Understanding HDL & LDL Cholesterol – Cholesterol Ratios Explained

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There are dozens of ways to analyze a cholesterol blood test, looking at the levels of HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol. But it goes beyond just looking at the numbers - some doctors also think that the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL or other measures are better indicators of overall cardiovascular health. Dr. Clayton explains the ratios most commonly used, and gives you some simple ways to think about them in the context of your own cholesterol blood test using real-world examples.

Dr. David Clayton Bio:
David Clayton received his MD from Rutgers Medical School in 1998, and his MBA from Columbia University in 2003. He is a member of the American Society of Nutrition and practiced lifestyle-based medicine at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla California. He created one of the country's first medical clinics based solely on fitness and nutrition, without the use of medications. His current online work is in partnership with leading physicians in endocrinology and integrative medicine who share his passion for helping people live longer, healthier lives.  

This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the guidance of your physician and obtain a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation before making any changes to your health routine or diet. This video does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. David Clayton and you. Dr. David Clayton, rxfive and Cholesterol Mastery are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain directly, incidentally, consequentially, or indirectly through this video, channel or site.

#cholesterol #ldl #cholesterolratio #lowercholesterol
Рекомендации по теме

This Doctor took the time to explain everything clearly to us. I am grateful to him.


Really interesting thank you. I’d like to know if HDL can ever be too high? Mine is 105 mg/dl (2.72 mmol). Seems out of most ranges


Arent there different sizes of LDL particles? The small, dense LDL or damaged LDL is what is "bad". The large fluffy particles are not bad. This vid seems to simplify things a bit. Why dont we look at the sizes of the LDL particles?? or test our insulin sensitivity.


Hi doc,
Chol/hdl 2.34 ....is this normal ...?


Hi my
TC is 299
Try 84
HdL 84
Ldl 198
Pl advise. Thanks


No mention of the 2 different types of LDL ?


What about Vldl? Isn’t that more important than ldl number.


Sir can total cholesterol be less than sum of Ldl and hdl?


I humbly ask you to answer me
Non HDL .2.7
TG 1 .17
HDL.0 92
LDL.2 .16


Best treatment for atherosclerosis: Vitamin C

Why do only coronary arteries clog with cholesterol and not veins or small capillaries?

Scurvy = No vitamin C in your diet.
Symptom: Your blood vessels break and you bleed to death. Think of the sailor of the past.

Scurvy of the heart = Just enough vitamin C from food.
Symptom: Arteries around the heart are not strong enough to resist high blood pressure. Damage is repaired with cholesterol LP(a) to prevent worse. After years of repair, your arteries become clogged.

Enough vitamin C supplement of at least 3000 mg. per day gives strong and flexible arteries. Cholesterol is not needed as a repair agent. Cholesterol in your coronary arteries is broken down and burned in your liver.

Source YouTube:
- Cardiovascular disease and vitamin C (Dr. Rath Foundation)
- Ending the Cardiovascular Epidemic by Natural Means - Dr. Matthias Rath


Sir my hdl cholesterol 33.1 this is problem
