How to support your horse when they are scared.

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I think you succeeded very well in showing us how he horse grew calmer the more he understood he had to respect your space. He stopped calling, he became focused on you. Full marks from me, more please!


This came out perfectly. It encourages ground work. I get it and am inspired to work on it MUCH more !


I love your video talks! Learning so much. I have a 7 year old OTTB gelding that gets scared on our walks and starts to crowd me, prancing, pawing and doing dragon snorts! These foundation reminders gives me confidence to approach our walks differently. Thank you!


I thought it was perfect. This is real life with young horses. Thank you Joseph.


Joseph. I like that it is REAL. I just finished walking my horse up and down the hill. He was so better behaved and finally respecting my space despite my four dogs running around. Good reminders.


I would love to talk horse with you. I love the journey you are on and how real you are. I have been a student of the cultures of horses and how that relates to training in dressage from the ground to the saddle. Studying horses in nature all my life I found a code of conduct of horses that removes pecking order and creates a unified herd. I think you might enjoy hearing about it. I would like to send you my book. I am now 78 years old and still a student of horses and that is how I found you.


That was an excellent example! I hope you weren't disappointed with this video. You were very clear with your message. Your too hard on yourself! I'm sure that's why you are marvelous at what you do. You never disappoint!


I am very pleased to see that you use horsemanship beside and over dressage. I also did so when I discovered Parelli (and others). Before for me dressage itself was the prior thing, but nothing is prior to communication! And communication improves anything.


Hi, I´m from Germany and I have a now 4 year old dressage horse from Cennin, that I bought as a foal and educated myself .. and even being supported in groundwork and breaking in, I often come to my limits, when he´s "testing" me, especially when I´m in the saddle. I really enjoy your videos. They give me more confidence an a lot of new ideas.


100% true. Groundwork is everything. If you don't have your horse listening to you on the ground - why would anyone think they'll listen to you when you're astride? Joseph, as to your videos not working out exactly to your plan, it helps to remember this: you have to work with where your horse is that day, mentally & emotionally. It might not be the "same" horse you rode just yesterday! They have their days too. 😁 The videos are great, don't beat yourself up so much. You & Jess are running a stable full of care & kindness to those beautiful horses entrusted to you. That is a wonderful thing!


Thank you! This actually helped me so much. I love reality!! This was great to see him, and yes a 3 year old him, having issues and exactly how we can try to handle snd keep the boundaries!! Thank u soooo much!!


I like to see the horses behaving the way mine do. It's very easy to relate to and to learn from. Way better than just seeing the finished product and thinking, "how am I ever going to get there." 👍


Respecting a handlers space is so important for everyone’s safety.
Wonderful video.


What a beautiful horse, you’re so lucky.


This is such an important video. I have been at many different barns and I can say the single worst problem is the horses' ground manners. The owners don't want to take the time to work on this because they are anxious to ride. The trainers don't emphasize it because they are just interested in what goes on in the ring... so the owners end up jerking their horses head and being angry, yet the horse is only behaving naturally. I would guess the horse then gets very confused and I hate seeing a horse being jerked around like that. I always say that a horse can be like a 1000 lb. toddler. They react for self preservation before they look to see "who" they are going to run over, step on, push into the fence etc. You just wouldn't believe how many riders DON'T understand the horses natural instinct and believe that the horse is being aggressive, when they aren't. Your work is SO important, Joseph. YEAH, we hit 8K😃


Your content is real and easily understandable, don’t change anything. I know I need to work more on the ground work together with my horse to bond us and reassure him.


I would love more on this topic if you can get a chance. Your horses gain so much confidence from you they appear to rarely get worried. My horse is fairly reliable (after a lot of 'being consistent' from me), until something really stresses him (usually uncontrollable, such as alpacas galloping madly in the paddock over the road, random kangaroos doing a jump through etc), and then at 16.3hh he often just doesn't notice my 5'2" self.


Joseph Newcomb: Your style of explaining and demonstrating your methods is crystal clear!!!! Maybe it's good that you self-critique, but I'm sure I'm not alone in learning lots from your videos. So, please keep doing the videos - they're greatly appreciated.


I love your videos! You are honest and real and you tackle really important topics that help the horse and the trainer.


I actually like videos better when they aren't perfect. Especially when the horse doesn't behave perfectly. That's what we need to see! Gosh wouldn't it be amazing to have your own camera crew?!? Keep posting and you just never know. I just found you and I'm getting a lot of fresh wisdom from you. Thank you!
