Do Brain Games Really Make You Smarter?

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There's a lot of conflicting research out there about brain training games. It seems like they're helpful, but are they actually working to improve our intelligence? Anthony wades through the research to determine the actual value of brain games.

Read More:

Brain Teaser Games May Slow Aging Mind
"Challenging yourself with a brain-teasing game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated with the natural aging process, a new study finds."

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Training Using a Visual Speed of Processing Intervention in Middle Aged and Older Adults
"Age-related cognitive decline is common and may lead to substantial difficulties and disabilities in everyday life. We hypothesized that 10 hours of visual speed of processing training would prevent age-related declines and potentially improve cognitive processing speed."

Online Brain-Training: Does it Really Work?
"Websites that claim to increase concentration, verbal reasoning and memory have become big business, despite research that challenges their effectiveness."

Q&A: New Evidence Shows Brain-Training Games Don't Work
"The desire to improve our cognitive ability through brain-training games has turned into what is said to be a trillion-dollar industry."

Do Brain Games Work?
"A few new studies, including one meta-analysis, suggest brain games don't make you any better at anything but playing brain games."

Putting Brain Training to the Test
"'Brain training', or the goal of improved cognitive function through the regular use of computerized tests, is a multimillion-pound industry1, yet in our view scientific evidence to support its efficacy is lacking."

Working Memory Training Does Not Improve Intelligence in Healthy Young Adults
"Jaeggi and her colleagues claimed that they were able to improve fluid intelligence by training working memory."


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Does weed make us high, or does it just make us FEEL high?


 I've learned english by playing games like star fox 64 and reading songs lyrics in their old LP covers. :)
 I believe that what makes you smarter is the insatiable desire to challenge yourself by doing things you are not used to do and innovate in the way you deal with everyday tasks.


Most of those color or shape sequencing games really just help you become more alert and attentive; do them enough, and your ability to realize that a blue square is not the same as a yellow square in .8 seconds might lead to realizing that the car ahead of you is merging without their blinker on in .3 seconds.


No matter if they do or don't, DNews is not the right guys to ask


I play a brain training game called League of Legends PC Edition


When I was in highschool I got better grades and I noticed my mind could do more like remembering names and problem solving and recalling more when I pushed myself to really think and concentrate even more then I usually did and didn't let my emotions get to a point where I was emotionally compromised as much by catching the emotion. Being very upset and emotional can cloud judgments and make it harder to think carefully and clearly. It's not possible to be calm 100% in stressful times but pushing for regulation amd not repression can help.


Drawing, Painting, learning a language and playing an instrument are big ways to strengthen the mind and slow down mental decline that's what I read online in many different forums that was backed up by science.


I have an app of this, i used to play in Lomosity also. I actually feel like my memory has improved a lot, idk, maybe i had good memory before i played this games and i didn't know. But i thing this games actually help in certain areas, but as this guy says, don't let this games be the only mental workout. Physical exercise, reading, and mental games...


I do lumosity but the games I play the most are the vocabulary and math ones because I feel they actually have real effects to your eloquence and problem solving abilities. All that other stuff doesn't seem to be applicable in real life situations.


intelligence is measured in many ways, memory is the most common of ways, organization is very important because it helps you to find info faster and easier, and that confidence you spoke of is a direct result of knowing you know over simply thinking you know


Medieval Total war and 1701 AD helped me with becoming an entrepreneur 


I do think that these games help your ability to concentrate. For instance, I never had to do anything at school and so when my exams came, I couldn't get myself to study for more than one hour straight. This wouldn't mean that brain training makes you smarter, but it does help your ability to get smarter. Small difference but still useful.


Your brain capabilities will improve most of you do as many different activities as possible. That way you exercise the largest number of neural activity between different parts of the brain. Being little bit good at everything is best.


if you want to be smarter. Read a book. take up a new skill. Become a artist. Learn a new language. Play videos games.


Firstly we have a false dilemma ie it does not all depend on what you consider mental processing as stated in the video. Here is the rub. Those games may only teach you to get better at one task however the act of learning something new engages many parts of the brain. Honing those new skills engages even more of the brain.

Saying that honing in a very specific skill set wont make you smarter is like saying becoming a professional chest player wont maker you smarter. You can say it but I dont think very many of us would challenge the current chest grand master to a duel in a new game that neither party has played if there was a bet on the line.


GTA counts as a brain training game right?


The problem is, that most people get the term "smart" mixed up as being both, smart and knowledgeable. it's a common misconception. A person that's not very smart can seem smart because of a vast amount of experience, (generally older people) but that does not necessarily make them "smart"


I do not see how these games would not help you. If you are thinking and concentrating harder with theses games compared to just watching tv or YouTubeing you must be doing something better for your brain. It has helped me to understand how to get my brain in "the zone" and processing thing more easily.


ill go through phases where ill play a lot of mental games, then stop, then play again. one thing i notice with mental training is that its like working out. its not guaranteed that your mental changes will stay once improved just as its not guaranteed that your muscles will stay once bulk up. you have to keep at it.


I have suffered a traumatic brain injury, and I used to be smart. So now I feel like my brain needs this training. Would anyone like to question me about this?
