How 1 Update Changed Minecrafts Future FOREVER...

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Over 3 years ago, the minecraft caves and cliffs update was announced, easily looking to be the games biggest update ever. However, now a few years later, the update is remembered quite differently...

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0:00 – Intro
1:26 – REDMAGIC Sponsor AD
3:17 - Caves and Cliffs Announced
6:26 – Things Begin Going Wrong…
10:08 – The Catalyst
12:31 – What Went Wrong?
15:41 – The Bar Was Set Too High

Music Used:
1. 12 Continent - The Journey
3. C418 - Shuniji
4. Scott Buckley - Horizons
5. Lena Raine - Rubedo
6. C418 - Flake
7. C418 - Living Mice

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftupdate #cavesandcliffsupdate
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Years later, I'm still baffled that fireflies weren't added even though the frogs can eat living cubes of magma


the firefly thing is mind boggling when you can literally kill parrots by feeding them cookies (which are poisonous to them)


The thing you didn't mention that I think everyone should is the contrast in between the first Caves and Cliffs delay (by Lady Agnes) vs the announcement where they said they're not doing the birch forest. The contrast in the tone of the videos is insane. Maybe it's just Lady Agnes and seeing how sad she was when announcing the delay when we're used to seeing her happy? Regardless, the 1.19 delay announcement video felt very cold.


The way she talked about the Birch Forest cancelation felt as if she was blaming the community for their expectations. Even though they announced it as if it was a feature, it felt as if the rug was getting pulled out beneath your feet while also being told it was your fault being on the carpet after being directed to the carpet.
It was a pretty dumb move to announce it the way they did.


This video reminds me of my favorite quote from Customers for Life by Carl Sewell

"Under promise, over deliver. Customers expect you to keep your word. Exceed it"


I feel like, these past couple years, the updates have had SOOO much influence on the game and the community. It was bound to happen that a Minecraft update would have some controversy.


As a game developer, overpromising and underdelivering is the fastest way to get fired. You'd think the developers of the world's biggest game would have learned that by now.


Important detail: Every update before 1.17 OVERDELIVERED features. The fact that so many additions to the game weren't even in the prior Minecraft Live made Mojang seem like they were going above and beyond (which they were). Compare that to taking 3+ years to add not even all of the features advertised and many of the unrelated new features in 1.17-1.20 not being related to the original theme of updating well, the game's caves and cliffs.


We were cursed by this update feels like ngl


I feel like we got past the "renewal updates" era when each update was focused on refreshing some important piece of game (oceans, villages, nether, terrain). This era starting with 1.13 basically ended with 1.19 and now Mojang isn't sure what the next updates should be about. In my opinion Mojang should now focus on adding the seemingly forgotten vote losers (that they promised to add one day) and the features they skipped (especially proper archeology). It doesn't need to be anything new to be exciting. The entire community would love to see those features because we always hoped to see them. It's the simplest and the best thing they could do. No hard work thinking of new stuff, no controversy, just implementing what they have already shown us.


Another thing is that they decided to reveal all of the content for caves and cliffs at once pretty much, when the nether update was announced, they didnt even reveal netherite yet among many other things. If they would have just not announced things like the bundle, archeology, ect... We still could have gotten them at the same pace and we'd all be happy because we didnt even know they were delayed


Its simple the problem that they set a precident for these big overhaul updates (neather/C&C) and then go years without a update of that magnitude make everything that comes after feel small and lazy which tbf it is...


I will never forget Mojang for not adding fireflies. Even if they don't want frogs to eat them, just remove that feature but keep the fireflies. Also still waiting on the fletching table, you know that one workstation from 1.14 that I think Mojang forgot about.


That whole alternate reality thing really tells me how important public relation is for a game developer


Tbh, I don't mind waiting. As a Minecrafter since Infdev, I've grown so used to it, anyway. Overpromising and canceling announced features, tho, is a different story. I hope Mojang has learned their lesson.

One thing I'm glad about is that 1.13+ revived ppl's interest in the game incl. modders, and now mods are helping keep the interest alive in spite of the disappointments. I thought 1.20 would be another very unpopular version, but I'm now at 1.20.1 thanks to mods, lol.


I feel like the biggest thing holding Mojang back from making good updates is the fact that for some reason, they have to release a new update every year. I don't know if they're doing it to themselves because they think players will get mad without new updates even with snapshots existing, or if Microsoft is forcing it on them because it's good for marketing or something, but the development cycle would be so much better without it. They wouldn't have to crunch in order to make good updates, they could just delay the update as much as they want and work at a fair pace until it's done. Or better yet, just don't have a public release window at all and wait until it's ready to tell us, which is what basically every other game does.


To be honest yeah it was a bit dissapointing due to the update being split in like 3 updates 😭And the fact that mojang made us expect wayyyy too much and had our hopes HIGH😭


I think mojang forgot they are a game studio. They can make delays if needed and the community would probably be happier about that then cutting stuff.


TLDR: FIREFLIES DID IT FOR ME. The fact they refused to add something on such convoluted and misguided grounds was ultimately why I reverted back to playing older, modded versions of the game...

Something that has continued to bother me is the lack of useful/consumable drops upon animal/creature death. At its core Minecraft was and still is a survival game. It feels bad when you're surrounded by mobs with convoluted and niche purposes that really dont enhance the player experience in the long run.
For example goats - lets be real - horns are nice and all but shouldn't you also get some sort of meat from them??? It also erks me that I would guess this strange ideology that consumable drops are disrespectful, is responsible for the lack of several interesting and long requested mobs (deer, brown bear).
If Mojang doesnt like the idea of players building mob-farms for resources then they really need to reassess there entire development ideology. Why should cows drop a consumable food and polar bears not? - polar bears have been hunted for millenia by Inuit peoples here in the real world for both meat and hide. Adding a useful drop to the polar bear would also allow for another unique sourch of leather, which can be hard to farm early game, if you lack wheat or cows.
Dispite the fact that it goes counter to their own original vision for the game (IMO) If Mojang really wanted to deinsentivise certain mob farms (polar bear, panda, goat etc.) then they should add detriments to their drop/make them situational.
For example: polar bear meat could give high saturation and the cost of making you sick after eating more the one piece at a time (polar bear meat can give you vitamin A poisoning) - thus deinsentivising farming while also respecting the mob in the game with an actual purpose to the player (rather than being a "set-piece"). The could also be much more aggressive and harder to kill, for example.
Another hypothetical example would be deer: deer could drop meat, leather and antler, once again being another source of leather early game. To deinsentivise farming (once again, I dont necessarily AGREE with this direction that Mojang is taking mob development regarding this point BUT) deer could be very hard to breed (once aagain mirroring real life) with a diet of specific saplings being required to satiate each deer, in addition to them being very skiddish in general.
ONE MORE example - Goats, could drop goat meat and leather but perhaps only be breedable in certain biomes.

One LAST thing regarding the above suggestions - all of these leather sources could be diversified so cows give normal leather but polar bears give tough leather, maybe goats and deer give thin leather or leather strips or something of that sort.

In summary, I thing the increasing number of pointless, "decrative" mobs has slowly been killing the game.
I'm not asking for bats to drop bat-meat and dogs to drop dog-meat etc. (most people actually find a use for dogs in their playthroughs lol) but for crying out loud its a fantasy survival sandbox - just let me get goat meat when Im out exploring a mountain biome so I don't have to run back to my base to get the chicken I crushed to death in my chicken farm.
It's the hypocrisy that really erks me here. They don't want to add simple animals that enhance player immersion and directly influence gameplay in favor of niche and unaccessible "wall-dressing" (im sorry snuffer) that ultimately contributes very little to the player experience - all because said animals (deer, moose, bear, lion) could be killed for food etc..
?? But my entity cramming chicken farm is AOK?? COME ON MOJANG!

It all came to a head for me when they refused to add fireflies, something that would greatly enhanve emersion in the overworld - due to the fact that fireflies are consumed by frogs here in the real world... this is a FANTASY SURVIVAL SANDBOX Mojang.
BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO ACTUALLY PLAYS THE GAME KNOWS YOU HAVE TO KILL STUFF IN THE GAME TO PROGRESS, to survive even (which Mojang seems to have forgotten is still a CORE aspect of their game lol).

Lastly, lastly - the whole thing just reaks of a corperate, eurocentric understanding of nature and the environment. Growing up around American Indians where I live, the LAST THING THEY WOULD DO is kill and animal and not use some part of it for something. I even knew one guy who'd pick up big game roadkill even if it'd gone bad, just for the hide.
Within the game world of Minecraft, the ability of the player to interact meaningfully with the world around them helps to facilite a similar relationship, give and take, at least it should/can in my opinion haha.
IE - You kill a goat you get some meat, leather, maybe a horn - but other times the goat knocks you off a cliff and spmething else eats you. Give and take, not look in fear and awe... it lacks connectivity and understanding and if I know my native friends at all they would call it disrespectful, the fact that polar bears/goats etc. have no drops..

Anyhow this comment is to long and I gotta get to work.

Thanks for reading my crazy rant
