What is a Normal Period? | A Fertility doctor Helps You Understand Your Period

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Fertility physician Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD explains your period in the easiest way possible. Understand what is normal and what is not. Listen to her talk about normal cycle length, irregular cycles, luteal phase defect, heavy periods, and painful periods. Basic explanations about PCOS, endometriosis, and more. Learn about your menstrual cycle and body so you can advocate for yourself.

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I’m 23 and have had 2 miscarriages in the past two years. I’ve been ignored by doctors about my periods since I was 15 and I’m so grateful to have found one who finally listens to me!! I’ve been told everything from “I’m too young to know what “real cramps” feel like” to.. “ you shouldn’t be worried about having children at this age”. My fiancé and I would love to have a big family and I’m so excited to FINALLY fell like I’m on that right path to this next journey💖💖 baby dust to all us to be Mamas 🌈🌈 and rainbows for all us Mamas who may have never gotten to meet our little ones


This video made me realize that I was extremely lucky to get pregnant the first time we tried. I have irregular periods and have a history of going a long time without any periods (from stress). We got pregnant the first month we tried after getting off of birth control. I didn't even track my cycle or ovulation and we were living separately. We just randomly had sex 6 weeks after my last period and I got pregnant. I hope it's not too difficult the second time around.


I love that you mention stress as a hormone-altering factor! That was me - I didn't have a cycle for 6 years. Once I reduced the intense exercise and got off a diet, boom - I got my period back!


Thanks. I’ve always had heavy cycles. I’m 32 and got my first flow at 13. I always passed off my heavy cycles as being ‘my normal’ and honestly, I just got used to them being that way. I usually go through about 16 Super tampons (so a full box) each time. I wear both a tampon and a pad when I go to sleep at night and still wake up soaking in blood.
This video has encouraged me to look into it further as this video made me realise that what I have experienced for the last 20 years is not normal at all.


Thank you so much for the info. So crazy that i m 29, a lawyer, and just realized my period might not be regular… i just stop my bc pills 3 months ago and i was expecting a fast TTC, but know i m realizing i had 35 cycle and now 28 cycle period… now at least i know if i m still not pregnant and my period is not like the previous one, i will go see a fertility doctor and not wait 6 months like everyone is saying. Its already hard being a women in professional field, timing for pregnancy is def a big deal and now i m happy to hear that i should seek consult as soon as i want to get my self check up


You are an angel on this earth. I could cry. I have menorrhagia in the first 2 days of my period with BAD dysmenorrhea!!! I have been on birth control for the last 3 years which has completely improved my functioning in life HOWEVER it has caused me depression and other issues. I got off it in August and it was fantastic because right away I was happier and feeling healthier. Then came period time. Soaking through my maxi pads in 4 hours, severe cramps, could not stand up and a brief migraine right before the flow began! Please do not get me started on the RAGE...less said the better. I have received zero support in any of this, people think I am making excuses when I tell them I can't go to school, work, social events "because I have my period" but it is really, really tough. This goes on for about 3 days, then for 4 days its a lighter more manageable flow for a grand total of 7 menstruation days. No surprise, I had very severe anemia in my teen years!!!


I always spot a little about a day before my period comes. When it does come the next day, it’s pretty light. Then on day 2, it’s ON!


I found you on TikTok and I’m so glad you have a YouTube. It’s crazy how much women have bad experiences, when I was 20 I had no period, it had always been that way but never got it checked out but I had a boyfriend and I knew having a absent period would affect having a baby and they laughed at me saying “why would you want to get pregnant, your so young.” Then saying “do you even have a job” at that time I didn’t know it wasn’t safe to go without a period for so long and it hurt my feelings so bad I didn’t go back for 3 years. (New doctor) When I turned 24 I finally went back and they told me That no women who’s not on birth control or pregnant should go a year without a period. Anyways now I’m on birth control for the hormones to regulate my period. And im not pregnant yet but I’m happy I went back because I don’t want to know the harm I could of put myself in going so long without a period. But I’m okay now. I just thought I’d share.


Wish I new this info in my 20’s . Glad you’re sharing this valuable information


Thank you for talking about this! I had to switch ob/gyn because the first one I had dismissed all my concerns and just told me it was because I am overweight. My current ob/gyn immediately ran tests and found out it wasn't just weight but PCOS, Insulin Resistance, and a few vitamin deficiencies.


I have had my period for three years now. When I first started, it was extremely heavy. I'm talking the amount of blood I was losing was insane, and it lasted at least a week and came every 28 days. However, for the past few months it's been on a schedule of coming every 36 days, and occasionally coming super early at only fifteen days after my last period. And this may sound like I'm making it up, but I genuinely feel like the bleeding just keeps getting lighter and lighter every single time. Like I said earlier, I used to have extremely heavy periods that would last a week at the least. But now, it's so light that I can go hours without changing my pad and there will still be barely even any blood there. I'm not exaggerating when I say that each period that I have I seem to be losing even less blood than the last, and the amount of days that it lasts shortens too. I mean, I'm not complaining at all that my period isn't as torturous as it used to be, I'm just starting to get a little concerned....


Your channel has helped a lot.I only found you a day ago. I was told that I need to get off the pill because it is doing all these bad things to my body. Which caused me to look into things. However, this led me to more questions. I have very irregular periods... but I am on the pill. Even on the pill I couldn't be confident of if I will get my period or really when it starts because Sometimes I will get it and then other months I won't. I remember when I was young having irregular periods... But I was always told this is normal... and then being on the pill this is normal... and then I was told "hey" this actually may not be "normal" and then getting different answers I'm like what is my body doing? I have a meeting with my doctor. I just hope she won't tell me it's all fine and I go along again.


I have terrible periods and every time i went to doctors they said as long they’re regular it is normal. Found out i have a bicornuate uterus and still they told me that it is not the cause of the pain and it’s normal :)


Finally! I finally know my periods are not normal! No doctor has ever told me! Spotting first few days, 2-3 days of period, and about 46 day cycle! Finally, thank you!!


This was a really great video! I’m familiar with most of these conditions, and I was surprised at how many different conditions you went into, while giving a nice general overview to alert people if they might have it, allowing them to dig further into the research. Great summary! Very well done.


Thank you. My whole life doctors have made it seem normal to vomit and have excruciating pain.


Hi Natalie! I have regular periods that last 3 days and are light. It comes the same time every month. Trying to get pregnant. Is this normal?


I’m 36 and have always had 28 day cycles for my entire life. But the last year my cycles went down to 25 days!!! I don’t understand this….nothing has changed in my life. Is this normal? Menstral cycles usually get longer when menopause approaches…I’m very concerned.


I have heavy but not particularly painful periods. I have to put two or three pads, however. My obgyn had my blood checked for iron and it is on the lower edge, but still within the normal range.


I’ve been having my period for eight days now the first two days were very light this has never happened to me … should I be worried ?
