✔ Top 15 Most Intelligent People In The History Of The World

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Top 10 Most Intelligent People In The History Of The World. Find out the most intelligent and smartest person in the World. Thanks For Watching.

Judging how smart a person is can be a very subjective matter. Does their IQ score make them the smartest? Or is it more about accomplishments? The debate over this likely will never cease.

The Human brain is three times as large as the brain of any other mammal with an equivalent body size. Few people born gifted by the most precious wealth of the nature, intelligence. They are different from ordinary people and their approach toward different situations of life is unique. They belong to different walks of life and do better than the average person. Most of the intelligent people struggle very hard throughout their lives and made a history with their innovative skills and accomplishments. This list honors the Top 10 Smartest People in the World.
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I am surprised Nikola Tesla is not on the


When Albert Einstein was asked how it felt to be the world's most intelligent man, he responded " I don't know you have to ask Nikola Tesla " !!!


I suggest that you can stop making the moving words, it hurts my eyes.


nikola tesla maybe. he invented everything important what we use today!


The way the text is done is genuinely cancerous


What? The Kardashians are not there? Mmm I wonder why.


Nikola Tesla, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Stephen Hawking.
These one really didn't made the list :'(


And where is NIKOLA TESLA??? Mihailo Pupin?


Missing Jon Von Neumann. But still pretty accurate list. All the other cultural apologists, understand these people in the list have played a part in the Modern world you live in.


Why is Bobby Fischer 14th? Should be higher in the lists.

His chess was so great in those times that he won 19 games in a row in the interzonals leading up to the world championship, then when he finally met Spassky he simply gave away a few points, by not showing up and by sort of giving away a bishop in one game, then with Spassky's great lead he still won convincingly and university computer analysis research shows that he is, STILL, the most ACCURATE chess player of all time along with Capablanca, as in, least errors.

However, aside from all this, Fischer once said "If I win I'm a genius, if I lose I'm not, what does the word really mean?", indeed, genius is quite a 'floaty' word which doesn't have a specific attachment to it.

Now let's move on to Fischer's political views. His political views are mixed strongly with personality traits, for example he once said "I grew up in the times of free speech, I say what I think, I am too old now to change that", indeed, he spoke in a very forward way without any fake imagery, hypothesizing, tact, holding back or sly intentions. A newsreader or a modern politican, for example, mostly reads from a script. The average high-school student today, for example, simply talks about what they've been told to talk about, they treat it like a religion. Bobby Fischer spoke freely and some people will view this as unintelligent, i.e. a "ranter" or a "madman", however, in fact, it is only a style of expression and personality trait.

His views on Jewry stem from his life-long personal experiences with Jews, which he considered as negative. He also thinks that there are many Jewish Americans in high positions in American society, most of them with dual American and Israeli passports, since this is common practice. Americas love for Israel and the whole New York Jewish culture over there, some love it, some hate it, he was the second, what does this have to do with intelligence? Not very much, get over yourself.


Most intelligent? Nikola Tesla. He is responsible for much of the technology we have today. It's not incorrect to sat that, without his work, we would be a few good year behind in technology. He was the ultimate genius.


someone asked einstein
whats it like being the smartest man ever.. he replied you better ask tesla.


Considering Tesla isn't on this list, negates the entire thing. IMO


"We need not despair at mankind knowing that Mozart was a man!" Of Mozart   (   1756  -  1791   ). Albert Einstein   (   1879  -  1955   ).


What about Wolfgang amadeus Mozart or ledwig van Beethoven even the visionary Stanley Kubrick?!


144, but l would not consider it a great thing. Knowing about the world around you is true intelligence. Which is why I think the school system has failed the youth. Why dont we learn how to trade stocks in high school, manage a morgage, or even common laws that we all break due to ignorance of the law?


Nice Video & good work but the music is somehow odd :)


This is just blindingly stupid.  An IQ of 205 is 7 standard deviations (100 + 7 x 15), which is 1 in 390 billion, which is more than the number of people since the beginning of history.  To suggest an IQ of 250 is absurd - maybe not impossible, but absurd to think there is anyone else who could recognize and evaluate that such a person had an IQ of 220 vs 235 vs 250, etc.  (Those 3 extra standard deviations are worth an additional multiplier of at least 1 in a billion.  i.e. you would need a billion geniuses with an IQ of 205 to see one at an IQ of 250.)  The demonstrated level of innumeracy should be your first hint.

Second, I am not a diversity/inclusiveness person, but doesn't anyone find it strange that they are all white men from the last few hundred years? I am illiterate regarding Chinese math and science, but they must have one historical great at least.  There is one who did some crazy work with geometry, but I am too lazy to find his name.  Then, of course, there is Terence Tao, a Fields Medal winner, who is high on the list of current top mathematicians.

With the emphasis on mathematicians, where is Erdos?  There have been few if any people ever that were so dedicated to finding and solving problems in their field of endeavor.

Euclid's Geometry was taught to every mathematician for about 2, 000 years; not sure why he's not on the list.

Somebody in the Arab world came up with algebra.

Back to ancient Greece, Socrates anticipated virtually every problem in philosophy.

Somewhere, of course, there is a vain and misguided, doddering old fool saying:  "Besides Noam Chomsky."

Finally, the most obvious missing genius is Mister Garbage Man.


what the F... where is NikolaTesla Sir" name " and no indian ?? 0 was inventions of indian


I can think of at least few people to put before all those 15. Let me give just 1 example - Archimedes. He used methods similar to calculus 2000 years before Newton and Leibniz 'invented' it. Most of his work was lost, but what remains is still astounding. Several mathematical formulas, which we still use today and he first discover how to precisely measure volume and calculate density. He was at least 2000 years ahead of his time and with no doubt is one of the greatest geniuses ever and the very best mathematician.
