Jordan Peterson - Challenging Your Boring Life

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What it really means to be an individual.

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This guy is my hero. You can tell how messed up the world is when most media outlets don't listen to the substance of what he says, rather what they want people to think he says. He's the most logical, insightful person this world has to offer in his position


Thanks to Peterson, I went from being a 20 year old who thought about suicide his whole life, doing something I hated, to being at 22 accepted in one of the only four automotive design school of my country and going to the gym twice a week.


I always feel better after listening to Peterson talk; but not in a soothed "oh it'll all be ok" sorta way, more the "f**k yea, let's rock!" sorta way.


My bf put a 2 hour vid of jp on to try and cheer me up when I was really depressed for a while, he ended up in tears telling me how much he cared for me, that night changed my life


misbehaving out of pure boredom at school... relatable.


You never cease to amaze me Dr. Peterson, you really have made a difference in my life at 63 I just wish I'd found you


So simple. So powerful. Just Brilliant.


Hes a professor at my university the great Jordan Peterson!


I finished college with computer science degree in 2013 at the age of 23, but couldn't find work in that field since I didn't have the necessary 2 years of work experience to work, but I also couldn't get said exp without working. 3 years after finishing said college without any work, in 2016 I finally found my first ever job at the age of 26, but it was as a security guard ( which needlessly to say, has nothing to do with my chosen profession of IT guy). I worked at that company for 1 year and spent most of my work time guarding hotels and working from 10 to 24 aka. 14 HOURS SHIFTS 6 DAYS WEEKLY WITH ONLY 1 DAY FREE, but to get to said job I had to get up at around 7ish o'clock in the morning to drink some coffee eat something get dressed, get dressed in that horrible piece of clothing called uniform (which gave me itches and made my neck look like I was getting hickies nonstop from nonexistant girlfriends from wearing that horrible material) get to company location get the company car at 8:30 in the morning to get in time to my work place at 10, and ge back from work to my heaven ( bed) at around 1:30 in the morning, only to get back up in the morning the next day again in the morning at 7ish. Which means when you count in the travel hours, I was working 17 hours daily! Many times ( I've lost count honestly) I found myself waking up during driving back from work from exhaustiion and the shitty car steering into the ditch on the right, or to the left where by the grace of God Almighty no cars drove at those hours of the night. This was mobbing at its finest since my employer knew the work condiditons and that I barely got even this job, and that my financial situation was in the shitter and iI couldn't leave. At the end of every month I've had over 300 hours logged in, only to get paid 17 kn per hour ( around 2.29 euros or 2.66 USD per hour). I quit that job the first chance I ever had. Since I had no wor exp in the IT, no work was found, AGAIN. I've found another sec. guard job in 2017 with a company offering better working conditions and closer to home. I have no girfriend, all my friends and former friends are in happy relationships or either have one or two Mini-Mes running around, and here I sit aat my job writing this long ass shitty comment which nobody might read, with no perspective on how to fix my life. Needlessly to say, I'M DEPRESSED...

EDIT. Since then Ive managed to change jobs again, and now I work in the local bank as the cashier. At least my highschool education in economics is paying of. The job is great, and its a miracle I managed to get it not even a week before COVID became a thing. The gf is still nonexistant unfortunately but I am hopeful.
Thank you all for your comforting words. Know that each and every one of them got to me and helpt me deal with my situation. THANK YOU.


Peterson's right—life is a process of action, of exploration, of dynamic growth. Settling into a groove is poison in disguise.


I stopped smoking weed because JP reminded me that I wasn't doing myself any favours. F* I feel great.


Thank you Bite-sized for all your work. You are my gateway drug into Dr. Jordan Petersons full lectures/speeches/dialogues.


I was applauding him and didnt realize the vid was ending. He inspire us, he remind us that the evil is noticeable, but the good is silent and is still the majority. God blesss this guy and the ones brave enought to keep this world running


Probably my favorite soundbyte of Peterson....just phenomenal. We are all capable of this, as lofty as it sounds.


Do things with moderation, challenges are good for people, promotes growth, combat malevolence with blessings and help from others.


This is how I feel lately going to school full time and working full time. While still maintaining a relationship with my friends and gf. I never have time to be bored, not one second, and I love it.


All the catastrophe justifies itself in the nobility of your striving.
What a line!


...My God...Jordan, your life is a job well done.


>>Great video and some excellent tips! These are scary times for new investors but the best thing you can do is not to make decisions based on emotions. This could actually be a good time to buy more of your high conviction stocks or crypto on a discount. Wealth is created during bear markets, not bull markets. If your portfolio is really effecting your mental health then delete the app and go for a walk. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. Just ensure you working under the guidance of an efficient and reliable professional <FA>


I was horrified for the kids in my class that couldn't read. One kid didn't talk at all we called him mute and he clearly had a psychological problem but the teacher made everyone wait until he read something which he never did. So cruel.
