I Found Axolotls in an Abandoned Pond!

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In todays video I find axolotls in an abandoned pond, along with a ton of crazy fish, snakes, and turtles! After getting a message from a subscriber saying they couldn’t take care of them anymore, they asked me to come save them! So, I started netting around in the shallow end and I caught some axolotls, dolphin fish, freshwater sharks, cichlids, eels, and much more! But as I kept going I started finding weirder and weirder creatures like pipa pipa frogs, knife fish, and other alien fish… I then decided to explore deeper into the pond and that’s when I started catching monster fish like catfish, arowanas, redtail catfish, pufferfish, and huge axolotls! But there wasn’t just big axolotls, there was also babies which we caught tons of! And as we kept going things got even crazier… We caught albino turtles, snakes, a mata mata turtle, vampire fish, and monster blue crawfish! But when I finally reached the deepest part of the pond I was attacked by something big! So I decided to place my fish traps in the pond to hopefully catch what it was! While we let the fish traps sit we started exploring the area the albino axolotls live, and we caught tons of them including 2 monster ones! It was then time to check the fish traps and we caught tons of mystery fish! We brought everything we caught back to my house and added them to my backyard ponds and aquariums! Should we do a part 2?

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I can’t believe all of the creatures we found in the abandoned pond! Should we do a part 2?


Whoever likes this comment that means you want part 2


PART 2!!! PART 2!!! I would love to see all the fish get saved and see the entire diversity of fish in there!!! The fact that there were so many axolotls in one video is crazy. Amazing job we appreciate you for this😍😍😍


Part 2 Part 2 Part 2!! My daughter and I LOVE your videos. She’s started guessing the fish before you say it and she’s learning so much. So glad you are back!


Can we appreciate that this guy catches fishes from everywhere and he saves them from this abandoned pools ponds? It’s so sweet of Bobby to do that and leave like if you appreciate this too and also when you fish in big ponds suggest you put a bobber on your fish trap string so you can know where your fish traps are, just some advice if you don’t wanna use it that’s totally fine


Legend is back with another video guys


Whoever owned this pond. Just walked into the pet store and said yes.


My parents won’t let me get any axolotls but seeing them get saved and adopted or sold to a good owner cheers me up and it turns things to the brightside❤


That pond looked lifeless to me. Then he proceeds to pull out a whole aquatic ecosystem. The species diversity was fascinating!
EDIT: This YouTuber is lying to us! See my comments below!


Jajaja! His excitement and expresions are so cute! Albino Axolotls are my favorites.


I Love akalokal! 😍I love your video 's🎉


Yes, please part 2! There are such beautiful, diverse fish in this abandoned pond. They all deserve to be saved. Great work, Bobby!


Part 2 please! My 3 year old daughter loved watching this with me. She has been asking for an albino Axolotl for awhile to match her glow in the dark Axolotl blanket. Very fun video thanks for the share.


I love how your not only saving axolotls but the other fish too ❤


Definitely think a part 2 and more would be a good idea.


I always love your videos❤ keep doing what you love and keep fishing


The fact you risk your life just to save different types of fish is just…. Wow you are so kind and caring for them keep it up ❤


This is amazing. I'm astounded that so many fish that require such diffferent environments survived in that. My axolotls would never survive that. Hope you found loving homes for them all.


Yes we need a part 2 Bobby and Helen! I know with everything that you have gone through Bobby, but if you can find it in your heart to maybe make a few more videos, all of your fans, including me, would love it! I know that you have other endeavors, but please, don’t forget about all of your fans here.


2:15 Silver Hatchetfish (does best in schools and lives on the surface)
2:54 African Butterfly Fish. (Related to the Arowana its a surface dweller as well like its cousin the Arowana)
4:32 Either a Red Sun Peacock Cichlid or a Maleri Red Blue Peacock Cichlid.
9:56 is some type of Albino Terrapin (its tiny a turtle)
And the Texas Cichlid you caught is a short body (as opposed to a long body).

Wish I could pull 3k plus worth of fish out old a dirty old swimming pool.