Full Length Flight + Q&A

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Ok, you guys asked for it, and even though it goes against everything in my being to make such a long video, here is a full length flight.

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Better grab a drink and a snack, this is a long one... This requested a bunch of times and while it goes against everything I preach about shorter being better when it comes to content, I hope this doesn't bore too many of you. I did have fun answering these questions and to everyone who asked a question that I didn't get to I apologize but if you guys enjoy this type content I will be sure to do more of it in the future!


Trent: "We're over an hour long, which is ridiculous, so if you've made it this far you're a legend".

Me: "Where's hour 2?!"

Thanks, man. I loved the long video. I wouldn't do it all of the time, but maybe make it a once a year thing.


Hey Trent, I made it through the entire video with no problem. I really enjoyed it. I've been watching your videos for years now and I've always been impressed with not only the quality of them but more important, I think, is the information and advice you dispense is very accurate. I am saying this based on my flying experience of 55+ years in 119 different aircraft, including float planes, helicopters and gliders. The past 47 years I have lived in Reno and have flown out of Stead. The advice you give to people wanting to learn to fly, buy an airplane, be a bush pilot, how to fly safely, etc. is spot on. The kind of flying you do is not for everyone, just as flying in general is not for everyone but, like most things in life, one has to decide the level of risk one is willing to take and the best way to mitigate that risk whatever their endeavor may be. So, just to reiterate, I think what your videos do for the world of aviation is outstanding! Thank you!


Thanks for taking us along, Trent. Really appreciated you giving this personal time to us. Keep on keeping on dude.


I think it's great when a pilot with a great audience does one of these videos. Very informative and well done. Under .5% percent of the US population has a pilots license, the other 99.5 are all mostly curious lol. So thank you, Trent.


Made it to the end! It was nice to spend an hour in the air with you Trent. You could upload a 2hr video and I'd still watch the video to the end. Thank you Trent.


I don’t think it was too long of a video. Enjoyed it very much, very informative. Thanks Trent!


This has been one of my favorite videos of yours. I made it all the way to the end and could have watched more. I’m a private pilot and fly a 182 out of Vegas but dream of doing the kind of bush flying that you do. Thanks for the videos. I always look forward to them.


Really enjoyed the long format with the Q&A session. Keep them coming maybe every two weeks or once month.


Trent, I just watched your 64 minute vid and enjoyed it tremendously. I learned to fly while in the Army at Ft. Knox in 1969-1970. There was a flying club at the Army airfield and they had 5 Cessna 150's. Rental was $35/hour wet. I haven't flown since 1980 due to having married and starting a family. Now, at 77 and retired, I get my airborne fix vicariously and your channel is my fav. I always look forward to your next posting and, no, your full flight vid was anything but boring. Please tender my best regards to your lovely wife. You are truly blessed.


Trent, I was a Bonanza owner and pilot for over 30 years. Macular Degeneration has brought my time as a pilot to an end. I have loved to fly with you since I have been unable to fly myself. Yes, I was with you for the entire flight today. Thank you for the time in the sky.


I always make it all the way through Trent. No matter how long or short it is, I always learn something. Also, I like hearing about what you guys are up to and in this case how you got here. I’m kinda living vicariously through you! Thanks!


Hey Trent I made it to the end. Yes I really enjoyed it. So you know I'm not a pilot and don't have a air plane. I took a two hour flying course. The first hour was classroom and walk around with getting familiar with the instrument panel with a instructor many years ago. Oh and what makes the plane go up and down round and round. I got to taxi all over the airport with tower permission. Talk on the radio to tower. Instructor telling me what to say. After taking of the instructor let me have the controls to fly anywhere I wanted. I soon learned I got lost up there. Found a freeway and followed it back making turns till I found the airport. The instructor landed the plane and he let me taxi back to the barn. Now 67 years old I watch your video's flying around here and there. Peace.


Typically I would avoid long flight videos. This is because most don't have the learned talent you spoke about towards the start of this video; that being, becoming comfortable with talking in your videos. Far too many don't do as you and Tucker do, keep the entertainment going while heading to the destination and conclusion of the video. Great job. On a second note - I don't always have time to watch long videos. Doing just as you've done with using multiple intros to your videos, multiple length videos leaning towards short ones I believe will work well. Nice job Trent. Oh and almost forgot, those who do long voiceless flight videos also seem to think constant engine audio is ok. Really like that you keep that minimal to none and have the low volume music playing while you talk.


I earned my private pilot license back 1976 while living in Arizona, but haven't flown in 30 years. The Nevada scenery is fantastic. As long as you're flying, the length of the video is almost irrelevant. I've enjoyed all.


Made it to the end! Just shows the value of conversation :) On the topic of 'how to get into aviation on a budget' I confess I was absolutely dead set at one point in my life to take up bushplane style flying, BUT, budget and the UK basically not being appropriate for that forced a change - I took a flexwing trial flight and was hooked! Financially, if bushplanes are equivalent to owning and running race car, flexwings can be the equivalent of a decent sized used car. You are still flying, but get amazing views, and don't need quite the level of disposable income. Try it before you discount it, and if you do try it and aren't hooked, fair enough!


Enjoyed every second of this 1 hour: 4 minute: 55 second video. Thanks for the answers and insights to the questions and advice.


Dude this was such a good, wholesome, relaxing video. You’re helping lots of people our age answer questions we’d never have the opportunity to fulfill without taking the leaps you have. Thank you


Hi Trent, I made it to the end of this video. I have been working my way through all your posted videos, and still have many more to review. They are all Awesome, I wish my Dad was still living, he was a Private Pilot from the 40's, and built planes for Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp, Stinson Division. He enjoyed flying Stinson model 8A 65 hp Luscumbe.
I'm not a pilot, but used to go with my dad.
Myself at 73, I won't be working on my ppl.
With your videos, I get to Enjoy your Flying now!!
Be Safe out there Young Man.
GOD Bless


Made it! Thank you sir for hanging out with us and being a cool and genuine inspiration!
