InterRail Tips - How to save MONEY!

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Hi guys, in this video I am going to talk about interrail, how to book your train, hostels and foods. I am going to spilt the video into 4 categories food, transportation, accommodation, and entertainment. Firstly, you can save lot of money from food. You can find hostels which serves break fast and also you can pack your food if you are traveling. When you are returning to the hostel you can go to supermarket and get salad or something like that; this way you can save lots of money from food. You can use this money on the things you really need. When it comes to transportation expenses, you need to spend here because if you need travel in high speed train or night train you need to reserve the seat so you need to plan the budget accordingly. You can also plan your budget for traveling from one city to another city through tram, train, or metro. If the city is near by you can choose to walk, this way you can save your money. For accommodation, It is good find a good hostel as it can help you meet new people and also you can get a good night sleep. Spending your money on a good hostel is worth to get peaceful sleep. Furthermore, entertainment, you can spend the saved money on entertainment so that you can have fun time with your friends.

I have answered few questions on my previous video on interrail. Watch the full video and share your views in the comment box below.

Save some money during the trip so you can enjoy it more! After my Interrail, this is what I can teach you. Hope you find it useful.

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Dá para perceber que és portugues :D
O meu nome é Tomás e estou em Inglaterra a viver há, neste momento, 6 meses. Uma das coisas que obviamente me motiva a estar aqui sozinho a começar esta aventura é o facto de poder ter dinheiro suficiente para algumas viagens que em Portugal não conseguiria pagar...
Era porreiro se pudéssemos manter contacto e partilhar algumas ideias ;)


I am so happy that I found a good an informal video about interrail. Thank you very much you helped me a lot for my own trip :)


approx how much did you spend per day in each place? as an average?


How many countries did you visit? Me and my friend are planning a trip and I think we might be being a little too ambitious with how many activities we can do and how many cities we can visit in the short period of time :p thanks!


How long did you interrail for? I am going for 3 weeks and want to compare how much money to bring with me :)


hello ! what was the name of your hostel in Berlin ??? thank you in advance !


Hey! És português ou é impressão minha? (if not, I'm so sorry, but your accent really sounds like you are)
Thank you so much for the video. I'm planning a trip starting in august and would really appreciate your advice. Could you contact me, please, so we can chat? Thanks again and congrats on the channel and all your advice videos! :D


what website did you use to find the hostels? 


Olá! Ótimo vídeo! Estou a pensar fazer um interrail e tenho algumas dúvidas. :)Reservaste as noites em hostels com antecedência em todas as cidades, ou foste reservando /alterando as reservas à medida que viajavas? E se sim, é possível fazê-lo facilmente via smartphone durante a viagem,  por exemplo? Nunca utilizei hostels. No caso de quarto partilhado há locais para guardares a mochila/mala de forma segura durante a noite ou durante o tempo que sais para visitar a cidade? Ou convém levar sempre tudo connosco?  Obrigado!


Is it important to make a reservation for High speed trains? If it is not a space for us. cant we sleep in the hall? Or it is possible to threwon from train?


Did you book the hostels before you started your journey or when you arrived at the City? i want to go in july and im not sure how much i want to organize because i also want to be flexible.


Bom dia,  durante o interrail, qual a melhor maneira de aceder ao dinheiro? Levantando em caixas multibanco ou levando numerário? Obrigado


How many travel days did you take? And how many countries did you go to?


Is there a private email that you have that i could talk to you with possibly? me and my friends will be doing interrailing and we dont have anything planned out yet but hacing you as a "expert" would be awesome xD


Hi! You said we needed extra money to travel inside the city but can't we use the interrail pass to use the city's trains?


What was the name of the hostel you stayed in for Berlin?


at which hostel did you stay in Berlin? 'cause 6€ are super cheap :)


Nowadays, i think hostels arent very good, so i dont agree with your opinion, Airbnb is much better than hostels :)


Over your entire interrailing trip, how much money did you spend on food, accommodation, transportation and entertainment?


Ja vi que és português ahahaha, não sei se ainda vens aqui ou não, mas eu tenho uma dúvida. Achas que é confiável 1200€ para 22 dias? Abraço!
