After decades ashore, TALLY HO begins new adventures - with a rowdy crew!

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In this video we finally get to enjoy sailing Tally Ho after 7 years of work! We meet the whole crew - familiar faces, and a few new ones. We travel with a historic 1922 motor-yacht, we crash our drone in the woods, we make fresh pasta, and some of us say goodbye - for now.


For sneaky previews of what’s going on in between episodes, follow my


Home - JHS Pedals
Da Jazz Blues - Doug Maxwell / Media Right Productions
Juneberry Junction - Chris Haugen

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I have watched them all as they posted. I am 73 now. I was 66 when I saw episode #3. I immediately subscribed, making a donation at every video, because I _knew_ Leo would get here. It was a ridiculous stupid idea to save this boat only because she was beautiful in her heyday, and won a famous race. Getting to the point was clearly impossible from what we saw in the first video. BUT... doing incredibly difficult things in order to create an object of beauty is the soul of humanity. So I signed on to watch, and to fund. Every time I see her sailing my throat closes up with emotion. Leo did it. Tally Ho lives again. Utterly beautiful under sail.


I'd also like to mention that on the very same evening I crashed the drone, I lost Leo's frisbee in brambles far too formidable for a rescue attempt to be feasible. Afterwords, I asked:
"Hey Leo, got anything else that flies?"


Leo, please do a segment where you review all of the crew that worked on Tally Ho since the beginning. There were so many cool people that I’m sure I’ve since forgotten. They all deserve a small spotlight for working on this wonderful project.


I’m 80 years old and don’t have a sailing boat anymore. In the past I have sailed round the Fastnet Rock and to think that Tally Ho won the famous race nearly 100 years ago and has been lovingly restored by a great group of people led by Leo is evidence that anything is possible. Well done to you all !


Nick is gonna make me cry! The true testament of how good a team was built is how the team reacts when its time to say goodbye for now. Nick and George did awesome work and I've enjoyed watching them and the whole crew grow.


Hands up who else shed a tear when the crew were leaving? 😢Tally looks so beautiful under full sail 😊


Every shot of Tally Ho sailing just impresses me no end. The designer of that boat knew what he was doing. The builders of that boat knew what they were doing. The whole rebuilding crew definitely knew their stuff. What an absolute joy.


Especially loved the part where the thunderbird has cast off and Leo appears and says I just want to hug you all...again. I love that not only does the entire crew of the cast off boat immediately forsake their seamanship to pile off for a Leo-hug, but someone aboard the Argonaut thinks to grab a stay. You all make a lovely team.


I cried a little with Nick. Especially when he said to Leo "buy another boat and then call me".


"Several years ago, I bought a Tortellini for the sum of $1.00" . . .
A totally awesome sailing ship with an outstanding crew !


Hi Leo,
I am in New Zealand and there was an old gentleman living on a boat in Whangaroa Harbour Northland. He was English and his name was Charles William Strange. B 27/5/1926 D11/7/2021. A devoted boatie who I suspect was Albert Strange's son. Love your work on Tally Ho. Enjoy her now she is sailing again. Look forward to you getting downunder, we will make you most welcome. Regards Bob


My heart went out hearing Nick say goodbye. These people are not only top craftsmen and craftswomen but are beautiful individuals. To me, the secret of being a craftsman/woman, is the ability to put your heart 'all in' to the job, which these people did in spades. Nick, best wishes and hope to see you and the others again soon. You have to know how many lives and hearts you have touched. Thank you.


Patrick in his shades and hawaiian shirt 😊 Having candidly watched Patrick for these last few years on the Tally-Ho restoration, hand on heart, I think he's an absolute legend.


Nick, George & Erica - Thanks for everything - hope we see you again in the future!


Me, female 76 and sailing some 40-50 years ago on the Waddenzee (the Netherlands/Germany) on a old wooden fishing ship, was sometimes nearly in tears because of Tally Ho and the reviving past. I enjoyed all those films and wish Leo many beautiful trips.


I would actually love to see a technical how-to video on how you sail a boat like this, from navigation, weather, hoisting the sails, using winches, tacking, gybing, which lines do what in the rig, etc. After watching all of this stuff get built it would be great to learn how it’s operated.


I've been watching this channel since the very beginning 7 years ago. In these last seven years, this boat has been a constant in my life, and I've become used to keep track of time and the big moments of my life through the milestones of this restoration project. It's truly been a balm for the soul. Watching from Venice, i wonder what it would be like to sail across the lagoon on this beautiful boat. I hope someday to see it in person, in some port around the world, and maybe get the chance to say hi.
you and your team have made art, Leo.


Seeing Nicks’s emotion really just summed up the love and joy that has filled this project. Keep those two attributes in your videos. It’s what we need more of in this world at the moment.


Well now Leo, we have all been waiting to see Tally Ho revisit the ever so exciting waters of which Tally Ho was made for. She looks so spectacular under full sail and with the companionship of such a dedicated and focused crew I’m sure ya all will continue to provide us with ever lasting excitement and the pure joy of watching your one of a kind sailing vessel perform and supply us all with sites we could never see anywhere else. I have been watching your restoration since day one and to fathom what you have accomplished, one must stop and review the whole process periodically.Leo, there are so many people in the world whom have watched and observed you that I’m sure, as I do, that we would love to step into your shoes for just an hour to feel what you have to be feeling. You are a smart and very intelligent person so I’m sure you know exactly what I’m saying. People on our earth dream and strive for that inner soul feeling and by watching and observing your humble self throughout the years, i am quite confident that you feel this, God knows you deserve it. Thanks so much for taking us on your 7 year trip and allowing us to feel and experience at least, some of those life changing sensations. Cheers.
From Jim Young, Halifax Nova Scotia


I was hoping to get an Indiana jones style travel/chart montage and I was not disappointed. I'll watch whatever comes with a smile, what an amazing project and team.
