Why Isn't Kickstarter A Good Deal Anymore?
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It used to be easy to find a great buy on Kickstarter, a game that would offer you incentives, extras, a good price or something. Those still exist....but as Kickstarter and tabletop games within Kickstarter has grown....those games haven't. The tabletop category over the past decade has explored on Kickstarter, but for the most part it's exploded as a preorder system that barely rewards you for partaking in it. The publisher is seeing much higher margins per game when selling on Kickstarter, and yet you're paying the same price as you would in store. Why are so many companies on Kickstarter barely giving you a reason to back?
What happened here?
0:00:00 - Introduction & What Happened to Kickstarter
0:01:58 - Why Is There An Expectation That Kickstarter Should Be A Good Deal?
0:05:42 - Reason 1: Large vs Small Publishers
0:08:03 - Reason 2: Kickstarter is Growing and Thus Fracturing
0:11:47 - Reason 3: Protecting the MSRP & Value Perception
0:15:38 - Reason 4: Us