Spike NANO System just announced! NHC 2019

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We caught up with Ben in the Spike booth to find out some details on the soon to be released NANO brewery system.

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From there website - Due to the lower boil-off rate, the additional 2+ gallons of product you get from every brew day will add up to thousands in additional revenue over the course of a year. -does the person who wrote that not know that the steam is water and having 2+ extra gallons in your kettle makes for a weaker beer unless you adjust your boil off volume and anyone can just add 2+ gallons if thats what they are looking for. With most of the steam condensing on the lid and dripping back into the kettle is dms something to worry about? If not why don't we all do our boil with a lid on?


I would love to have one of these systems, 16k though wow definitely something that would work for a small tap house but for home brewing kind of out of my reach lol


Just purchased their 1BBL system and a few fermenters. Saw this was announced, but it was just a tad out of my price range. Looks pretty awesome though!


This makes me very happy. Enough Brian and Ben, and more stainless. Stainless makes my heart flutter. I could even do the laundry in that thing of beauty. :)


I really did that they are working on a solution to beer steam. I was talking with them as well while there, super great group of people.


Wow, seems like a great, well planned out system! Maybe not for a brewery startup but maybe like a brewery pub or something like that. The steam condenser seems like a great addition as well.
But, does the control panel have to be that big? A minor detail but still


Released now, 16000 dollars, 16K dollars, US, dollars, doll ears. 100 amp or 200 amp version, likely would make the most sense (up to 20K) for 200 amp, and then that puts home brewers going pro out as most homes are max 200 amp, and it would need to be RIGHT NEXT to the line into the house unless you want to remodel or run ugly conduit through your garage, and house to the site. Neat idea, but it is about a roll up location (storage spot) with power and some dump and water. Good luck, difficult sell for me or anyone I know doing 10-20 gallons right now 2-3 times a week for friends, family and fun.


Nice but way to big for my hobby. I really wish Spike would make a bottom drain electric kettle in the smaller sizes (10-15 gallon)


Thank you for the videos. How does the Nano system control temperature in the Mash? Is it RIMS, HERMS?


Too big for me to use but very cool! Great video Brian! Cheers Shawn


My man, thanks for checking this out. I've been toying with the idea of opening a nano brewery and this is mint. Love that steam condenser and does it have a Herms coil in the hlt?


That thing is sexy as heck.... drooling 😛

By the way, thank you for the videos of HBC ! It's great for those of us who couldnt go.


I love the new logo design, I hope they stick with it, wasn't a fan of their original larger logo on tanks saying Spike brewing .... Felt like it made the previous systems look as if it wasn't your own, if that makes sense. Awesome videos as always!


Like it it, but too big for my space.


You can’t make money with less than 15-20 barrels. Don’t believe me, just ask any professional brewer.
