A GERMAN town in Argentina?! 😱🇦🇷 | La Cumbrecita & Villa General Belgrano

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There's a German town in Argentina - actually two! Villa General Belgrano and La Cumbrecita were supposed to be a holiday from Cordoba for me, but I decided to film this travel vlog because this is one of the coolest travel experiences I've had in Argentina so far.

00:00 Villa General Belgrano
01:53 Oktoberfest Argentina
04:46 La Cumbrecita
05:30 La Cumbrecita hike
08:30 Back to Cordoba

#argentina #argentinatravel #cordoba




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Córdoba para mí es una de las provincias más hermosas de Argentina, la gente más calida que e conocido❤. Desde La Rioja Argentina.


The place was first named "Villa Calamuchita". But in 1941, some drunk sailors who survived from german battleship Graff Spee, were living there and burned an argentine flag down, claiming that this place should be named "Villa Graff Spee". So, argentinian government decided to name the place after Manuel Belgrano, a general who created national flag in the 1800, as a form of reparation.


Ich lernte Villa General Belgrano 1995 kennen, als wir mit meiner Frau auf unserer „Flitterwochen“ waren. Wir waren auch im Bremer Hotel. Die ganze Stadt war viel kleiner als heute, aber wir haben jeden Tag dort genossen, die Spaziergänge und auch den Ausflug zur „La Cumbrecita“ (ich hoffe, Sie haben den Wasserfall gesehen). Sie müssen auch Bariloche besuchen. Grüße.


Soy descendiente de alemanes, pero no tengo ningún apego a Alemania...100% de mi corazón es Argentino hasta la médula ❤🇦🇷❤🇦🇷


As an Argentinian we have a very big country (8th largest in the World) with tons of places to see! 24 provinces and each has it's charm! As an Argentinian I can confirm we are a country built by immigrants much like Australia or USA that is why it's very common to see Argentinians with Spanish or Italian or German and even Japanese last names! Cheers and keep enjoying 🇦🇷 btw you are quite stunning!😊👍


La Cumbrecita es un lugar increible, cada 4 o 5 años vuelvo y sigo descubriendo paisajes soñados


Vivo en una ciudad diseñada y fundada por Alemanes en 1940 .
Es Ciudad Jardin ( Lomas del Palomar ) . Su diseño es de calles radiales muy tipico de Alemania con mucha vegetación y las avenidas principales tienen sus veredas y cruces peatonales techadas con tejado .
Un sitio muy curioso y a la vez distinto a lo habitual


If you loved Villa General Belgrano, your next trip should be "la ruta de los 7 lagos" from San Martin de los Andes to Villa la Angostura, Neuquen Province. The place will blow your mind. Go there by airplane and the rent a car to drive from San Martin to Villa la Angostura and why not to Baroliche as well. GO there in SEPTEMBER!!!


Wow, very cool inviting places. Thank you ❤


La ciudad de Crespo en Entre Rios es la capital de la avicultura, tambien hacen la fiesta de la cerveza, etc, son alemanes del Volga. Hay infinidad de pueblos en esta provincia. Tambien en Misiones, Bariloche, etc


Hi Sabine, new subscriber here!
Three of my 4 grandparents went from Germany in the mid-20´s last century. Both my parents were born here in Argentina, but they went to a bi-lingual prep and high school so the were fluent in german and spanish.
Some say that a large part of the "Graff Spee´s" crew members went to Villa General Belgrano, after she sank in WWII in the Río de la Plata, due to the german/austrian/swiss population in that town.
I never went to VGB, but I´ve heard a lot of amazing and beautifull stories from there. And it´s true: it is one of the largest Oktoberfest besides Munich.
Cheers from NE Patagonia, Argentina and Grüss Gott, meine neue freundinen.


En Perú, , en el departamento de Pasco en los años 1800’s llegaron inmigrantes de Austria y Alemania, Pozuso, VillaRica, Oxapampa ; Puerto Inca son ciudades con muchos descendientes de alemanes y austriacos


La principal oleada migratoria que llegó a la Argentina se dio desde 1890 o un poco antes.
En una década se duplicó la población que había en el país.
En la mayoría de los casos vinieron por serias carencias que tenian en sus países (España, Italia, Suiza y varios paises europeos mas).
Después, como consecuencia de las guerras llegaron nuevas corrientes migratorias, la última, desde hace mss de un año, de rusos, ucranianos y otras repúblicas de la ex URSS.


I strongly suggest you to come to Bariloche. Absolutely beautiful scenery with great hiking trails and overall a very beautiful city. Loving the Argentina series! :)


The subtitles at 1:56 🤣. I'm from Argentina and currently learning German and I didn't know about this versatility of languages in this place. A good place to practice my Italian and German the next time.


Im argentinian descendant of italians and french. Here in Argentina we share a lot of European culture: the architecture, the traditions, the way of speaking, and the last names (Mine is French)


There is a lot of german descendence in another provinces like Rio negro, Misiones, Entre Rios, Chaco and Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires more difficult to find cause everthing is very mixed. The craziest thing from argentina is that mixture of people from all countries. Crazy that in europe still yet very fobic between eachother. Only the capitals are people from all the world.


Hey, what a cool video...! Loved it. No doubt those towns have a German-Austrian vibe everywhere, and it's hard to realize you're in Latin America, not Europe. Unlike the rest of the Latin countries, Argentina has had massive European immigration and you can see it in its population. Hope they overcome soon their troubled economy.


También hay un pueblo Gales, menonita etc etc Argentina es diversidad literal!!!👽


Haha this is so cool! I grew up in Villa General Belgrano and now I live in Austria. I really miss it there, so your vid brought a lot of memories back! Thanks! ❤❤
