Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire?

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When the Roman Empire split between East and West in the 5th century, both halves continued to think of themselves, and refer to themselves, as Romans. But over time, historians in western Europe began to describe the Eastern Roman Empire as 'the Empire of the Greeks, and later 'the Byzantine Empire'. Why were they reluctant to call them what the Eastern Romans always called themselves - Romans??

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Fun fact: Christians of the orthodox church of Antioch (Syria and the Levante) officially refer to themselves as Roman Orthodox.
Once a Roman, always a Roman 😊


The people who lived in the "Byzantine Empire" never knew nor used the word "Byzantine." They know themselves to be Romans, nothing more and absolutely nothing less.


Fun fact: I heard my grandfather call us Romans (Romioi) many times when he was talking about politics. I’m from Cyprus.


*"Rome conquered greece militarily, Greece conquered rome culturally"*


As half-Turkish, I'd like to say to my Greek brothers that no matter what those Germanic Northerners have to say, we Turks admittedly know that the Byzantine empire was probably the only true continuation of the Roman Empire and that (after the Italians maybe) the Greeks are culturally, linguistically and religiously as Roman as a people can get.
Greetings to all my Greek brothers 🇹🇷❤🇬🇷 ☪️❤☦️


The Roman Empire lasted for an astounding 2000 years. That's a hell of a record.


Roman Empire: The legendary original series that everyone loves
Byzantine Empire: The cool sequel which goes its own path to distinguish itself
Holy Roman Empire: The awful Netflix adaptation

Ottoman Empire: The spinoff of the sequel that is only tangentially related to the original series and divisive among fans
Latin Empire: The spinoff that was so bad it was canceled after one season and everyone pretends it never happened
Western Roman Empire: the last couple of seasons of the original series that's difficult for many to watch
Roman Kingdom: The obscure novel that started the franchise but that most fans haven't bothered reading
Roman Republic: The prequel series that's just as good as the original series
Mussolini's Empire: Bad fanfiction that was abandoned halfway through

Edit 2:
Sultanate of Rum: When a production from a foreign country made an adaptation of the sequel for their domestic market, without any idea what the series is actually based on apart from the name.

Romania: Brought to you by the same people who tried to pitch the Latin Empire spinoff. Not at all related to the original series, but it's surprisingly good especially the Transylvania Vampire Arc.

Megali Idea Greece: A headcannon idea for a modern revival of the sequel supported by a small group of hardcore fans that was once popular, but is nowadays obscure. They are sworn enemies of fans of the modern Turkey series, which is a sequel to the Ottoman Empire spinoff.

Russia ("Third Rome"): When the sequel series finally ended after 12 seasons, some fans started referring to the unrelated, long-running Russia TV series as a legitimate continuation, and the executives of the Russia series actually endorsed the idea. However, most of the fandom doesn't agree with them.

Kingdom/Tsardom of Bulgaria (1908–1946): A modern series that takes place in the same area as the sequel. Some fans had hoped this new show would've built up to a revival of sorts, but the show concluded with a much different ending.


Roman Empire ended in 1453
Just 39 years before Columbus set foot on America.


The real Rome was, not only Italy and not only Greece
She was a mix of both cultures and languages
Latin and Greek


We Greeks keep on calling ourselves as "Romios", while for Turkey we are the "Rum".


Interesting to note, that currently, the Greeks in Constantinople (Istanbul), are still referred to as ''Romans''' by the Turks. And the Greek Orthodox Patriarch is still referred to as the ''Roman Patriarch'' by the Turks also.


A Civilization/Empire that lasted through 2000 years is an astonishing feat.


I wish you guys would do a series on Constantine like you did on Belisarius


This video literally explains why the Greeks called themselves as Romans these days. Byzantine empire was just the name given to make everyone forget that this empire was the part of the Roman empire that managed to exist, so they could call Charlemagne "Holy Roman Emperor".


I like this phrase: "The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire." 😂


So many reject this. they still follow the forced history of german scholars


"True inheritors"
Pfffft, glorified barbarians that sacked first the Western Roman Empire and centuries later did the same with the Eastern Roman Empire and called it a "crusade".


Si chiama Impero Romano d'oriente . E no impero bizantino . Si chiama impero romano d'oriente


I think about Byzantium at least once a week.


Είναι πολύ απλό και δεν χρειάζεται ερμηνεία. Ξεκίνησε ως Ανατολικό ρωμαϊκό κράτος για καλύτερη διακυβέρνηση. Αναγκαστικά σε μια περιοχή με μεγάλο Ελληνικό πλυθησμο και ακόμα μαγαλυτερο Ελληνόφωνο πληθυσμό, το ρωμαϊκό στοιχείο άρχισε να μειώνεται ώσπου απορροφήθηκε τελείως. Το κράτος πήρε μια ξεχωριστή, δική του πορεία με έντονα τα Ελληνικά στοιχεία. Το δυτικό πήρε μια άλλη πορεία, λατινική. Το όνομα Ρωμαίος παρέμεινε για δύο σημαντικούς λόγους. Πρώτον ως ανάμνηση ενός πολύ μεγάλου και δυνατού κράτους, που έδινε κύρος και στα δύσκολα χρονια που ακολούθησαν. Δεύτερον γιατί το όνομα Έλληνας για αρκετούς αιώνες είχε ταυτιστεί με τον πιστό των αρχαίων θεών και όχι με τον χριστιανισμό. Το Βυζάντιο λοιπόν η το Ανατολικό ρωμαϊκό κράτος, ήταν άλλο το 400 μ.χ και τελείως διαφορετικό το 1000.Ειχε πλέον τελείως εξελληνιστεί.
Ως Έλληνας, σας λέω ότι ακόμα και σήμερα λέμε ότι οι είμαστε "Ρωμιοί" που σημαίνει λαϊκά Ρωμαίοι και αυτό είναι μια ανάμνηση της ιστορίας.
