How to Defend Punches in Kickboxing | Muay Thai

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Defending against the punches now. Okay? Now, one difference that you can't go wrong with is always keeping your hands up high. Okay? Now, once my opponent decides if he wants to throw a jab, and I don't want the jab to penetrate my guard, I'm going to try and parry the jab with my right hand.

Okay? The hand goes down. I can come over the top. I can punch from there. Or, once he's off balance here, I have a free kick here, or I can kick over there. If he comes with a right hand, again, parry with the left hand. Again, body turns. Leaves him open for a right kick, or the right punch.

When he throws the left hook, as he throws the left hook, I want to bring my arm, my right arm in close. Okay? Covering up the side. Okay? So the punch doesn't come through and hit the chin, and then they return back. Okay?

So a little drill you can do with your partner is they can throw across. One. Two. Okay? Again. One. Two. I'll throw a round or two, then they're going to add in the hook. So one, two, and then keep your hand up for the hook. Now, one more thing when they do the hook is, as you bring your arm in to block the hook, you want to extend your left hand out. Okay. Which is going to at times put him off of balance. That way you can go from a defensive move into an offensive move.

So again, jab cross hook. Jab, hook. Okay. I push him out. Now, I can always step in with a punch, or I can step in with a kick there. Okay? And that was defending the punches.
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Basic stuff... Good stuff.. Basic stuff is always was works best when practiced. After years and years, it will become muscle memory..


Good App.From some of my fighting/sparring experiences, I've often considered the practicality of a high("chicken winging") guard position as you are advocating, because you can be more easily hit in the solar plexus, ribs and lower chest than in a slightly lower guard position, however an off-line discussion I had with a Pencat Silat student and some retrospection has engendered some thought, while it is not ideal, and should be avoided as much as possible, being hit very hard in the stomach or ribs is definitely not the same as being hit in the head/face area...protect your whole body, but priority should be given to first protect your head(it's pressure points, your eyes...)-your command center, from trauma.Therefore, at least for now, I've reconsidered my former position ;meaning, that with some tactical precautions, this very high guard position can work.


I already know how to dodge really good. A lot of people are impressed with my dodging. I learned all on my own.


Pretty basic, tried it out, gets job done :) Nice video)


I never defend my head by trying to catch the punch with hands .

What if you miss the punch, you will open a huge space and therefore there is a 99% you will get hit hard

just slip or leave it hit you


I've only learned how to block at my school. We didn't learn any parrying.


hey, I am no expert, but wouldn't you want to block with the same side that he is coming in with so that you aren't crossing your body when you block? How will I be able to punch someone if my arms are crossed?


Good vid, good learning material! 5/5


the hook punch defense in muay thai kinda sucks compared to the boxing defense, but then again it's a different sport, muay thai doesn't have very much upper body movement, it's more stiff.


This video should have been called "Defending the punches"


what is the best idea. block or do the parry?


what if the opponent try to hit you in th belly. what defense teachnique will i do


Wouldn't the hook slip by and hit head


This won't really work in a street fight because if u block like that it might slip through this will work in a muay Thai fight offiesly


none of you guys will be saying this, if the guy kicked yo ass


Wouldn't necessarily work in life... those parries
