WHY LIVING IN QUEBEC SUCKS | Top 7 REAL Reasons Why Living in Quebec Sucks

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In this video, I discuss why LIVING in Quebec sucks! The Province of Quebec is a horrible place to live. As I mention several times in this video, living in Quebec sucks! There are many things about Quebec that are horrible but in this video I focus primarily on how Quebec language laws suck, how Quebec weather sucks, how Quebec taxes suck and a few other issues. It is not an ideal province to live in, especially when compared to more prosperous provinces like Alberta and Ontario. Are you thinking of moving to Quebec? Has living in Quebec been on your mind? Heck, are you even looking to study in Quebec? If so, I highly recommend you watch this video before deciding to move there.

I was born and raised in Quebec and I lived the first 25 years of my life in that province. I know what I'm talking about! In this video, I refer to personal experiences as well as research that I have done on the city. I am a Quebecer however I moved out of that province and I can safely say that leaving Quebec was one of the best decisions I ever made in my entire life. In short, do not move to Quebec! And if you live there, get out of Quebec while you still can!

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"Poutine is unhealthy"
*proceeds to move to Florida cause y’know, USA really have a healthier food culture right*


Chris : Québec food is unhealthy
Also Chris : moves to the country where fast-food was created


Sooo many things wrong in this video...
Claim he grew up in Québec, pronounce it "qwebec" for some reason,
Talks about food being too unhealthy, has moved to United States of obesity.
Lives in a French speaking province and former French colony, cries about French being taught (it’s like going in Mexico and complaining about people speaking Spanish instead of English).
Talks about economy, moves into a third world country where you have to sell your arms to be cured in an hospital...


If you don't care about French, you don't go in France, Belgium, Morocco and Québec. It's really that simple. Are you going to go to Japan and force your English on them because it's one of the most spoken language on the Planet?

I also doubt that you read the Canadian Constitution.

I also would like to point out that because Louisiana is not enforcing French it is now disapearing from there. That's what happen when you don't protect a language that can disapears, it does disapear. Québec laws are there to prevent that.


Dude, you just don't have control. You make it sounds like you can't eat anything else.


"I really admire how the French managed to preserve their language for so long!"

One sentence later: "They are regressive, they force French upon newcomers!"

How do you think the French language will be preserved if we don't? The English language has a huge pressure and is already taking over Montreal. I don't think it's too much to ask of newcomers to learn and function in French, how are we supposed to form a society together they don't speak the language of the society?

Also, you're using that "language police" buzzword and making it seem like language nazis are patrolling the streets looking for English to hunt. In reality, there's just one organism, the OQLF, which people can call to make a complaint if they can't get service in French or if they see the French laws aren't respected. Then they send an inspector. Don't believe everything the Montreal Gazette tells you, it's bullshit.


Nothing is more ridiculous than anglophones trying to convince you they're being opressed in Quebec.


I feel like there is a double standard when it comes to language. Because here in the States, especially in Florida, the “We Speak English” motto reigns and we expect people to speak English. But, why can’t it be the case for Quebec? Quebec is French Canada, so why should anyone try to impose their language and oblige the native people (and I mean those born there) to accommodate them? That’s like Americans going to Puerto Rico and saying, “forget your Spanish. You must speak English”. No, they don’t. English-speaking people can be so arrogant.


I'd like to say a comment about the food. I've lived in the US for 6 years and was born and raised in a suburbs of Montréal. Food in the US is equally as fattening and unhealthy. You say that outside of Montréal the food is always bad for you but the same can be said about the US. Outside of metropolitan areas, all you can find is fastfood and dinners. I would argue that the food in general is healthier in Québec, my aunt worked as a nutritionist all of her life and told me that for canned products and sauces, even if the same can is purchased in Canada and the US, the recipe for the US ones have higher sugar contents and fat because otherwise they would not sell. Like anywhere in the world, you choose what you eat. Yes, traditional quebec food is fatty because our ancestors were farmers who needed lots of carbs to work, but that does not mean you have to eat that type of food for every meal. Just because poutine is the national dish doesn't mean you have to eat it every meal, just like you wouldn't eat pizza every day in New York City.


The name of this video should be '' Why MY LIFE in Québec sucks'' . Not everyone is like you man...


Just delete the video at this point, you're embarassing yourself


Cette vidéo est d'un ridicule consommé. Traduction : this video sucks. So much closed-minded.


Now I understand why Canadians hates Quebec.

Quebec has the culture, the beautiful women, and the best cities « BY FAR ». It’s like stepping into a different country. And I love it!!!

The rest of Canada is very generic and boring. Just a bunch of uninspired suburban cities with U.S. franchises all over. C’mon Canada, be original!!!


4:50 - I'm an Anglophone Canadian, but I have to say that I support Quebec's language laws. Without them, French in Canada would decline precipitously. Hey, why not just learn French? It's one of the easier languages to learn for an Anglophone.


My mother moved to quebec from Ontario well into her adulthood, and her French is heavily accented. Despite this, she makes an effort to speak in french, and in return, people speak english to her, even though it's not their first language. When going to a culturally different place, it's important to pack understanding along with your clothes, because you cannot expect the people to adjust to you if you don't do the same. Dislike the weather, the corruption, all that, but quebec people are just people. I see a lot of comments on how unfriendly quebecois are, but we're not some kind of evil population. Affection is shown differently, but we are not mean. It's quite hurtful to call us rude and cold, we're just people. My mother often chats out front with quebecois neighbors about ordinary things like birds and her garden, despite a small language barrier. Make and effort to understand others, and they will do the same for you.


I think that the fact that Quebec maintains French as it language is wonderful.


About food. Let's get real.
- Florida obesity rate: over 60%
- Toronto: 20%
- Quebec City: 20%
I've lived in Sherbrooke and Gaspe and food is no problem anywhere in Quebec.... Food is a choice. Don't over eat. I eat vegan mostly but enjoy a bit of everything. Quebec is great.


Le gars nous explique que la bouffe du Québec est mauvaise pour la santé.... Mais il habite en Floride 🤣 Quelle sombre blague! J’ai bien dû passer 5 ans de ma vie aux USA et la très grande majorité de la bouffe là bas est littéralement infecte. Même les fois où l’on m’emmenait dans des endroits supposément de qualité, c’était juste ordinaire. Ah oui, une petite statistique comme ça: c’est au Québec que les taux d’obésité sont les moins élevés en Amérique du Nord... petit détail...


I know this video is 1 year old, but here is why what you are saying is trash.

1. Food. You say our food is’t healthy. You are right that poutine, meat pies, sugar pies aren’t healthy, but you’re saying that like if we were eating this every day. Most people eat poutine twice a month, and most people cook at home (not like in the US). Actually the food is a pro for me to live in Quebec : there is a lot of accessibility in supermarkets (if you are vegan, lactose intolerant, gluten free, you won’t have any problem finding what you want). And our restaurants are great and multicultural (you will easily find restaurants that serve mexican, italian, french, Indian, maroccan, etc.), especially in Montreal, as you said, but also in quebec city; and saying that our food isn’t healthy, and then moving to Florida is a strange healthy move…

2. Weather. Most of us are quite happy with our weather, we can do cool sports because of it, but yeah you’re right, winters could be 2 months shorter and a bit less intense. Still, I feel like our summers aren’t as bad as you say they are.

3. French. You seem to forget (and you don’t mention) that English AND French are the official languages of Canada. « We are forcing French upon people that might not be French Canadian » ? No. We are forcing French upon people that are CANADIAN and therefore should speak French. But that’s not the case, because, as you say, Canadians don’t have an interest in learning French. They don’t care about our langage.

About business, you are wrong. Yes they should operate in French, but we have absolutely no difficulty talking in English.
« You admire that we are able to preserve our French langage » ? Don’t you ask yourself how we’ve managed to do that, when, as you said, almost all of the north America is English ? It’s by applying such « regressive » laws. Without them, we wouldn’t speak French anymore (and most of Canada would be happy about it).
« We inforce the supremacy of the French language » ? When we go in the west, it is 100% impossible to speak in french. Even in Montreal, it’s hard.

You talk like if we were intolerant towards English people. When an English Canadian comes to be served in a restaurant or whatever, and he doesn’t speak French, we will speak in English. Try doing the opposite thing in Ontario and see what happens : we will be laughed at, and we will have to speak in English. We are the ones that always have to adapt, not you. We don’t ask that French imposes on English, we ask that the two languages are equal, as they should be by law. Don’t try saying that we are imposing our language, its bullshit. You guys are. In a comment, you say that « english people should be respected ». You are, it's french people that are not respected, even in their own province. Hell, even you who lived here for 20 years don't begin to understand our culture.

And then you wonder why some of us want to become a country of our own : so that we don’t have to get erased by you; so that we don’t have to deal with your language bullshit, and you don’t have to deal with ours.

4. The economy. I can’t talk about the economy, i don’t know much about how economy works in general. What I know is that having an apartment doesn’t cost so much, food doesn’t cost so much, we have free healthcare like the rest of Canada (unlike the country where you moved in), and that’s good enough for me.

5. Infrastructure
Getting around cities is only bad in Montreal.

6. Taxes
You are right, but I don’t think this should be the main reason why you leave Québec. And it is normal that you end up paying more the more you make, poor people shouldn’t have to pay as much as richer people in taxes, in my opinion. But yes, I feel like we pay too much taxes.

7. Professional sports
You are right, we don’t have many official professional teams, but a lot of Quebecois play in professional sports et are succeeding at it (maybe you don’t know it because when a Quebecois does succeeds in sports, you call him Canadian; and when he does not, a Quebecois. A lot in hockey, in speed skating, in ski; Georges St-Pierre is a Quebecois.


This guy has a great argument : "your so funny" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
