Does Higher Price PETG Result In Higher Quality?

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Have you ever wondered what the difference between PETG brands is? In this video, we will test out 6 different brands ranging from $27 - $36 on Amazon. We will do 2 test prints, one of the being the Benchy, and compare the results.

#benchy #petgbenchy

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Hi, my name is Daniel and I like to make stuff. My journey on Youtube began with creating things around the home with my 3D printer. I'm mainly focused on making functional items because I am relatively cheap and don't like to buy overpriced goods. Also, making my own things means that I can customize the item to my specific need. I hope that my channel inspires you to Just Make It!
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I am not seeing much difference between PETG brands, but I absolutely see big differences from one color to another. This seems to be most pronounced when I switch from a translucent color to a solid one, with solid colors requiring that I print about 20% slower or I get horrible glops and horrible bridges and overhangs. Honestly, my PETG prints look a lot better than yours, and I have found that the most critical thing I must do when printing PETG is SLOW DOWN by reducing the volumetric flow to no more than 12, preferably 10. As I understand it, PETG is a plastic that holds its heat and cools slowly, so if you go fast you will be crossing wet filament and creating strings and gloops everywhere, and bridges will droop. I have also noticed that the part cooling fans are turned up higher when I print PETG.


To compare filament quality across brands you need to tune for each filament. We don't really gain anything from this comparison other than which ones work best with your current settings.


The overture black PETG likes to print at 255c; higher than stated on the packaging, and higher than other colors of Overture PETG. Bringing the temp up took it from my least favorite to most favorite PETG filament.

Bed temp 80c


I am enjoying the AD4 content having just picked one up myself. Keep up the great, well made content my man!


Do yourself a favor and get an Eiboss filament dryer. They are expensive, but are worth it and they will help you determine how well these filaments print when they are absolutely bone dry. I use one myself and it has been the single best improvement in my printing since I started this hobby.


100% polymaker user here for PETG. Its the best for my setup.


ive been seeing people saying overture PETG black likes to be printed hot close to the 250+ range but i have a roll that ive been running tests on and it prints at extreamly cool temps my first test it was running at 215 with very very little stringing or any issue but ive also seen it have the same conditions at 230 which is the base low temp suggested by overture which makes me wonder if the hotend temps we see are truly at the temp stated on our printers


huh. I pay 12, 50 per roll of creality pet. Not so much variety of colors but an amazing base finament. Been through my first 4 test spools and ordered 10 more right out of the bat
winding is perfect. Love the transparent blue


PETG is my default as for me PLA irritates my throat! I have tried a few and hatchbox is decent quality but also the cheap amazon stuff is fine too. I had a roll of hatchbox that has been sitting out for about 5 years and with a quick dry on the bed of my printer it worked flawlessly .


I know it wasn't in your comparison and this is an older vid, but I just started printing PETG a couple weeks ago. I had really awesome prints using Voxelab's PETG Pro (PETG+) in white. I followed that with SUNLU PETG in Clear and I found it to be a bit more finicky requiring another +5°-10°C on the hotend @240°C. I think you make a good point that transcends FDM 3D printing in general, and that was just pick one and "tune the crap out of it."


Been printing with PETG almost exclusively for a year, don't have much experience with the "good stuff", i used eSun in a custom colour a lot because that was what my company ordered and on my own printers i use the absolute cheapest stuff i could find on taobao which was around 70-90 RMB per spool (i don't remember the exact price but thats what i had saved in my cura filament profile). For the longest time i didnt even have a filament dryer and i would just print with wet filament. All i can say is if your your profile (retraction, temp, combing, wiping, coasting) is done well, stringing can be reduced a lot. Even with my whack ass cheap and wet filament i didnt have much stringing. i could even push it to 25.2mm³/s on my klipper printer for infills and inner walls, no problem and even less stringing. With dried filament the results are of course better.


Did you forget to dry these? The prints actually look pretty bad across the board.

PETG picks up enough moisture to be unusable in under a day and I've never gotten a roll "ready to use" out of the vacuum bag. All have needed drying before first use.


Could you please share your retraction settings? Those towers looked flawless.


Polymaker and overture are the same campany. Can't go wrong with either. Hatchbox is very good aswell. To really compare color should be the same and each filament should be tuned


Awesome presentation. You're convincing me to start using Simplify 3D... I can't achieve results as good as you're showning w Hatchbox PETG with FlashPrint. I'm curious was print speed and layer height you're using. Thank you.


Nice video! Hard to come up with a good comparison just by visual inspection…. If you follow folks like CNCKitchen, he has a variety of layer adhesion tests as well. One question for you, did any of these filaments recommend different temp profiles?


seems like all of these are pretty useable, maybe the more premium brands needs less tweaking but with enough experience all of them could work i think.


Nice video and great timing!
Literally just started printing PETG a few hours ago haha.
Printed a 9 point bedlevel test without good results, but that's due to the bedleveling issue that I'm still struggling with.


Did you tune the temperature for each of the filaments? Not doing that could explain some of the problems.


I've had PHENOMINAL results with some random/cheaper filament suppliers that outperformed name brand ones. At this point- I know a couple makers to avoid. And aside from specialty filaments I have great luck with any number of "cheap" filaments under 30 bucks. Heck several under 20😂 I'll drop coin on engineering filaments but petg is my go to cheap do it all filament. I don't use pla EVER.
