How to Tell a PC Hardware Problem From a Software Problem

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How to Tell a PC Hardware Problem From a Software Problem
The easiest way to find out whether the pc problem is related to hardware or software is to do a clean install of windows 10/11 or Linux.
Key Components:

1. RAM
2. CPU
3. Motherboard
4. GPU
5. PSU

Other Components:
RGB Lights & Hub
CPU Cooler/Heatsink
Expansion Cards


Reinstalling Windows means clean/fresh install Windows 10/11 or Linux. Always create a new bootable USB drive with the OS of your choice and do a clean install. (Backup data first)

A clean install of Windows 10/11 will delete personal files and settings. It will also delete all your programs and applications, including any apps you installed from the Microsoft Store.It will also undo recent system changes you've made.

You can use a spare hard drive or SSD to install windows to eliminate windows being the issue.

Unplug RGB Lights & Hub, CDROM/Drive, Unnecessary Extra Fans, Expansion Cards, PSU Extension Cables, Peripherals like USB Hubs or any other devices that can be removed to eliminate problems

If you don't have spare parts to swap out and test with, stop what your doing and take it to a pc repair shop. Stop trying to guess what the problem could be.

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Hope this video helps you troubleshoot pc problems. Drop us a LIKE 👍


Very well said. Straight forward and easy to understand. There are a lot of people that think they can always stay away from a reinstall. I am glad to hear you explain this about in troubleshooting


Always good to have two PCs. If the new PC is broken, you can still access the internet via the old one. It also helps to have two OS on the same hard drive. If the PC has problems and won't boot, you can try the other OS. Start the PC, and if there are no other problems, you know that it is not a hardware problem. From my own experiences, I have experienced that the video card and the monitor break first.


Around a month ago my well-maintained PC started shutting off and restarting randomly. It was really worrying because nothing like that had ever happened previously. Google suggested it could be everything from dust, to dodgy RAM, to a PSU ready to explode, lol. After a heck of a lot of trial and error it turns out Avast had updated itself, and was messing with something or another in Windows. I uninstalled the trash immediately, downloaded some new anti-virus, and the PC's been in great form ever since. But those few weeks of frantic troubleshooting and backing up my files in-case something went very seriously wrong was so stressful.


I'd recommend making a persistent linux bootable OS and just boot from this usb drive to test if it's a software problem. That way you can re-use it when needed plus you have a backup if Windows gets corrupted (which for me is rarely).


I'd use a spare drive to install temp windows with and if that works then it'll show which path to follow without destroying your original hard drive !


I always keep an Ubuntu Linux live USB around, that way you can boot from it and select Live CD mode (which runs the OS from RAM instead of installing it). You get to try out Linux and make sure your hardware is working. Works for me !


That is why I do full backups of my system. Even if I install a fresh copy and that does not fix the issue, I can always restore the backup and troubleshoot hardware issues. Either way I do not lose anything.


If you have a MB speaker you can go by the beep codes it gives you. Also boot into safe mode for loading limited drivers to see if the problem goes away. Usually corrupted drivers.


I have created a rebuild setup for my OS and do a fresh install with it at least once a year. At that point I also unmount the CPU fan, apply fresh thermal paste and do a general heavy cleaning of everything in the computer. This is how I can make any PC I build last for the better part of 7+ years and I have minimal issues. Aside from the hardware failure that is inevitable but still rare if you take care of your computer and dont buy on the cheap!


You can also use a Linux flash drive version to check if system works just unplug your other drives and set up bios to boot from USB


For peple who don't like reinstalling windows get a cheap mechanical hard drive or SSD that way you don't have to worry about your data. Just disconnect your main drive and put that one in its place.


I remember years and years ago, I had a computer which kept messing up and performing very erratically. For a long time I thought it was just Windows being a dick. Turns out their was a stray hair in one of the RAM slots causing all those problems.


you might suggest if you have a spare hard drive, load Windows onto the spare hdd, with the suggestions you made (no extraneous hardware).


We have to realize that some apps are not well coded; even games. Sometimes no matter what you do the PC crashes...drivers corrupt or get outdated and often the vendor walks away from the product. Cables are not created equal and they break or fail or connectors come apart. It's good to have spares but mostly don't overestimate what the unit can do.


Good reason to have a spare drive on hand so you don't risk data loss and for using this approach


this just might be the best video on the internet


Thanks for the info. Always appreciate your videos.


Another great video. You are the most useful tech out there in YouTubeLand


I would boot to a live Linux iso from a usb Drive first, e.g. Ubuntu iso on an easy2boot usb drive first. This saves reinstalling windows. You can also install windows to a usb drive using wintousb and then boot to that which saves having to take apart the pc or notebook. The usb drive can then be kept for future testing purposes. Easy2boot can also boot to various winpe ISOs such as hirens winpe, strelec winpe, dlcboot, medicat, etc.
