~Training a SCARED horse~Dealing with past trauma in AUCTION horses~

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This was an excellent session!

Follow along as I unravel what makes Stud man tick.
I discover the likely cause of his past trauma and help him re-wire his brain to accept future training with less fear!

~To find out more about Stud man check out these videos~

***Alot of you have asked how you can help the horses I rehab***
Here is our Amazon wishlist with a few things that we always need!
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My goodness, there are no words to express how generous you are with these beautiful animals ! Fab job!


I am a retired RN and worked on child psych units with abused and neglected children. Your method of firm nurturing and never hitting works on damaged children as well.


Poor horse was abused his whole life ! Relax Stud man, you are in good hands!


Lovely to see him experience something different and positive from what he has.


Awesome positive-reinforcement video, CC. Someone should whack the previous owner with an animal-abuse complaint for whacking Stud Man repeatedly, putting him into such a high-fear mind set. I think your "desensitization" training is gradually showing results; you are teaching him that some humans don't hit and hurt their horses. 👍👍


I'm so glad Studman is "safe" and in your care❤


Yeah, he's clearly been beaten with a longe whip. I like the way you think through his issues, and changed your tactics when you needed to. I've retrained a number of abused and/or traumatized horses. They can't tell you what happened, so you have to just be very observant and patient while you work out their issues. I love to see them realize they can finally relax, to see the tension leave their bodies and they start to lick and chew, and even yawn. To finally earn their trust is so rewarding. 💙


Poor sweet fella---so glad he's got you to help him evolve into his best self, and hopefully gain trust.


I can tell that the gift of time and patience with a horse is so valuable in training.


Such a difference for Studman! He is a smart fella, and I could see his eyes were calm after this session! Good job CC !!!❤


It is so heartwarming to see you take such great care to help Studman overcome his fear. Thank you!! 💖


You are so gifted and give the gift of time and patience to your horses. Thank you.


I think you made major headway with him in this session, it was very obvious how relaxed he became and perhaps even inquisitive when you took the stick and string away and did not use it to harm him. I have owned fearful horses that were extremely reactive and as you know it just takes patience and allowing them to progress at the pace where they are learning and unlearning old patterns that were harmful and scary. Great job!


Studman! ❤❤ He tried so hard for you. I look forward to seeing him progress as he learns that he has truly found a soft place to land.


He is a smart boy! Your patience and kindness is winning over the fear! Love your technique and your videos!


The poor guy is so scared...he needs a lot of patience and love ❤


He is a beautiful horse ❤ and such a gentle eye ❤❤


When he gets it…..oh my, I cried. Not all humans hit big guy. ❤❤❤


I've been watching all of your video's. What you give these horses is so wonderful.I have a poem about a cat I adopted but it can be used for a horse. "Saving one horse will not change the world, but for that one horse...the world will change forever". I am so happy that there are people like you. I wish there were more. I wish you were in Colorado and then maybe I could help. I'm in my 50's now and love horses as much as I ever did when I was little and had one. This horse you're working with, it's just amazing to see what a few sessions with him do for him. A new and happy life. No more abuse. Love and guidance. God bless you and people like you.🙏♥🐎


Every time I see a horse like this it makes me really hate the high pressure "he's disrespecting you, make him listen" or worse style of horse training that is so prevalent in the Western US especially Montana. I see so much of this and the "this is the way we have always done it" mentality it makes me physically upset and angry now when I encounter it. Horses don't have the portions of the brain that would allow them to even understand respect the way humans think about it. They cannot plot or scheme and they can't think beyond right now. Their memories get hard wired directly into physical response and so do their emotions by and large. One of the things I have tried to do to combat this in my brand district is by bringing in clinicians who teach a better way of training and understanding horses. So far I have eaten a ton of loss financially on hosting these clinics. I won't be hosting anymore because it simply doesn't have enough interest locally to be viable to even break even on it.

Watching your videos gives me hope that maybe someday seeing a horse like this in Montana will be a rarity not commonplace. You are shining a light and I thank you for it. I'm really glad Studman ended up with you.
