Masculine And Feminine In Their Power

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Teal Swan is a bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Anytime someone feels like they have to take away power from someone else, they are not in their power.


When there is union between the masculine and feminine, it will be a massive evolutionary step forward for our species. It's why the powers that be do everything to keep us divided.


If men were TRULY "in their power" then women would be treated very, very well (and they'd be empowered) and there would be peace on earth.


you are one of the few people, if not the only one who makes any sense. while the rest just repeat one after another without understanding what they say. thanks for this and all other content


Couldn’t agree more with this. True masculinity is not tyranny and abuse and true femininity is not manipulation and cunning.


I had this realisation last week as I began studying jung recently. It was eye opening for me to realise are in thier shadow.. So true.


You continue to promote objective reality and do an excellent job of conceptualizing spiritual topics in a way that both sexes can appreciate. I’m grateful.


Praying for humanity to come out of their shadows and heal.


I love how when she speaks, my sence of focus shifts from my eyes to ears. Ooh! The beauty of a sound mind. Sharpened to a fault. This is a standard of beauty and excellence. Love it.🙌😊


I realize the when you hear or read the truth you can feel it and it makes you feel good when you are looking for the truth. If you are hiding then the truth will bother you


As a man who feels... I say this is most likely the best way to express this topic, or to explain it.


I'm so glad someone else sees reality as it is.


Live your life un-entitled…💫
You are That which is beyond belief, which is beyond thought,
which is beyond emotion,
which is beyond sensation,
which is beyond perception,
which is beyond all experience, and which is beyond the mind itself.

You are a Presence of awakened non-dual awareness—undivided by any mental formation.

Just Be, impersonally—unconditioned and free. 💫🙏🏻


It's all about balancing both these powers, and I just realised this for myself. So thank you so much for this, much gratitude and love. 💖


This is the awareness needed on the planet now! Yes! More please!


What I like about her is that she confuses me. She sees the grater picture without judgemental view. That changes how to look at things too. It's the meta level of understanding. And I never feel like a dumb school kid. I really like that. It opens my mind


I VERY much agree!! There is the divine masculine and there is equally the divine feminine. Each and EVERY single person has both and many people sell themselves short by thinking that they have to be one or the other. This is the furthest thing from the truth. We need to honor both. That is where you will find your real strength and peace in life. Imho😊


Teal I would love to speak with you about this true masculinity and its implementation as leading the next generation in its light expression and what the effects would be upon bringing out true femeninity and the overal effect on a society as a whole. This is something that really is upon my heart to help lead young men down the right path.


My grandmother always said, to wrongs don't make a right. The development could be seen as thesis, anti thesis, syn thesis. One extreme to another, until a middle ground is found


I am not native to english, but it's the most important challenge of our time to overcome these two box thinking. I have evidence that I can not write dowen in the comment section, but I think that you Teal Swan have the capacity to tackle this challenge
