7 YEARS WITHOUT SOCIAL MEDIA | How deleting social media changed my life

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With the exception of YouTube, it will soon be 7 years since I made my decision to delete my Facebook account and go without accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc., to quit social media for good. Quitting social media has completely changed my life for the better. In this video, I briefly share why I decided to leave social media, the negative effects that it had on me, as well as the benefits that I experienced after deleting my accounts and how this decision has dramatically improved my life. I hope that sharing my experience will be helpful for you if you have wondered what it's like to go without social media or you have experienced social media withdrawal.
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Have you gone without social media for an extended period of time? How was your experience?


Its been 1 year and half for me, and im not depressed anymore . All those disgusting beauty standarts, all the cringe music, all the narcissist people who just crave attention and dont enjoy their real life . It so freeing that you can just delete it and never go back there, now i read, workout, enjoy my vacations and my outfits without the need to take pictures in different angles so i can have the perfect instagram post, i still do take pics but just for my memory.I have so much time for whatever I want to do. I feel private and i realised I never needed to share mine, or to know others feelings or thoughts every fucking day . Im an artist and social media was so harmful to me that it made me compare even my art, now i have started to create so much, and it doesnt end .Im filled with energy, because i dont listen to the bullshits every kid put out there. Im really feeling the healing, and being present . I recommend this to anyone, dont waste ur life in those apps which purpose is to make you feel bad and to make you feel like you dont fit in .


I left social media three months ago but not with the "loner loser" vibe, instead with the "sexy and mysterious woman who is too sophisticated to use social media" vibe.


When I deleted social media from my phone I fell back in love with reading books


I also left social media 7 years ago, as I felt sad and lonely because nobody was my friend on there and I miss the old days when people were normal.


I deleted twitter, facebook, Instagram, & snapchat yesterday. I need inner peace, I'm ready to find new things to occupy my time, read books, self confidence (one thing social media took from me), working out without posting selfies to be judged by, & having better communication with others without distractions.


Social media is also bad for romance. It kills all the beautiful moments in any relationship. Happy for you. Good luck.


It's been a month since I left to social media. I'm much happier, healthier and have more time to.focus on things and people I love. I'm glad I did this


You realize who really loves you when you delete everything.. who would contact you through just your phone number...


Leaving social media for many years has made me realise how the vast majority of people I encounter are addicted to social media, smartphones and entertainment. Where I currently live, the culture is toxic, anti-social and work-focused instead of people-focused. Over the years, due to technology, my pool of friends has shrunk, people have become zombie-like and disconnected, and the matter has been gradually getting worse. I envision the main problem of this decade will be social isolation and loneliness, especially in the big cities of rich countries.


A few years ago, I almost became addicted to Instagram, but then I realized that it was pointless, the only activity was people posting pictures of themselves with 10+ filters applied, thus, I deleted it. This was also during the pandemic lockdown stuff, so I was doing school online. When I finally got to school in-person, I noticed a very sharp and very clear difference from before the pandemic; more people on their phones in the corner, more people hiding themselves. This increase in introversion taught me to value the experiences I had with my friends and acquaintances. I realized that social media truly is pointless, and if you are looking for validation, be yourself and the right people will come eventually, and I did, and the right people came to me. I am happy without social media, and deleting my social media accounts almost felt like getting a weight off of my chest.


This is quite refreshing to hear. For the past 2/3 years I've been tempted to leave social media for good, as I've always felt there was something off about it. While doing a PhD at the same time, I admit I felt some comfort in social media, only to regret the amount of time I lost in it, all for the dopamine rush. Perhaps now is finally the time to take that step. Great video!


I quit social media in order to focus on my college studies and my family. It's so toxic, at first I missed it but to be honest, I don't miss it. I feel less anxiety


Social media works well with those who get exactly what they want from it, but not the other way around. You got insecure for not getting enough likes and attention from others as much as you expected. That’s why quitting social media is a great decision because it ruins your self esteem and concentration. I’ve quitted Facebook and instagram for 2 years and it’s been my best decision


Beautiful testimony! I actually made the same decision today. I kept Instagram for my business, and my brand manager does all the posting, etc. I enjoy YouTube, and that will be it for me. I’m ready to star in my own play called life, no more watching the play!


Social media is all f##ked up. It makes you feel unworthy of yourself.
You're right dear.We should be thinking of our lives and give ourselves the love and care we deserve. Thanks for uploading this video and keep going :)


Ive been on and off social media the past 2 years . Taking breaks when needed. I must admit i veiw it alot differently now having had that time off! In the near future i do see myself leaving completely.


Its amazing to see you interact with this. From the limited length. Video footage etc. When i was in undergrad i met a guy. Film guy who didnt have a digital cell phone. He was so into life, present, really just there. It was intriguing because at the time i was overly addicted to phones and other habits. Ive had periods of time / months without a phone due to struggles- however it didnt feel like i was missing something. I will say since getting a phone 4 months now ive picked up on some habits. There is beauty of connecting. Right now im re-adjusting life


To be honest, I do pretty great with meeting new people or having a conversation with them when they avoid superficial subjects. I feel like I can express myself better and understand people better too.


After 15 years of obsessive use I closed my accounts 2 weeks ago. Best decision ever!. So much more chilled out, no algorithms targeting me with triggering articles, no having to witness just how vile people can be to each other. My plan was for a year, the impact of these first two weeks suggests that year will just become my new normal and I won't ever return. Social media should be such a great thing but like all things humans touch it has become toxic.
