Low Carb Diet Shortens Lifespan? | Educational Video | Biolayne

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Original Study:

LDL Cholesterol is causative for heart disease:

Saturated fat increases LDL Cholesterol

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This study was so confusing that I increased my carbs and started smoking.


Perfect example of why Layne is the best commentator on nutrition issues on YouTube. Refuses to sensationalize a headline even if it could be used to bludgeon the low carb zealots he's often taking issue with. Interesting study, but I think it's helpful as a place to talk about these confounding variables and the limits of using all cause mortality to make sweeping generalizations about nutrition.

Eat your veggies, get your protein, sleep and exercise, don't smoke! Study after study confirms this advice.


I think another issue here is that probably at least half of those people on low carb diets didn't start the low carb diet until they were in their 30s and 40s, and were using it to address other health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I imagine it would be hard to find enough people that led a clean low carb lifestyle from birth to death to base a study on. My dad smoked until he was in his 40s, my mom all her life, and they both died to COPD and its related issues; sometimes the damage is already done.


What about how ingesting protein promotes igf-1 and its affects on longevity? And what about the higher amounts of methionine in animal protein? As a typical gym bro who spaces out his protein intake throughout the day and eats lots of protein as well as foods with higher methionine content overall, I would personally love a video about this topic and how such a diet would affect longevity. Thanks Dr Layne!


Layne, I appreciate your willingness to be critical of the study results and confounding factors…and not sensationalize the headlines!


I think a very important metric that a lot of mortality / aging studies gloss over is quality of life at older ages. If a certain diet lowers your life expectancy by a couple of years, but then increases your ability to care for yourself at an older age compared to another diet, that would be very interesting to hear about. Sarcopenia is one of the leading causes of disease injury and death among the elderly. Optimizing things like muscle mass could offer much more benefit to a person throughout their life, even though it could shorten their lifespan.


I'm here shoving some rice to increase my lifespan


This type of nutritional studies always makes me hungry.

That is one consistent finding. Confounding factors may apply.


I wonder if some of the people in the study who were on a low carb diet -higher mortality rate group also had other preexisting conditions like diabetes type 2 that would have increased mortality rates just because of their past issues related with the disease even when they're finally on low carb diets. Good vid. Keep up the myth busting and health lessons! Thank you.


loved the way you broke this one down, man! great video as always 💪🏼🙌🏼


I don't remember the study, but those who ate the most protein had the shortest lifespan. Those on low-carb tend to make up the rest of the calories with protein.


Thank you, Layne. That was very educational.


You're my favourite source of nutrional info. It's so well done, and balanced.


Absolutely love it. I love how you brought a diff narrative from the study as well. A lot of us don’t really pay attention to things like that, only the conclusion. Well done sir, keep bringing it 👊


This is the Biolayne I love and super respect. Re-subbed.


Great video Layne, as always. Some speculation from me: potentially those on the lower carbohydrate diet being so restrictive by nature, that participants looked for a high outside food (i.e nicotine).


What would you recommend on blood pressure reduction beside calorie restriction, and exc.? Could you cover more about health and popular diets, flexible, paleo, time restricted, some comparation for cardiovascular health etc...?


Think the actual message is, high protein diets shorten life span in various animal studies - multiple species. The animals fed high carb, low protein were a bit overweight but outlived the the lean, high protein fed animals. Highly recommend the work and book „Eat like the Animals“.
Question is, do we rather want to lean down with high protein / low carb and reap those be benefits, or limit protein for life extending effects?
Maybe Layne can cover this, together with the Protein Leverage Hypothesis created by the same scientists / authors of the book mentioned above.


Very much appreciated, again fantastic content. I am subbed to one of those suggesting high saturated fat/carnivore diets and it's just so confusing. According to that source, cholesterol levels of 300+ could be fine if certain other measures are looking good. Forgot what it was. Maybe science will come up with more information in this regard, it's certainly pretty interesting. But I personally tend to prefer the mediterranian approach with more mono-unsaturated fats anyways, with a lower carb content because it works for me currently.

Love and strength


I actually got a violin ad for a violin video that was astonishing
