The Hottest Things Men Do (These Are Weird)

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*gets out of shower, puts on Miller Lite t-shirt before leaving to watch documentaries about nominative determinism with my grandma*


As a dude, the things that stand out to me:

A conservative yet playful attire - something that lets the imagination work.

Yoga pants...for obvious reasons

Head tilting down a little, and looking up to meet your eyes.

The way a ponytail bounces when a girl is running. Really turns my head.

Wearing wedges with a skirt that is just a quarter inch too short.

And on the less physical side:

Sharing in decision making - making a real suggestion for dinner or a date.

Being grounded - not being into astrology, crystals, etc.

Someone who solves their own problems (corollary, someone who doesn't complain about things in their power to resolve)

Can carry a conversation. Seriously, some women just... can't.


"I'm ovulating right That phrase terrified me until I met my wife, then, hotter words could not be spoken.


I think the beer thing is just association of alcohol with masculine culture in general.
Now excuse me imma go train my hands while wearing my vintage tshirt and chain, then go hangout with my grandparents watching a documentary about nominative determinism. My DMs are open, ladies.


I love the fact that Courtney gets the hand thing! It’s the first thing I notice. I love slightly feminine hands. It’s an indication of gentleness, and that they take care of themselves.


I too get emotional when I see old people walking alone or crossing streets by themselves. Its a feeling not everyone understands but only few can see their pain and loneliness. It also makes me worried about my parents, if something happens to me. Appreciate Courtney as she has this gift and I find this an amazing quality.


I loved the “weird search history” comment 😂

I think that if you want to do a hand judging episode it should be done with your ladies as well as you included.


One thing that my girlfriend does that is soooo attractive is that, she smiles and makes eye contact while tilting her head down, the tilt adds dimension to the face smiling and keeping eye contact. It hypnotizes me to her beauty and attraction.


I feel compelled to let you know how positive your content has been for me. I'm sure others would agree. Your approach is very open, honest, and most importantly - healthy. Thank you!


First, I think the fact that "Nominative Determinism" is a big, compound word that sounds fancy makes it something that gives someone the feeling that talking about it will feel similarly fancy. But it doesn't. A lot of girls get misled by the aesthetic of a word rather than the function or logic of it. It's a dumb word that describes a mostly non-existent phenomena.


A couple of things that women do that I find incredibly attractive: Showing genuine kindness towards someone, reading, doing very feminine things that require their concentration, like doing their nails, putting on makeup, or brushing their hair. Oh, and wearing sun dresses...there is just something about sun dresses.


As someone who was raised on John Hughes movies, I distinctly remember a time when well-educated intellectuals were “nerds” and definitely considered unattractive. But in recent years it seems to be noticed and appreciated by women. I assume “nominative determinism” is shorthand for being a nerd and having general knowledge about some special thing she’s interested in.


For any prudent man out there that enjoys learning history, documentaries are definitely a fun entertaining supplemental tool to your research. They're not always accurate, a lot of times people want conformational bias so they will make a documentary to prove such bias but it can still be helpful with filling in gaps or adding a different perspective


I think a video on ovulation and periods will be good for most men to know. Like what things men should be aware of to do for women and how to treat them during these phases. Things women appreciate more that men do and things they hate when on periods and when ovulating


This girl in the video was really talking about hot men doing random things, not random men doing hot things.
In the end, it all boils down to the same old golden rule - "Be attractive. Don't be unattractive".


Hottest thing in a girl, for me, is expression/expressiveness. Sing like nobody is listening, dance like nobody is watching.


One of the hottest things for a woman to do is just be really sweet and attentive. When a girl looks deep into my eyes while we’re talking, and I can tell she’s really listening, the rest of the world just fades away a little bit, and life feels softer for a moment.

That can also be a more familial affection thing, if she is off-limits in one way or another (i.e., brotherly/sisterly love, φιλεω).

Additionally, a good smile can make my day. Months ago at the gym, this girl handed me a plate, looked me dead in the face, and flashed a big, cheerful smile, and I still remember it.


Hottest things that Women do:

1. When they a their hair in a single braid and it goes over one of their shoulders
2. When they look up at you with their chin tucked down.
3. When their hip switches when they walk.
4. When they flip their hair to one side.
5. When they put their hair behind their ear.
6. When they stroke their hair all the way down and out.
7. When they stick their hip out to one side and put their hand on their hips.
8. When they wear cropped shirts, belly doesn't even have to show.
9. When she wears something that reveals her shoulders. Anything.
12. When she can dance.
10. Industrial ear piercing (idk what's wrong with me but this one gets me everytime)


My big turn-ons when it comes to women? How about things like...

Self-awareness / honest self-assessment, especially combined with open and honest communication. For example:

"I don't want to admit it, but I need some help."

"I don't need help, but I still want you to help me "

"I don't need you to do anything; just listen." (Bonus points if she comments on how much she appreciates that I want to do something, even though doing so isn't necessary.)

"I want you to say (or do) something." (Bonus points if she can articulate what she wants me to say / do.)


I think it's important to keep in mind that there are probably 200 things that a woman may say turns her on, attracts her to any given male, etc. but that at the end of the day those things are NOT what will make her want a relationship with you. Perfect example for me is that I had just about EVERYTHING possible in common with this one girl I matched with on Hinge a few months ago. Spiritually we were the same which is rare for me, politically we were almost identical (we actually both did a stupid test thingy), music preference was very similar, we were both of similar attractiveness physically, and we both talked each other's ears off before we finally met for the date. But the reality is, all of this can be in common but there still be NO chemistry. She and I got along OK, but there were no sparks, we might have made pretty good friends. And that's the main point I wanna make to other men who might be worried that they now suddenly have to watch everything they do to make sure they're attracting their dream girl with each small thing they wear, say, do etc. The thing about love and romance and all that stuff is that you can't MAKE it happen, you can only be open to when it does happen and put yourself out there to be seen by women who you like. You can only make opportunities, you cannot make outcomes. So don't sweat the small stuff, don't worry about, for instance, if maybe the girl of your dreams might like dude's who wear graphic tees, if the woman of your dreams won't date you because you aren't her cookie-cutter idea of a stud in her wet dreams, then she isn't ready for a relationship! Just be authentic to yourself while also improving yourself and who you want to be.
