How do the mind and body connect?

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Can you feel the power of love in this episode of "Healthy State of Mind"?! In this episode, Dr. Murry and Kaitlyn explore the mind-body connection and how our mental state can influence physical sensations and experiences. They discuss the ways in which our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can impact our physical health. For the first time, Dr. Murry and Kaitlyn welcome a special guest, Laura Kerns, a registered dietitian! Tracey and Laura discuss the importance of a healthy diet in maintaining mental and physical health. Laura shares her insights on the impact of food on the brain and body, and how certain foods can affect our mood, energy levels and overall health.

00:00 - Introduction
0:58 - What do you think of when you hear mind-body connection
1:43 - What does having stressful thoughts do to the body
2:57 - How does exercising make your body feel
3:45 - Is it better to find activities that work for your own body
5:32 - What happens to your body when your in distress
8:04 - Temperature control can help your body when your in distress
9:59 - Nutrition
10:15 - Dr. Murry and Laura discuss how nutrition affects both the body and mind
10:38 - Laura Kerns introduces herself
11:34 - What is the connection between nutrition and the body
13:08 - What kind of food should we eat to help us have a good mood
14:32 - What foods give you stabilizing energy that won't make you crash
15:21 - How is a healthy gut related to your mood
16:38 - How your diet affects your sleep
18:23 - Dr. Murry's and Laura's segment ends and a quick recap
19:09 - Healthy alternatives to help resolve feeling sluggish in the afternoon
21:46 - How having a healthy intimate relationship affects your body
23:51 - What to look for when having difficulty maintaining healthy intimacy
25:44 - What are small steps needed to improve both body and mind
27:59 - Mindful Moment
33:15 - Conclusion
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