Are Infraspinatus Trigger Points Causing Your Shoulder Pain?

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👉 The infraspinatus muscle is one of the four muscles in the rotator cuff and is located on the back of the shoulder blade. It is responsible for external rotation and extension of the arm.

👉 Trigger points can develop within the infraspinatus muscle, causing localized pain and referring pain to other areas such as the back of the shoulder, upper arm, and forearm.

👉 Referred pain from infraspinatus trigger points can be debilitating, affecting daily activities and contributing to shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff dysfunction.

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and play a crucial role in stabilizing and facilitating movement of the shoulder. It consists of four muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Among these muscles, the infraspinatus muscle is particularly important. Located on the back of the shoulder blade, it is responsible for the external rotation and extension of the arm.

Trigger points can develop within the infraspinatus muscle, causing localized pain and referred pain in other areas. Referred pain from trigger points in the infraspinatus muscle can be quite debilitating and may interfere with daily activities. The pain can be felt as a deep ache or sharp sensation and may worsen with movement or certain arm positions. In some cases, trigger points in the infraspinatus can also contribute to shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff dysfunction. Proper diagnosis and treatment, such as manual therapy, stretching exercises, and targeted trigger point release, are essential for managing and alleviating the pain associated with infraspinatus trigger points.

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This is so helpful. Not many know what the pain is.


Yep experienced this after a bad fall recently soo painful 3 tears & impingement still in therapy.


Palvic tilt n right side in between shoulder N waist have big arc N the oposite left side arc so small. Same way right side soulder looking more up in compare lift side. But effect is so mild as look wise. I mean no body can find the effect by c my body. N have right shoulder pain. I m yogi so I m practice yoga every day may be by some physical activity I got this problem. My body is so flexible. So 🙏 please if posible make on this topic video. Were my type of people correct it my self without any body sport. 🙏🙏🙏 n I m watching your video for more improve my knowledge. U r great explaining sir. Thank you for sharing us 😇🙏🙏🙏


Is it normal to have some soreness in the area of the trigger point after working on it? The day after?


Bhai ji mujhe aapse kuch baat karni hai


I have that problem so how to stop the pain?


Can it go into the chest? I had a muscle that felt like it was frozen for a month or longer. Could lift my arm, barely turn neck, and couldn’t take deep breaths. It hurt so much. Doctor said muscle spasm but it does help when I mash the lower trigger point but I felt it all the way down to my right breast. 😢 Can it be rhombus pain?


My right side full of trigger points. Even my external oblique. I felt better afer dry needling but trigger points came back after 2 mounths from therapy. I dont know what to do


I need you..Not many know how find the pain in my arms. I can't raise my arms properly. Whatever you are saying her this is what I have. I will show this to my Massage therpist.


Why can't I give someone as knowledgeable as you?
Uhh struggling with tight back(rhomboid, infraspinatus) but getting treatment for rotator cuff. 😞
Think it may be frozen shoulder but unsure. Having a hard time with upward scapular rotation.


Ayni benim durum var agri cekme sizlama var


Torn rotatar cuuff that what causes pain


If you have pain in there, means you have problem in heart?


These videos are so useful I just need to find a chiropractor who will fix me!!’🤷🏽‍♀️


Ini spot yang selama ini sakit di pundak dan punggung saya


I hv this pain and no solution reight now special sleeping time bad bad sleeping
