The Ultimate Archer

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No tricks here, the Ultimate archer is exactly what you think it probably should be, fighter 20.

When should I use sharpshooter? Check out ThinkDM's spreadsheet here:

See the final build here:

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Thanks to:
@makemyanthem for the intro music.
@CynfulArts for the Treantmonk logo
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1: Shadar-Kai Elf. SA: 10/15/13/14/12/8. Fighter 1: Acrobatics, Athletics, Archery. Far Traveller: Stealth. Leather Armor, Longbow 20 Arrows, Short Sword x2, Light Crossbow, Dungeoneer’s Pack. Buy Medium Armor.
3: Fighter 3: Eldritch Knight, Mending, Minor Illusion, Find Familiar, Shield, Absorb Elements.
5: Fighter 5: Elven Accuracy DEX, Feather Fall
6: Fighter 6: Sharpshooter
8: Fighter 8: Mirror Image, Magic Weapon, ASI DEX x2
11: Fighter 11: Mage Hand, Flaming Sphere, Misty Step
13: Fighter 13: Crossbow Expert, (Flaming Sphere), Counterspell, Haste
15: Fighter 15: Lucky, Thunder Step
19: Fighter 19: Magic Initiate Warlock: Friends, Prestidigitation, Hex. Martial Adept: Goading Attack, Precision Attack. Greater Invisibility, Fire Shield.
20: Fighter 20


> Most campaigns don't go to 20th level.
I wonder how many actually suffer from the "1d4+1 sessions" problem.


Eldritch Knight definitely provides the archer with some interesting options, though I decided to go with Samurai for my Elven Accuracy Archer. The fighting spirit ability lets you use your bonus action to give ALL your attacks advantage for the round. And you can do this as early as level 3! Not to mention samurai gets proficiency in wisdom saving throws, which is always nice


The *Friends* Cantrip is a great way to make permanent enemies. I like to use *Domination* or *Suggestion* on people I know have *Friends* and make them use it on their allies, to turn those allies into hostile foes for the rest of their lives.


You are killing me. At the start of this video you talked about your plan and I sat back laughing because you were so wrong. By the time you get to 20th level am shaking my head. You have bested me again. Some day I will grasp the pebble from your hand. That day is not today. Thank you for your knowledge master.


Also, some of the spells you're taking, like feather fall, mirror image, magic weapon, flaming sphere—you actually can't take them because of the EK's restriction on spells that aren't abjuration or evocation. You can only take a total of four spells that aren't abjuration or evocation. I think you may have ignored that restriction in making this video because D&D Beyond doesn't enforce it, but a good DM will be a stickler.
Edit: Thanks to M0ebius for pointing this out: the wording in the original PHB made this rule unclear, but the errata has clarified that the EK is only meant to have 4 non-evocation, non-abjuration spells.


Don't forget that Sharpshooter removes disadvantage from long range. Not a big deal if you are using a longbow, but very important if using a hand crossbow.

What spell would you recommend taking instead of Magic Weapon, if you do have a magic longbow?

How useful is Counterspell when you and the mage you might target are both in the back rank. Not a problem when you are indoors, but outdoors you may never get within 60' of each other.


Ek is my favorite class right now. For combat, It has a everything you need to ruin the enemy's day. A great balance of spell options duct taped to the fighter chassis that gives you mid to high tier mobility, damage, defense, control, and even a bit of non combat utility that other fighters could only hope for. There are tons of options with this subclass, but here are some things to consider when building. One, you are a fighter first and foremost and you typically won't cast until 3rd level. Two, when you are casting remember that your spells lag far behind the full casters. Three, you can multiclass (i don't recommend that you do).
At level one you are just a normal dude/fantasy dude and you have two options ranged or melee. With those choices come a choice between fighting styles, shoot bow good, swing one hand hard, be gooder with armor, and so on. Which ever of the fighting styles you prefer and even what your party might need will determine what spells you want to pick up later. That brings us to your first pick of spells and a small novel can be written on this alone (im kind of writing one now). Since you essentially suck at spells and your options are at their most limited you will want to isolate what you lack as an option for your primary roll which is... fighting. Though that isn't to say you should only pick damage spells instead pick spells that help win a confrontation in whatever form it takes. Rule of thumb here is think about what you wish you could do and find the spell that can do it. When picking spells remember that they must come from abjuration or evocation with a few exceptions at levels 3, 8, 14, and 20 with the level 3 being unchangeable. Lastly multiclassing. I don't recommend it as you lose out on the capstone, ability score improvement, indomitable, extra action surge, and a ton of other stuff depending on where you dip. That being said, if you want to multiclass its hard to make a bad one in 5e almost no matter what unless you are trying to prove a point.
It isn't necessary to get into specifics about this subclass as far as spells go because most of them will serve. Keep in mind, however, that you are a fighter and you want to enhance your ability to fight. Also a high intelligence is not a requirement for this class. Overall with access to heavy armor, 7 asi, d10 hit, and a decent spell selection, this class is one of the best gish classes in 5e.


You didn't mention, that if you use weapon bond on your shortswords, you could use your "interaction" to stow your bow, and your bonus action to summon your swords. Then you would still have your action that round to attack. EDIT: nvm you got to it at level 6, I didn't wait long enough.


Also to clarify, the help action gives you advantage for only one of your attacks still awesome for a variety of reasons.


Holy shit, you're making videos! Always loved your guides, will sub for sure.


I think I can contend with this build.

Variant Human
Fighter (BM) to 6, then rogue (assassin or thief) onward.
Feats, in order: Crossbow Expert, Sharpshooter, Alert
Equipment: studded leather, hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, net, poison

We can throw a net at targets within 15' without disadvantage thanks to Sharpshooter, and can use Precision Attack to make sure it hits. That's free advantage for everyone and a restrained large or smaller target, no save. Afterward, unload with the crossbow. Sharpshooter damage with Crossbow Expert and boosted accuracy from Archery is abusively good.

The heavy crossbow is for shooting targets that are at obscene distances.

Rogue gives us scaling damage, superior evasive abilities, and the choice of assassin or thief. Assassin is great if you can consistently surprise enemy creatures (Alert helps). Thief is overall more useful and can apply poison to three bolts as a bonus action - that's three poisoned shots that can potentially deal absurd damage to a vulnerable target. Never underestimate Fast Hands.

This character will have all three feats by level 6, but it's strong at any level. It won't compete with a wizard in the final tiers, but it will do consistent damage and be hard to kill at any point in the game.

Dumb net trick: you can destroy a net by dealing 5 slashing damage, but you have to attack it. If your friend has Sentinel and is within 5' of the netted creature, then the netted creature attacking the net will _technically_ proc an opportunity attack from your friend. Your DM may not appreciate this.

Alternative build: pick an Elf race and replace Alert with Elven Accuracy for more critical hits. This works well if you prefer Champion over Battlemaster and want to go pure fighter.


Personally, my favorite build has been a Kobold Battlemaster. Although an Eldritch Knight is probably fine too, but Precision Attack is great for a sharpshooter. Pack tactics makes the sunlight sensitivity weakness moot if an ally is adjacent to your target. And it makes sharpshooter more reliable if not in direct sunlight. Highly recommend for Dungeon of the Mad Mage.


I had a fighter archer build as a shadar kai too, he was a samurai tho. Very, VERY, powerful throughout all levels


Hey, Chris. Have you ever thought about revisiting this build with the new race and maneuver options available today?


Cool take on EK. I've seen a buddy play one but melee focused. It's a cool archetype. I think I'd probably prefer a Hexblade, Rogue, or Ranger for an archer PERSONALLY. But there's a lot of Merit to this build. Looking forward to the 12th level Hexblade.

As a side note about people critiquing your builds going to level 20: It is true, most campaigns don't go to that level. HOWEVER, I don't see any harm in taking the build to 20 for demonstrative purposes. Most of the videos I've seen on this channel do mention when the builds become good at the mid levels. (Your Bardlock at 10, Trickery Clerics at 10 and below, etc).


I'd love to see you take another look at this with all the Tasha's stuff considered.

I think with all those new feats, Eldritch adept and fey touched (for hex) you could do some even more amazing stuff with this build. Or mind sliver + war magic + Eldritch strike + action surge a spell with a saving throw.

I'm sure you could find something else I missed. Love to see what you come up with!


Great video! cant wait for the next build 👍


An important aspect for people wanting to use hand crossbows is that its range is only 30/120 ft, so picking up sharpshooter earlier would be ideal to increase the character's range.


Thanks I really been working on my Archer since June and really trying to make him the best archer I can make him I think i messed up at the start that said I keep working hard at making him the best. right now he is 5 ranger 5 fighter
