How to Deal With a Toxic Boss and a Toxic Work Environment

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How to Deal With a Toxic Boss and a Toxic Work Environment. Toxic managers can really set you back in your career and in your life in general. They are THE ORIGIN of a toxic work environment, the ones who install it and those who keep promoting it. Whether you’ve started a new job at a toxic workplace or you just had a new manager assigned, suddenly your day at work has turned into an absolute hell. All the good things about the job disappeared or just don’t make sense to you anymore. You are NOT alone, more than 80% of employees have quit their job due to their bosses, some employees already quit their jobs due to major health conditions.
Unless you have a huge willpower and self control, you will get more and more emotionally affected by a toxic work environment and this toxic situation with your boss, which will result into a damaged self-esteem, constant stress, anxiety and even depression. In this video I share 8 strategies to help you cope and deal with a toxic boss and a toxic work environment, to make your situation more bearable and tolerable, while you keep working on your exit strategy. Get ready to show a maximum of patience and stick with me till the end to find out what a “grey rock” method/strategy is, which has proven to be very effective while dealing with narcissists, abusers and bullies.

You know that abusers love drama, and they will try to create one whenever possible because it puts them in control. Grey Rock is an approach to become unresponsive, similar to a rock. Your goal using this method, is to retain your control over your reactions and stay out of the drama. Some other videos which will help you while dealing with a toxic work environment and anticipate their micromanagement.

Click to Practice Mock Job Interview questions and answers in a Mock Interview here:

Anyone who has worked for a toxic boss knows how they can impact all the aspects of your life! Your confidence, your self-esteem tend to go away. But not when you stop being afraid! Working in a constant state of fear is extremely damaging. Think of the worst which could happen to you at work? Getting fired! Which is nowhere as bad as turning into a walking zombie. Researcher who did studies on more than 3000 people, found out that employees who have managers with toxic traits are 60 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack or other life-threatening condition.

Be careful with whatever information you share with your coworkers because coworkers are not you friends. And what's important is for you to stop blaming yourself. No matter how toxic bosses make you feel, no matter what your boss says about you: “Incompetent”, “slow”, “not good enough”  —  you are NOT, their anger and toxicity are NOT your fault. There is nothing you can possibly do to be successful in this situation, except getting out of the toxic workplace. Think Karma! If you absorb the toxicity and transmit negativity yourself, you are likely to get even more negativity in return. Your boss will eventually get what is coming to them. Focus on yourself, on getting your work done the way you can and on getting out of there without looking back!


#toxicboss #toxicworkenvironment #dealwithabadboss #emmotionbymarat #toxicworkplace #coworkers #coworkersarenotyourfriends
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Have you ever had an abusive boss? What is your advice when dealing with toxic management?


There's only one way to deal with a toxic boss: quit and find a different job. Life is too short to deal with these kinds of people.


I think a toxic boss is like a school bully - at heart they are unhappy and insecure.


Literally i wanna cry when I'm at work 😢😢😢


1. Deliver results, keep them informed, and document.
2. Don't sink to their level. It contradicts your values.
3. Stop being afraid but do not confront them.
4. Don't complain to coworkers about your boss. Your comments will get back to your manager.
5. Stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault.
6. Stop expecting them to change and giving them constructive feedback.
7. Learn to stop caring, no amount of effort will make them change.
8. Grey rock, become unresponsive, short, and factual.
9. Take charge of your career and well being.


I was abused as a kid, when a toxic boss tries to bring me down I actually enjoy the conflict. Without knowing it my parents gave me so much practice at dealing with self centeted toxic people. Thanks traumatic childhood :)

Top tip, make it work for you. If someone attacks you, it means you're doing things right. If you are invisible it means you're not moving forward.


I work in a toxic environment. All my coworkers do is gossip and run back and tell the managers anything they feel they could use to earn cool points. My supervisor is the ringleader that puts them up to the challenge to be untrustworthy towards others. The job is very easy, but it’s management with all of their trickery that makes the job more difficult than what it has to be. It’s their ego’s and foolishness that makes the work atmosphere very toxic. Some people are just not cut out to be managers or supervisors. You treat your workers with respect and chances are you will get it right back.


I've been working 16 years for a toxic boss. I was a dedicated and loyal employee. Now forced to retire and not even a word of goodbye or gratitude.
I'm just upset that this toxic boss gets away with it and continues to be toxic and narcissistic.


I walked out of a role yesterday without a backup plan. He wasn’t a micromanager on a daily basis but had every other trait of a toxic manager. I lasted 3 months in that role and the damage my confidence and self esteem had been exponential. It’s been as my first time dealing with someone like this. The damage they can do is insane


I'm currently in a job for 3 months and already seen red flags. Got into a meeting with my managers. Currently working my way out of this job.


Number 4 is so true. This recent happened to me. Never again I will tell a co worker anything.. I don’t trust anyone..


Yes, you are speaking facts. I was pushed to leave my job and even bullied the last 6 months I was in that toxic company. HR was aware and they did not fix it. I was placed on antidepressants after I had two panic attacks. Believe me, is not worth it. You won't win, leave with your chin up and knowing that you placed your wellbeing first. You will find something much better.


Everything you said is true. It's very important to stop being afraid of your toxic boss. Perform well and record everything.


I kept my mouth shut for years, until my boss started gaslighting me. I only had to scratch the surface to find she was toxic to others as well, and that the supervisors who reported to her were also toxic. It became kind of a sport once we discovered each other, and yes, it did bite me in the *ss. It was validating, though. I really needed to know it wasn't just my perception. I'd never experienced a covert narcissist / covert bully before, so I had no idea what I was dealing with. A boss can be a bully without raising his/her voice!


Sarcasm helped me.
I respond in my Alexa voice with
"Thank you for your feedback, I shall take it into great consideration. I'm really glad we had this conversation. You have motivated me to do better. Thank you for being so professional"

Should have seen her face. LOL. They expect perfect robots? Ok, perfect patronising robot coming up.


This happens more often than we think and more often than most employed individuals will admit. Such experiences can be very debilitating and leave you with PTSD symptoms many years afterwards. Often times it makes you question your mental sanilty...
Thank you for so bluntly putting realistic content out there and stay blessed.


I wish I saw this 2 years ago would've saved me so much trouble, tears and health.Good content!


I have had it for every single one of my seven jobs over a period of 29 years. They are everywhere. Or if you start a new job and all is ok, your good boss leaves and a new but awful one joins to take their place.


Another thing you'll learn is that HR isn't there for you. They are there for the bosses and the company. I got a promotion at the hands of my bosses supervisor. My boss didn't like it as our relationship has never been good. He made my job hell. Empowering my direct reports over me, depowering me, defending other coworkers bad treatment towards me. Complete narcissist and gaslighter. He will take your complaint about his bad behavior and others and make it your fault. It's sad companies have people like this running their business and don't care enough about you to help you.


Learn to stop caring is what i take most, all the messages are amazing ..
