Was Jesus' Sacrifice Enough?

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Was Jesus' Sacrifice Enough?

Many Protestants reject the Catholic teaching on penance because they think it implies Jesus’ death on the cross was not enough. Are Catholics denying the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice? Karlo Broussard gives reasons why the answer is no.

Copyright Catholic Answers, Inc. 2016


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About Karlo Broussard:

Karlo holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology from Catholic Distance University and the Augustine Institute, and is currently working on his masters in philosophy with Holy Apostles College and Seminary. He also worked for several years in an apprenticeship with nationally known author and theologian Fr. Robert J. Spitzer at the Magis Center of Reason and Faith.

Karlo is one of the most dynamic and gifted Catholic speakers on the circuit today, communicating with precision of thought, a genuine love for God, and an enthusiasm that inspires.


Many Protestants object to the Catholic practice of penance because they think Christ has done it all on the cross and there’s nothing left for us to do.

But is this true? Of course not, and here are some reasons why.

First, penance has nothing to do with the forgiveness of sins and paying off the eternal debt that sin incurs. Christ did that once and for all on the cross and those graces are applied to us when we repent.

Penance comes after forgiveness and has to do with repairing the harm that sin causes. For example, a father may discipline his son by giving him extra chores to help pay for the window the child broke, even though he’s forgiven his son. Such parental discipline is how Hebrews 12:10 describes God’s interaction with us.

Penance also repairs the harm that sin causes within us. St. Paul teaches in Philippians 1:6 that God works to bring to completion the good work that he has begun in us. Even though we’re forgiven, sin leaves us weak and with unhealthy attachments to created goods.

The traditional forms of penance—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, all of which Jesus commands his disciples to practice—are simply the means by which we cooperate with God to complete the work of recovering full spiritual health. As St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:1: “Working together with him…do not accept the grace of God in vain.”
Finally, penitential acts express our sorrow for sin, which is not something foreign to the bible. John the Baptist says in Luke 3:8, “bear fruits that befit repentance.”

For Catholic Answers, I’m Karlo Broussard. Thanks for watching.
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love these videos. please make more they are very helpfull


Karlo is a great addition to the CA team, excellent video


You assumption that non-catholics believe that there's nothing left to do is false. Life is a continuous walk of repentance.

We walk in correcting our ways and making it up to the people we've harmed/wrong through confession, discussion, and repayment. Our lives are dedicated to restoring relationships with God and people around us. We walk in Spirit.

We do this because we know how filthy sin is and how we hate it very much thanks to our inherited Holy Spirit. We make it up to God and the people affected because God has lit up our heart's eyes to show us the damage.

We may not confess to a priest as often as Catholics do, but rest assured we confess it directly to God, our brothers and sisters, and even to those we've wronged and gone against.

We don't pray any Hail Mary's, but we flat out confess it and do our best to make peace with who we've wronged directly.

Please don't talk like you think non-catholics are bums, because it really sounds like it.

Prayers, Fasting, and Alms are good to God, yes. I'm glad we can agree on something. But doing it to heal yourself is wrong. It pretty much becomes mantras, diets, and charitable deeds to feel better about yourself.

When Jesus died on the cross, He said "it is finished" and the way has been made for man to have a direct connection with God and He to man. And believers are made into a New Creation by His Holy Spirit. And the new creation will not want attachment to the worldly and sinful things because of the Holy Spirit's convictioning.

We do not heal by our own deeds, but by God's work in us through His Spirit. God heals you in His own timing. Through His wounds we are healed. Through His Spirit we are regenerated.


LOL OK, let's break that down:
GOD, Omnipotent, knowing ALL, Who Was, Who Is and Who Is to Come (meaning God is ACROSS ALL Time, at the same time) forgave ALL your sins AT THE MOMENT you have your life to Christ.

There is not ANY moment in time after that point where God will say "Oh MAN, I didn't see THAT coming! Nevermind, I don't forgive you"

That would make God NOT God.

WHAT YOU are saying by ANYTHING OTHER THAN CHRIST NEEDED is - "God didn't know" - or "Christ is Insufficient"

ALL of the Gospel CLEARLY declares this thought process Anathema. The Apostles said "If ANYONE, be it man or angel, gives you another message other than this LET THEM ME ANATHEMA" - which means accursed, removed entirely from the church - the body of Christ.

ALL these messages the Catholic Church has been preaching are for ONE PURPOSE: to inject MAN into the middle, to give MAN "power" - I CHALLENGE YOU - REVIEW each doctrine unique to the Catholic Church and SEE if this is NOT TRUE - which is EXACTLY 100% AGAINST the gospel of Christ. Mankind factors NOT in your Salvation, Santification, Justification or Holiness EVER! ONLY GOD does via His indwelling of His Holy Spirit IN YOU and via His forgiveness of ALL YOUR SINS ACROSS ALL YOUR LIFE AT THAT MOMENT YOU SURRENDERED TO HIM - Jesus.

Evidence: The Pope as God's vessel in earth. REALLY? WHERE IS THAT IN THE BIBLE? NO! Is the first injection to put MAN in there

Mary and the other "Saints"...
REALLY? Is ANY of this registering people? WHAT IS THIS SUPPORTED IN THE GOSPEL? Actually it's 100% exactly talked AGAINST WITH CLARITY!

Confession via the priest? OHHHH Really...
HOW about what Christ Said: Pray to God Your Father - even the BASIC PRAYER Jesus taught is AS AN EXAMPLE...".. and forgive us or sins as we forgive one another..." That was PERSONAL and DIRECT... NEVER EVER via another man

The Gospel - FROM BEGINNING TO END - is personal, God desiring a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU... NEVER EVER EVER via another man


You’re wrong mate. False gospel from the devil himself. The sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient and did not require any work on our part to “finish” our salvation. There is nothing good in us, no amount of “good” works will ever ever solve our “spiritual condition”. Our “good works” are as filthy rags in The Sight of God. No, it is ONLY by GRACE that we are saved, not by works so that no one can boast. “For we maintain that a person is justified by faith APART from the works of the law (penance)”. I pray that God will open your eyes and reveal His Truth to you.
