Watch How NASA’s InSight Will Plumb the Depths of Mars | NYT - Out There

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NASA’s InSight spacecraft is heading to Mars to listen for marsquakes and probe the geological heart of the planet.

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"The hardest part of getting to Mars, was we had not landed 1 single Rover on the Apollo sites so we had to do that first. We landed a Rover fitted with 2018 latest cameras and equipment on the Moon as we guided the Rover to the Apollo 11 site and transmitted back to Earth so that all People could see what we left up there. We also left the Rover transmitting a view of Earth so anyone can see it spinning 24 hours per day." NASA-COSCO year 2350.


This is so fantastic..more more more....


I imagined this text performed by Carl Sagan. His speeches inspiring and relaxing, but sometimes even depressing, but it's not he depressing, it's my perception...may be.

"May be it's a little early, may be the time is not quite yet. But those other worlds, promising untold opportunities, beckon. Silently, they orbit the Sun..



Mars was once a planet in the habitable zone of the solar system. As earth and it's moon formed, mars had lakes and seas and rains, seasons, fog, grass, and an atmosphere with cloud cover etc. As Jupiter became bigger and bigger, almost becoming a star like the sun, it's gravitational pull became so powerful, pulling Mars further and further away from the habitable zone over the course of millions of years. With a completely formed earth and a developing moon, Earth's gravity pulled mars toward the habitable zone, and Jupiter's gravity and earth's gravitational pull on mars equalized about just before the asteroid belt where Mars floats today. Mars was now floating a tad bit off the habitable zone and over a very long time, underwent chemical changes of gases and internal structure and it's lakes, rivers, seas all vaporized and in turn, mars atmosphere ceased to exist since the lakes and seas and rains were all gone. Over several years, mars burned from the inside out to the barren land it is now. You are spending too much money over spilled milk. If you take out the earth, mars will float a little bit back to the habitable zone, but over time will be sucked up by Jupiter's mighty gravitational pull and become a moon of planet Jupiter. If you take out Jupiter, mars would float closer to the earth and back into the habitable zone and probably regain it's atmosphere and lakes. Earth would float closer toward the sun and occupy the outskirts of the habitable zone's beginning. Rains would be hotter, some places would be burning day and night, life and all it's support structures would be 'dry-cleaned' by the sun's heat and part if not all of earth's atmosphere would be vaporized. lakes and rivers would dry up and remaining water bodies would be steaming hot. Red clouds would grace the skies. Then the asteroid belt will come crashing towards earth and mars and both will look very similar to what earth's moon surface looks like today (craters upon craters etc) and life on both planets would either have to adapt to constant rocky rains or die.


Good luck to all those involved in the Mars Insight mission. Congratulations on a successful launch
And let’s hope all goes well with the landing in November, and the mission that follows.


"But once it was wet and warm"

Just like my girlfriend


Funny how it worked out with earthlings eyeing mars hungrily and not the other way around.


I'm very excited for the results from this mission. Would Mars still be geological active? And many other questions.


Dig deeper may provide clues... so true


Great achievement for NASA and congratulations. Why don't send a drone that can do a surface scan covering a large area?.


But what about the dust that can cover the solar panels, how will it avoid this?


That spike is stupid what if it hits a rock? You ever try to dig a fence hole you hit a rock every time


How long will it take for the insight to get to mars?


But yet people in Flint cant get some clean tap water, smh


Wait did he just say "just the way God intended" I had no idea God loves rocket landings so much...I wonder what passage that is in


Distance for rockets fuels to reach mars is beyond my measurement, I don’t y? Seems it’s just hope for human kinds to look forward there.


Years of wondering how the aliens machines will look like and at the end we predicted ours.


I wanna be the first uber driver on Mars


It has no atmosphere how would we live here?!
