PreDiabetes Causes Damage? (What to know about PreDiabetes) 2024

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Many folks believe that prediabetes is not a big deal and can safely be ignored. Is prediabetes dangerous? How is prediabetes diagnosed? These are important questions and deserve good answers. This video shows you proof that prediabetes is causing damage and tells you how to find out if you have prediabetes or not.


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I did the A1C now test last week. Proud to say I am 4.9!! 4 years of ketogenic and carnivore eating plus some intermittent fasting thrown in. Yay me!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


This is why I stopped consuming all sugar and grains two years ago ! _And I have taken alot of criticism for doing so._ Much thanks to guys like you on youtube Dr. Berry !


Pre-diabetes awareness is probably in the top 10 of health issues a doctor should be highlighting. Most people don’t realize the toll that excess sugar consumption takes on our whole body.


I have always been skinny so prediabetes snuck up on me. It's a misconception that only obese people get diabetes. I had peripheral neuropahty, itchy skin, blurry vision, pain throughout the body aka fibromyalgia, no muscle tone, inability to control body temperature, anxiety, painful ovarian cysts, fibroids so hormones were out of wack, urinating frequently at night, nails turning yellow, the list goes on. I'm reversing this with keto, cutting out refined sugar and carbs. First time in my life I am prioritizing eating animal fat, eggs, bacon, beef; all the stuff I have deprived myself of in favor of foods containing carbs. I feel hyperinsulin or insulin resistance is behind a lot of autoimmune issues and are just being missed by doctors. Your videos have been helpful, thank you.


2014 diagnosed with diabetes A1c 7.9. 2018 started ketogenic diet. Stopped all my 7 medications. Till this day my A1c is 4.9. Now I'm doing ketovore and living life to the fullest. Thank you Dr. Ken Berry. I found your videos back in 2017.


Your right I was Pre Diabetic and my doctor said nothing! I had to educated myself and cut out all sugars and proud to say my glucose is now 4.8 by going on Keto diet and doing some intermittent fasting.


You literally saved my life!! I can’t thank you enough. I went from 163 5’5 female age 41. I weighed in today at 134. You gave me my life back.🙌❤️❤️❤️


My doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and then said it was nothing to worry about. In the year after that diagnosis my numbers got worse and worse. My waist increased. I felt miserable. I went ketovore (thanks to the advise of you and other youtube doctors in the keto community) and reversed my numbers, waist size and energy. I'm currently looking for a new doctor, but sadly, every doctor that I've seen in my area has said the same thing or said it should be addressed with the standard recommended diet. Some went so far to suggest diabetic medication. My search for a doctor who understands The Proper Human Diet continues....


Wow, great information. I was pre-diabetes and my doctor told me to do keto almost 5 years ago and it changed my life.


In July 2021 I discovered that such a thing as A1C existed. I immediately went to the lab and my result was 5.8 at age 48. I found out on my own; my doctor never talked to me about it. I eliminated carbs from my diet and did intermittent fasting. After a year my A1C finally dropped to 5.4. I feel 20 years younger. It has not been an easy journey but thanks to people like Dr. Berry we can have the right information to persevere. Thank you, Dr. Berry!!


Yes, that happened to me. A1c was 6.3 for 2 years before she prescribed Metformin. It only brought it down to 5.9. Keto, in 2 months, brought it down to normal range.


I had symptoms of neuropathy and urinating all night long and also pain in my liver area. I went to my doctor, they did an ultrasound of my liver and said everything was fine. Blood work also fine. I asked for a fasting insulin test and my doctor didn’t want to order it because she said everything was fine and I didn’t have blood sugar issues. I was thinking ok, I may not have blood sugar issues but I might have insulin issues but my doctor couldn’t put 2 and 2 together. So I went to the ER a month later for the liver inflammation and they told me I had a fatty liver. I was completely shocked. I then started testing my fasting blood sugar and they were over 100. I was pre diabetic and my doctor couldn’t find that problem and couldn’t tell me, even though I told her all of my symptoms. I trusted her for 2 years since developing the liver pain and I was thinking nothing is wrong. But my doctor was so wrong. She could have easily checked my insulin levels and it would show most likely that it’s high! Unfortunately, many people will die prematurely from mistakes the healthcare industry constantly makes….


Started my carnivore journey 1st of March this year . I've lost 15lbs in weight . My hc1 has gone from 9.2 to 7.9 also in that time period . Thanks to Dr Berry and Dr Jason Fung, God bless them both


Hey doctor Berry. I want to say I found you about four to five months ago give or take and honestly I don't remember how I stumbled upon your video. I think I was doing something in regards to fatty liver disease which is one of four things I was diagnosed with. At the time I was watching your video I was 6’3”/320 pounds, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes with an average glucose of about 160 and sometimes would spike to 300. I was following the advice of a dietitian and it never seemed to work. I had one of my friends that went on keto and he lost about 25-30 pounds, so I gave it a shot then I heard about the carnivore diet and got on that for about two months. I took your advice after that 3 1/2 almost four months of keto/carnivore and redid all of my labs. After I've taken my doctor up off the floor she asked what changed, I said I finally quit listening to y'all. I went to a full carnivore diet and I have lost a little over 35 total pounds thus far my fatty liver disease is in complete remission it seems and I have been off my diabetic medication for over a month and a half. My average blood sugar now is about 90 to 115. I do allow a few carbs such as fruit bars or homemade bread probably about once every two weeks, but have given up all the sodas and how did sugar so I would previously get. Occasionally air pop popcorn is a very favorite of mine. I want to personally thank you very much for all of your information guidance and everything else you provide. At present I'm trying to help my wife who had her gallbladder removed by a very money hungry doctor who never bothered to check what kind of diet she was on and she had ONE major issue of gall stones. We're still trying to find ways but more than anything I just want to say thank you, you've been an actual lifesaver.
Edit: as an add, my Samsung watch, I've also noted I went from 20-30 min of deep sleep to usually 1.5 hours. It also looks like I may be able to quit using my CPAP machine.


I am 79 years old. Dr. Berry is making a lot of sense to me, I have weaned myself off five different medications using diet and exercise, with strategies very like the ones he is talking about. More to do, thank you Dr. Berry.


At 65, I've been borderline diabetic my entire life because I was a carb and sugar addict. After 2 months on keto my glucose is well within normal limits, no more foot and leg neuropathy, triglycerides normal, blood pressure completely normal. All my previous "high" lab markers are normal or well below range after TWO months and I lost enough weight that every person I know comments on it. My father died of kidney failure after years of diabetes. He used to give himself an insulin shot and go eat a box of cookies. I will never go back because I feel so great. Don't miss carbs at all. Single ingredient stevia takes care of my sugar addiction if I need a fix. All thanks to watching your videos. I'm going to send my lab work from 6 months ago and my current lab work, along with a nasty letter to the doctor I fired because he kept pushing statins that I refused to take. I will also refer him to the March 2022 JAMA internal medicine findings on statins that you covered as an exclamation point.


My Dr I went to for 20 some years always told me my burning and feeling of tight tar when I bend my foot and sharp pains were all from working on my feet my whole life, never even thought to check for diabetes. I finally switched dr's and first thing she did was check a1c, it was 12, within 3 months of Keto it was down to low 5's and been that way for years now. Thank you for your videos Dr Berry and Happy Fathers Day <3


Thanks Dr Berry for continuing to speak the truth! We CAN reverse these "irreversible" diseases and live long and healthy pharmaceutical free lives❤️


This is what Dr J V Dixit from india is telling everyone for many years. And his approach works like absolute magic. His advice for pre diabetic people is simple. He says eat two meals a day when your hunger is at the peak and finish your meals within 55 minutes each time. He says after 55 minutes if you eat again insulin flow will start again and that’s what needs to be avoided to have high insulin levels in the body. He also says avoid all fruits for three months and cut out all sugar/ honey / artificial sweeteners / jaggery etc from your diet. And he says walk for 45 minutes a day minimum and walk fast so your heart rate goes up and try to do 4.5 KM in 45 minutes. He also suggests to keep carbs as low as possible and increase protein intake. I have tried this and it has worked very well for me and became normal from pre diabetic. Thanks for your video.


When I started Keto in Sept 2020 I asked my DR for an A1C check. I had never had one before that even though I was morbidly obese for years previous to that. At that time it was 5.8, two weeks into Keto then, down 20 lbs water weight of course. Now, my A1C is 5.1!!
