How to beat Malenia Blade of Miquella in Elden Ring (No Summons)

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on defeating Malenia Blade of Miquella in Elden Ring, designed to help you overcome this challenging boss encounter without resorting to any cheese tactics. In this video, we'll provide you with expert strategies and tips to emerge victorious in your battle against Malenia.

Elden Ring is renowned for its demanding gameplay, and Malenia Blade of Miquella is no exception. With our optimized approach, you'll learn the most effective techniques to counter her attacks, exploit weaknesses, and maximize your chances of success.

Subscribe to our channel for more in-depth guides, tips, and tricks to conquer the challenges that await you in Elden Ring. Good luck, and may your blade be true!



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finally a guide that doesnt say "summon mimic tear"


I just want to say this is one of the best Malenia Guides I have come across in terms of actually giving proper tips of surviving the Water Fowl Dance. Most other guides say " try keep your distance" or " use this specialized ash to dodge around" so I appreciate that. Also I think at times you sound a bit like Dunky, and it's pretty hilarious. Keep it up!


There's a fourth option to deal with the waterfowl dance, which is carry a shield and pull it out to block the first attack, then dodge through the rest as usual.


After fighting and losing to Malenia for hours, I’ve come to realize that her first phase isn’t really all that bad other than Waterfowl Dance. She actually flinches fairly often (unless she’s using a move of hers that has hyper armor) so if you are able to experiment with interrupting some of her attacks with a quicker weapon, you can just bully her into her 2nd phase. Also, being able to stay in your own attack range to successfully follow up after avoiding her attacks is really helpful as well. I’d recommend practice proper spacing and learning which way to dodge for specific moves that keeps you in your own attacking range once she has finished her attacks. It shouldn’t be too difficult to beat her first phase as long as you’ve found the solution to her normal attacks and learn how to properly deal with waterfowl dance.


Hilarious, let's get to why you're here, the waterfowl dance move. He knows right away. Last time that move in 2nd phase where I know I had her 😔


This gave me a much needed laugh right before snapping my controller in half and throwing one piece at my tv and choking myself on the other.


The part about circling her if she pulls out Water Fowl point blank is gonna help me out a lot. I can survive this move fairly consistently, but whenever she pulls it point blank it’s either death or right in the edge of death if I time some rolls right. Thanks. This should help with my consistency against this move


I think the main problem with this fight (aside from the RNG factor) is the water fowl move, it is unbalanced in se sense of speed, continuity and lethality to the point it becomes extremely difficult to find a way to survive it in order to keep improving and win the fight, therefore people end up either looking for a guide to beat Malenia fair and square or just cheese her and be done with it.
Anyway, thanks for the guide.


And I thought god of war on the hardest difficulty without zeus armor was bad. I thought lawrence or ludwig was bad. Nah man, this boss fight takes it to a whole new level. This is pound for pound the hardest boss fight I’ve ever done in any video game


I don't wanna be that guy but someone has to, just use all the buffs before entering like bloodboil aromatic, exalted flesh, golden vow incantation, and if you have a dex build and some arcane just go for rivers of blood katana or two bandit curved swords with seppuku on both of them. Don't forget to activate your rune ( I recommend godricks cuz it gives +5 to all your stats and its easy to find ). Do all of that before crossing the mist and good luck. Oh and something i always do especially against insane bosses like this one, first ever time I enter, don't usually buff up because 1. I wanna watch the cutscene and 2. You re usually spawned way closer and makes it way harder. I hoped this helped


I'm currently on her so looking up tips.

I've played and beat every From game, never used a summon or magic or anything like that. Pure melee and learning their patterns.

However, when I first played Elden Ring I admit that for the first time I summoned help in the form of mimic tear for Malenia. I felt like the dirty little cheat that I was, for it's no achievement at all. So now I'm doing a solo run and it was going quite well - killed godskin duo 2nd try with ease. Killed Godfrey first try with ease.
But Malenia is kicking my backside. I can get to phase 2 in under a minute with all flasks remaining, but phase 2 is destroying me. Lol.


It took me 50+ tries, but I just did it! Now I can confidently say that this boss probably needs to be tweaked.

It seems necessary to either use indomitable or bloodhound step to consistently defend against Waterfowl Dance, and I don’t think that’s fair.

If you’re struggling though, I do suggest experimenting with indomitable. You can use it to make a lot of her strings punishable that aren’t normally.


Noticed if your right next to her on her water fowl dance and can’t run away, you can hit her multiple times and it will cancel it ( easier with a katana)


i feel like it should be stated that mimic tear can be viable if you have a weapon that can stun her quickly (i used the meteoric ore blade +10, the bleed also helps) and it basically chugs her health fast enough to out-dps her healing
you still have to be really careful for her uber omega bitch combo because she'll heal alot off the mimic and itll obviously mess you up if you dont dodge right

but if youre a strict "no ashes/mimic" then youre on your own, gl lol

and one last note, you can turn down character dialog all the way down if you dont want to go insane lul


I'm going to have to mark this is the boss I'll never be able to beat. I have nerve damage in my left hand more so than my right and it's significantly slows my reaction time. this enemy this is no way I can dodge it enough times to win it when she is literally cheesing me with her abilities. the only good thing I can say about is that she's an optional so story wise she doesn't hurt me. this was me 4 years ago I would have spent days trying to meet her before giving up now I won't even try because I already know the result. ironically the only ability I would have problem with is healing one. if you remove that I would at least stand the chance Buddy's ideas so I wish all you who do have the chance to take her down all the luck in the world


Black knife tiche is a decent summon for this actually as it dodges lots of attacks and does lots of damage


Honestly if you want to beat her without any cheese the thing ive never seen a single person bring up, but it is obvious to me... is her body language. she has a tell just in the way she walks/carries herself. you can think of this as she has 2 different stances. passive/aggressive. from each of these she has multiple attacks. some of which have the same opening animation to disguise the current variation of the attack she is about to use, but the difference is when she is being aggressive there is less wind up, and held stances after swings. then depending on how close you are to her as she ends her aggro 2 stage trade combo, depends on whether she will finish the aggressive trade combo with what i call one of her waterfowl stance attacks. She has multiple of these to disguise what move she is doing directly at first, but at the end of the 3 stage aggro stance trade combo, the 2nd stage is characterized by where she just continously stabs, and weaves her sword straight forward at you while lunging. depending on how close you are at the end of this attack she may then go to the finisher part of the attack which is her waterfowl stance attack (these are any attack where she jumps up into the air, this jump up ani is the same for waterfowl/crash atk/ even scarlet aeonia up until the flower forms), where she jumps up like water fowl, but immediately does a crashing attack back to the ground. THIS will give you the most consistent window to attack her. all you do is allow her to jump up, and roll forward under her as she attacks so she misses. immediately go straight into a jumping attack as you recover from roll. she will be animation rooted from the crash attack which your JMPATK should stagger her.

Melania's fighting style is very much like a pitcher in baseball. Where the Pitcher has multiple throw variations, but he tries keep his wind up for all his different pitches exactly the same in an attempt to disguise which variation he is using from the batter so the batter (us in this case) has to determine the way the pitcher is attacking by how everything develops after the full wind up animation. she also has this style while remaining on the ground with her grab/quick piercing charge atk, and her stabbing/waving water combo. which all of these have a passive, and aggro form. the passive forms you can just jump atk into her, and sometimes do another strong atk, or a dodge into strong bonk. when she is being more aggressive you can't just strong bonk stagger into another, but you have to wait until she gets to the end of an atk that has a recovery time.

that or you can just blasphemous blade weapon art her to the ground over and over.


Just beaten her melee solo after many hours and about 2 weeks sporadic attempts. Level 149, 60 strength, 40 vitality, decent endurance and dex using Radogans Soreseal, dodge roll talisman. Barring the blood loss build which I wanted to avoid, the key is to wear a light build and double hand a good weapon no heavier than a claymore level sword. For phase 1 I used frost as she's weak to it. Quickstep Ash of war (which I didn't really use tbh therefore could exchange for the frost throw thing). In the first phase often you can control the action and therefore you can afford to be quite aggressive when you get her moves down. If she spin kicks, charges a sword sweep or goes for a grab, she's invincible and therefore you will get hit even if you strike first unless you build up a frost drain or stagger her to riposte. Sometimes though it is worth getting hit if you can pull off 2-3 strikes to her one. After these attacks though you can punish her with 2-3 R1's or an R2 followed by 1-2 R1's. Other attacks you can at a certain strength level stagger her for a single shot and retreat or do a combination. She'll use waterfowl at approx 70% and 30% health (I may be a little out here). You can entice her to do it when you notice her seeming to hold back and behave as if she wants you to enter range. Try drawing her with a sword swing or throw something at her. Barring some tricky close range moves, I found with waterfowl that running away in a straight line from mid range at light build can get you out of the hit range for her first 2 flurries, and then you roll through her locked on and do a reverse roll away to miss her 3rd flurry. If you are quick here you can rush in and get her with an R1. If you need to heal then often in phase 1 you can just run away by making use of the vast arena. If you try and heal in range she will often charge you with a straight stab so be mindful. Phase 2 to follow.


Guide for greatshield users (I'll assume fingerprint)
You should ALWAYS dodge her thrust attacks. I know you can tank it, but she heals so much off of those, it's not even funny.
Her downwards slam finisher attacks may be the easiest to dodge, but I suggest you stand in them and guard counter instead.
If you use a thrusting weapon (Why use a greatshield otherwise...), you can keep hitting her during her waterfowl combo. If you're lucky, you'll proc bleed/frostbite/posture break on her, which interrupts her combo.
I hope you didn't forget your green turtle talisman at home. That is essential for greatshield builds.
At some point you might become pretty good at dodging most of her attack. Know that it is still wise to block some attacks instead, just enough to land 1-2 hits from behind your shield, to keep her from recharging posture.
Using blood infusion on your shield and spamming shield crash might carry you through phase one pretty quickly (but not always, it's hit and miss), but I found this tactic to be way too unreliable in phase 2, not to mention the price you have to pay for such a gimmick (degraded stability and physical defense).
Throw a freezing pot at her when she turns into a flower. It will instantly frostbite her.
After breaking her posture and doing a critical hit, either go for a charged heavy attack or an another freezing pot (or heal).


I actually found the Radhan Bowmen very helpfull in this battle, I placed him at the entrance and kept the aggro while He send her flying with his Gravitation arrows. But as someone with a mage build, this Boss is a nightmare, I went completely melee here. At least the first phase is, in my humble oppinion, impossible to Deal with sorcery

Btw. Best guide I have seen. I hate all the "Cheese guides" i want to beat the Boss like its supposed to be
