Why be an Autodidact? | Autodidact

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1.1 / Autodidact

What it means to be an autodidact? To be self taught. We cover why it's important to become an autodidact and how you can benefit from it to be happier, healthier and more successful.

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I have now labeled myself an autodidact. I have never been good in school, but I always desired to learn. After graduating from university, I took the time to spend more the 6, 000 USD on books to redevelop my thinking & learning abilities. Teaching myself is something that I have been doing subconsciously for years. I shunned myself for not wanting to wait on others to teach me.


Autodidacts nowadays are quite common as we are in the age of information and also thanks to the online resources on the internet.
We just don't see them very often, except for known writers and philosophers of today, as most are immersed in books and or doing their research of interest. One can be employed and still be an autodidact.
And you never know that a gardener you pass by secretly has a thorough understanding of vast topics and can be described as an autodidact.


Basically you can reprogram your brain from habits just by being open to new information. Reading more or by listening to audiobooks. I started talking to a girl that introduced me to the whole concept of autodidacts. She’s incredibly gifted and an inspiration to me. This gives me a new purpose. We can literally become geniuses. And that’s incredible to me. I’ve had the idea to study heavily before. But I just couldn’t find the motivation and got bored really quick. Which stopped me completely. But this is very interesting.


It's easier than ever to learn new things on your own. I think I've been doing it the entire time without knowing what it was called. I think one way to become smarter quickly would be to listen to people who are smarter and think differently than you and take what you like and leave the rest.


Great video dudey. I think every school needs to teach out of the box thinking, to question everything in order to come to your own individual conclusions. The moment we stop learning is the moment we hit the autopilot button. To quote George Carlin: Don't just teach your children to read... Teach them to question what they read, teach them to question everything!


Ahhh...now I know the word that describes me! Thank you!


Nice video. Becoming an autodidact in my 20's changed my life for the better. The Chimp Paradox is a great book, I like how you included it in this video.


Nice talk. I love how you went unscripted here and poured out your mind without any editing. Thanks. Subscribed.


Nassim taleb in their book antifragile discuss about autodidact below is the quote from book.

Only the autodidacts are free. And not just in school matters – those who decommoditize, detouristify their lives."

Great video and gread discussion...
Love from India 🇮🇳


Great video! I hope you do many more! I also am an autodidact as well as a Renaissance soul and I must prefer studying on my own. I do have my degree in education but I must admit I've felt I'm a better teacher than most of the courses I sat through in college and books as well as documentaries are the best ways to learn! Keep up these great videos!


Most universities don't teach you the skills you need for the workplace. It's rather the case that completing most degrees is a process of ticking boxes and you learn the actual skills you need through self learning while at a job.


Loving the video so far, but it’s Heraclitus man!!! Who said that man cannot stand in the same river twice and so on. There’s a fragment of his wiring that survived saying this. The OGGG


With the standards being dropped at most schools, colleges I see the benefit of self education. I've seen many so called college graduates that didn't know basic American history that was at a 6th grade level.


Thoroughly imbibed a lot of things that you've said. Subscribed.


Thanks, great video
Knowledge has to be constant


Thank you very much for your lovely video. I'm completely i
an autodidact. I've been studying psychology, neurology, philosophy, and social anthropology, anything that related to the human condition, et al. Since I was 9. I'm a music therapist and I work with the top 3% of the sickest comorbid people in my country, including prison inmates. When I had my interview I beat off 16 people with masters degrees. My brother is the same to he works or one of the world's biggest digital advertising agencies, self trained. Thank you for your nice video. My countries government has changed the law so I'm going to have to get a qualification to, I've been told I need to get a qualification to keep my job. You simply didn't need any you just had to prove, that you had good efficacy and I used adaptive therapy mostly. When you're working at that level of mental health, you have to gain those guys, trust not round the other way. My boss who was absolutely lovely. Afterwards, when I got the job, he said. You already had the job Heath, and he laughed. Just had to go through the official process. I've love my job and I'm also their autism specialist.❤


Maybe this is the solution to poor education. Imagine how much money in taxes we would save in the UK if we only taught people to teach themselves throughout education, and regulated the information for maths, english, science and otherwise online.


😂😂😂 who watched this vid and decided to give it a thumbs 👎🏼 lol

They must of been like na I don’t wanna be autodidactic!! lol
I’m happy with what Iv learnt so far! That’s enough 😂


Why do you sound like the school of life narrator


Do you have any particular book recommendations?
