STRANGE Things That Make Men Hot

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Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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When a woman is jogging, or running with a ponytail and her hair bounces back-and-forth. When a woman moves her hair out of her face after she looked down, When a woman is polite, cordial and act with Grace towards other people. That’s all I’ve got right now.


I've done the backwards baseball cap and the forward baseball cap experiment for many months, and the results are: NOBODY pays attention to me LOLOL :D


My ex dressed well, stylishly without affectation. She is from Hawaii, had taken hula as a girl, and was very feminine. One thing I love to see women do is throw their heads back and laugh heartily, naturally and without thought. Women who are naturally feminine move like cats and are a joy to watch; it's poetry in motion. Regarding this video: it's just a joy and heartwarming to hear ANY woman speak well or admiringly of men these days. It's a breath of fresh air. Keep up the good work, Courtney. Much appreciated.


Weirdly-specific-things about women that I find attractive:
-When they get excited about holding a baby
-When they cry about happy things
-When they laugh (and it doesn't sound like a pterodactyl or a Mack truck - this can be real hit-or-miss)
-When they sit on a couch/chair with their legs curled up to the side


the usual disclaimer applies - none of these things are attractive in themselves women are just reminiscing about/imagining a guy they already like with these things. when men say they like sun dresses they're thinking of the early 20s hot blonde christian girl not some flabby 50 y/o. straight women are attracted to large masculine bodies that indicate health/strength/dominance and straight men are attracted to feminine bodies that exhibit signs of health/reproductive capacity. accessories aren't going to turn a 'no' into a 'yes'.


1. What I like to call the “target run outfit”. Usually a messy ponytail, leggings, and a hoodie/shirt. There’s something about being able to be hot even while being nonchalant about it.
2. Similar to the lower back touch, when in close proximity in a crowded space, her hugging my arm.
3. Answering the phone after the first ring 😂


I actually like how honest and funny the girl at the start is. Honesty even if weird at times is attractive as a quality to me. The nicely innocent and fun video is great in a sea of negativity that the internet can sometimes be.


You being married to the watch guy somehow makes total sense. That's awesome


I mean lets be honest, first thing first: be handsome looking, the Rest is history 😂😂😂


Love a girl who can take the piss out of herself and have a laugh.

Love a girl who listens with their eyes and locks their gaze on you.

Love a girl who dresses modestly, shows that she has self esteem and doesn't need the attention.

Love a girl who laughs at my stupid Dad jokes.

Thanks for the Vid Courtney. It was very refreshing to hear, as us blokes can be quite oblivious to the suttle hints.


I love how you keep mentioning your husband and the fondness in your voice when you do


As they say, "People are strange, when you're a stranger"


I've known about the shuffling cards one for a while. It makes you look like the coolest guy in the room when you can effortlessly shuffle cards.


Courtney, thank you for your videos. I enjoy them and I'm an old married guy trying to stay relevant for my wife's sake. I'm really old fashioned so I can't think of anything "weird" that is attractive to me. I like when a woman is sweet, kind, and a little shy as opposed to "sassy". I like it when they feel the need to fix my collar or straighten my tie. As mentioned earlier by someone else, I love it when a woman is running with a ponytail and it is bouncing. Very feminine. I love it when they wear bright colors and clothes that look very soft but also relatively modest (not showing too much skin but enough to be interesting). Maybe this is weird: When they are wearing a neckless and they pull it up to their mouth and sort of toy with it in their mouth. I assume this draws my attention to their mouth. Oh, I do like when a woman is really passionate about talking about something and her facial expressions are very pronounced and emotional (in a positive way). That energy is very attractive to me. Pretty normal stuff I guess.


I find it really attractive when a woman naturally displays very classy and elegant mannerisms. It shows confidence, sophistication, self-acceptance and like she'll be able to provide a stimulating and intellectual conversation, but that's just me.


as a man i dont really get many compliments, however I still remember the first I ever got. I posted on my Instagram as a story a selfie of me wearing a cap backwards, my crush at the time replied saying she really liked my style with the cap and it suits me a lot. That was like 7-8 years ago, I still think about it to this day.


The reality is, women probably won't notice these details if they don't find the guy handsome from the get go. But when you find someone hot, anything they do can potentially be sexy lol. Card shuffling, yes, never realized how hot that is until now!


To quote from one of many Heath Ledger's legendary lines from The Dark Knight: "Let's put a smile on that face..."


I had no idea you were Teddy's wife, been a viewer of his Youtube channel for a while, very informative young man and seems an all round good guy, I stumbled on to your channel recently also very good thank you both for excellent contents, congratulations to you both and all the best for your future together, you seem well matched in my opinion.


I don’t wear ball caps but if I did, I would never wear them backwards because you’re (Courtney) the classy type of girl I want to attract.
