I Toured The Most Dangerous City In The United States - Here Is What I Saw In Monroe, LOUISIANA

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We visited 2024's most dangerous city.

Travel vlog 304
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I’ve lived in West Monroe all my life and worked all around Monroe for 22years. The crime is definitely isolated to certain areas. A lot of Monroe is pretty solid. Luckily Monroe switched mayors and regimes a few years back. Mayor Ellis is an energetic, optimistic guy that’s fixing years of neglect. I’m hoping we’ll see Monroe’s numbers improve in the next few years.


I live maybe 50 miles North of Monroe now and y'all are so correct. It was a beautiful city in the 60s and 70s. Those times are long gone. I'm only 65 now. So sad to see this now!


Your channel is my world tour. I’m in England but have a lifelong fascination for the US. Always dreamed I’d find my American true love and move across for a new life…but wasn’t to be. I’m too old for such flights of fancy now but I can travel through my phone thanks to your wonderful videos. Just fascinating, soothing too…and I just love the cats you meet on the way xx thank you


I really feel for those who are working hard to keep their homes nice when they have complete eyesores next door that they can't do anything about. You can easily see what a pretty town it once was.


I've been a truck driver for more than 40 years. I have spent the night in Monroe many many times. I never imagined crime was that bad. I'll definitely look at it differently now.


All those abandoned houses were someone's dream home at one point.


I grew up in the hood in Monroe. I’m in Monroe at this very moment. We just had a shooting ending in fatalities. I pray everyone here turn to GOD. It’s ALOT of civilized, hardworking, loving ppl and families here as well..


Dude, love your video's! English is not my first language, but you talk clearly, slowly and it's soo easy to understand everything! This is great stuff and well organized! Continue your good work!


Went to college there. It was a culture shock for me. Living in ‘gunroe’ will make you appreciate wherever you came from. One thing that stood out to me when living there was the amount of stray dogs and missing street signs that never got replaced.


Keep in mind that those are only "reported" violent crimes, there's a lot more than that.


Watching your videos showing the poverty areas in America I just can't help but wonder how is America are able to give away $100 billion to Ukraine but have nothing for poverty in our own country!!!


Home sweet home!!! Welcome to "Funroe"!!! I've lived here for the past 13 years... moved here from Houston, TX back in 2011. After 13 years, if I had to choose, I'd stay here. Not saying it isn't bad here, but its not as bad as this in all areas. If you'd spent more time on the north side of town... north of Forsyth, that would have been more evident.
Glad to see you did end the video with a lunch Fontenot's! Just had dinner there Thursday night. Great place.
Loveed the video and do enjoy your channel.


Memphis TN was the highest for the longest time. This is a total shocker to me. What i love about Joe's videos is that he always has the map inserts pointing to the area he talks about. That way it gives some reference to where he is current in his drive.


Sad to see this. My job took me from my suburban Chicago home to Monroe for two days back in the late 90's. Outside of working hours, I made a point of getting out and around. I found the people far more friendly than people in and around Chicago ever were. Not everyone was outgoing, but everybody I met seemed to be at least respectful towards strangers -- and usually kind. (No, I didn't just go to the "nicer" places, either.) I will always fondly remember Monroe for the people in my experience there. I hope that the crime problems get under control. Most people there deserve so much better.


Man, we’ve always known that Monroe was bad, but it was always home. I’ve since moved after graduating from LaTech in the Summer of ‘23, but there’s always a part of me that wants to go back. Hopefully we’ll start to see real change at some point, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.


I like that tidbit about Delta Airlines that I didn't know. Your videos are also a history lesson. Thanks again.


I was driving along I-20 and stopped at the mall in Monroe just to pick up a few things. I was so frightened inside that mall. I felt I was being followed or stalked and that people were going to mug me. I found a security guard in a shop who walked me to my car. Thank you SIR...I've never stopped again in Monroe. Truly felt safer in NOLA!


I grew up in Louisiana and this doesn't surprise me at all.I left that state at age 18 and have never looked back.


You're like Mr. Rogers of travelling to different neighborhoods. Looking through your lens and as our tour guide with historical facts gives your channel authenticity. This is like watching the History Channel in real time. Thanks for the travelling experiences and educational factor.


You are my favorite youtube channel for this type of content. You don't try to degrade the towns you visit you just state the facts. You narration is also informative ane relaxing. Keep up the good work. I also love it when you point out the cats.
