How to Deal With Depression

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In a previous video, where we did 7 signs of depression, we talked about potential symptoms of depression including losing interest in what you previously enjoyed, changes in sleep patterns, isolating yourself etc. If you see yourself identifying with these signs and you're wondering how do you deal with depression, then this video is for you. Dealing with depression is not easy, especially when the depression has persisted for a really long time. However, if you find yourself ever slightly just getting out of the depression boat, some steps that you could take are:

Every time a negative thought pops up in your mind, counter it by thinking of three positive ones. Think of yourself as the artist of your life, creating a masterpiece you would love to live in. Become the person who the 5 years old you would have been proud of. Start by picking up new hobbies you’ve always wanted to try. Look up colleges or universities that can prepare you for your dream career. Join a club or take classes that will allow you to meet new people. Surround yourself with friends and family who can pick you up on the bad days.

Script Writer: Michelle Linette
Script Editor & VO: Lily Hu
Animator: BrainUp Studio
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Do you guys want to see more videos animated in this style?


When she said surround yourself with you're parents they are the reason I'm depressed...


"If you think of a negative thought, think of three good ones."
Bruh if I could think of positive stuff I wouldn't need to see how to deal with depression.

I like how this was one of the first comments and Phsych2Go always replies to comments, and yet they haven't replied to mine.
Classic YouTube guides.


This makes me even more depressed. Information overload . I'm overwhelmed with what you want me to do.


"When you have a negative thought, counterract it by thinking of 3 positive ones "
If I could think of 3 positive thoughts we wouldnt have this conversation in the first place


Awh as cheesy as people say “ur existence matters” it makes me feel a little hope.


You actually posted this at such a right time- I just had a full on mental breakdown and after finally making myself shut up I come and look at my notifications and this video was here lol
Edit: omg I made this comment today and I’m already getting so much support. This means so much- thank you guys so much!


It's funny how all of these "solutions" involves other people. I'm literally alone af, that's why I'm depressed. And it's way too late. Even with people, friends whatever around me, I am feeling alone and sad and abandoned.


But I can’t do these things. My anxiety is the reason I can’t get out of my depression.


My family doesn't help they're the reason I'm depressed


I tried doing positive things, I tried to pick back my hobbies, tried to be positive but it isn't easy without any motivation. It's almost impossible to listen to the part of me that wants to live on cause there isn't any. My family is the reason for mt depression and I'm trying to get away from them but unfortunately can't, at least not now. Self doubt is something that I can't get rid of no matter what I do. I love the videos you put up on this amazing channel but watching this one, I felt like it didn't really tackle the problem at hand. It was just about overwriting your problems with "positive things" which isn't really the right way to solve it. It felt like one of those articles that are like " are you an introvert? Here are 5 tips to become more of a people person" or like someone saying " are you sad? Just be happy. Problem solved". I understand that this video was meant to be something motivational and positive but I felt like it didn't have the right tone to it.


This sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll stick to feeling sorry for myself and just waiting around to die.


This describes me so well. I have been depressed since middle school and suffered in isolation for years after. Now I am an adult and often feel lost in life. I am trying everything to find a sense of direction and conquer my fears and the dark thoughts that continuously tell me to quit.

For anyone who has been through this, I hope you realize how strong you are. I tell myself constantly that I am strong. It reminds me that although some may not understand what I struggle with, the fact that I keep trying to improve my life is something I should be proud of. I have no plans to give up, but today was one of those days where I felt lost again.

If that is you, I hope watching or reading this gives you some strength to keep going. We can do this.


*Just know you're not alone, there's always someone to talk to* 🙂


psy2go: Avoid Negative Thoughts.
me: but... all i have is Negative Thoughts.


Right now I'm trying to recover from depression and my eating disorder, it's hard as I never thought it would be, but I know it will be worth it.


It started with me when I was 13 I'm now 17
I'm not brave enough to tell someone about it

it's so scary for me to tell anyone about my depression and anxiety or the cuts and carving in my hands I don't know how they would react if I showed them


I suffer from depression and this really helps me, thank you.


Another thing that helps (something that destroyed mine 3 years ago) is finding your purpose in life. A clear, strong, calling or purpose is what cured my depression


Thank you, I needed this, I have bad depression and my anxiety doesn't help with that, again thank you so much!💟
