm or hot water to relax the muscles, I would suggest cold water so that the heavy water will stay in the stomach longer. I would also suggest doing it first thing in the morning so the volume of water won’t dilute the digestion process of other food. It may take a repeat on a few successive days for the esophagus to adapt to the new longer length for the stomachs to stay in its new proper position. I would repeat the process anytime I got heartburn or acid taste in my mouth. I have been trouble free for over 35 years now, and can eat anything I want and take no meds for anything. I later learned of a gastroenterologist in Michigan who recommends this process also; maybe others now also.

The body needs strong hydrochloric acid in the stomach to trigger the esophageal sphincter to close, to break down bulk foods generally, and to separate protein into the amino acid components to be effectively absorbed from the small intestines for use to make new proteins our body needs. Most or all GERD medicines block the production of or neutralize the hydrochloric acid which then interferes with protein digestion and interferes with esophageal sphincter closing. Both of those actions are counterproductive.


I thought i have angina and congestive heart disease or asthma and any lungs problems ( pneumonia? tuberculosis? ) but never connected it with gerd or reflux as I had no stomach symptoms...Chest pains. Tightness in chest, laborate breath..


What helped me the most Was a change in Diet, cutting all Carbs and sweets ofc and doing intermittent fasting.

I went from waking up at night with acid in my throat to no GERD at all After just one month ... before that i Was on PPI's for 2 years.
Now if i notice something coming up, which is rare, only After spicy food usually or a cheat day, i just drink 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in Water with some sea salt and Lemon Juice and its gone instantly(only do this if you dont have Ulcers)


You clearly know your onions but please slow down and stop for breath. We are not all from USA


No oil! It is unhealthy, not to mention empty calories. Eat the whole food for healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, avocado, grains, etc.
