What Does Classic Plus Need To Succeed?

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⚡️ Epic champions are available only via my link and for new players
⌛ Hurry, Loki the Deceiver is a limited edition Champion, available by October 23rd by logging into RAID for 7 days

In this video, we explore everything you need to know about the much-anticipated World of Warcraft Classic Plus. Dive into the latest features, new dungeons, unique class abilities, and revamped content that could redefine your Azeroth experience. From updated class balances to potential new zones and quests, Classic Plus is set to breathe new life into the beloved classic gameplay we all cherish.

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⚡ Epic champions are available only via my link and for new players
⌛ Hurry, Loki the Deceiver is a limited edition Champion, available by October 23rd by logging into RAID for 7 days


* Add dual specialization
* Make hunter/warlock pets scale with player character
* Make all specs viable in raids
* Add a barbershop
* Make zones you couldn't reach in vanilla available
* Add new class/race combinations
* Allow summon from outside to inside the dungeon/raid
* Add new dungeons and raids


i don't understand this obsession with adding new races and classes one of the biggest strength of vanilla is simplicity right now all races and classes are unique and different one from etch other once you start adding new races and classes its usually just reskin of existing races and classes and eventually ending up taking uniqnes from them. Just make existing classes great and even more unique then they are and thats all we need in my oppinion


Turtle WoW has already given the blueprint for Vanilla+


I think professions need a HUGE overhaul to make them more compelling and offer more depth to people who don't raid, or maybe players who want to do more than just log on, raid, log off. Some ideas:

1. Lots of recipes (maybe even some items on-par with raid gear) that come from professions.
2. Professions expand class fantasy. Survival hunters use explosive traps so maybe taking goblin engineering could provide some kind of synergy/buff to that? This might be difficult to balance since people start to theorycraft which profession is the best for which classes.
3. Professions give XP.
4. Profession quests at various intervals to discover certain recipes or maybe to unlock the next level of that profession (eg, Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan), and maybe even new levels to unlock: Master, Entrepreneur, (pick more synonyms).


What people want is a finished vanilla. Finish the map, add the dungeons that weren't finished. You dont need to re-invent the wheel here, your vision is just SoD


I've always thought there should have been a scarlet monastery raid at Tyr's hand in the eastern plague lands


Turtle wow is the perfect classic plus just copy them😂 and blizzard will make millions


What is lil' bro yapping about. To the community classic + has always meant completing the original vision of Vanilla WoW that the devs never had the time to complete. None of this random retail wow shit. And imagine still repeating the same old tired talking points about tinkerers and dark rangers in 2024 lmfao


Tbh, all classic plus needs to succeed is to offer new content within the classic framework, and provide progression that does not drift as far from the vanilla experience as what we’ve had. An alternate wow reality in which the next stories are given to us within a vanilla perspective, rather than moving onto TBC or later.


Just hire turtle wow team, or have them develop and publish in blizzard servers and they get a cut of the player base revenue or something. That eay blizzard can focus on retail and turtle team can focus on classic


Blizzard should just hire the turtlewow team, form a new studio and give them classic + development.


Where did u get the 30%-50% player increase if they introduced a new class from?? Just seems like a random number


I believe that all Classic+ needs to succeed are some new zones with new dungeons & raids.
Places like Gillajim's Island, Uldum, & Gilneas.

Beyond that finish some of the quests like the box quest from Eranikus & the Venomtail Raptor trainers

And lastly fix the classes that are totally broken like Balance & Ret.

The above is all that they NEED to do for a Classic+, anything else thry touch would be icing on the cake that could also become shit sandwiches so it's best not to tempt fate.

Also personally I think adding a new class would be a VERY bad idea.


Blizzard killed SoD with the nightmare incursions, very bad idea. The person who had that idea should be removed from the company


Completing the original developers vision might be the best way to + classic without loosing that vanilla feel. Imagine if all zones were given the same detail and leveling complexity the first 4 human zones received?


It's almost like retail exists which has the vast majority of your "vision"


The first thing is to make classes and specs more viable, Hybrid specs need love. Baking in talents as base line is a must.


I love actual Vanilla, so most of the propositions for changes I see are way too extreme for my own taste. For this reason, I've curated a list of changes I would personally be able to tolerate, and I'd be happy to hear if anyone would agree/disagree with any of my ideas..

1. Introduce XP locking (for twinking)
2. No layering
3. More moderation/GMs
4. Reward good community members who report bots diligently (give them like a special tabard or something)
5. Barbershop
6. Instant mail within own account
7. Statistics (total kills, total deaths, Hogger kills, gold looted etc.)
8. Toggle between old/new graphics
9. New vanity quests (quests that don't change any existing metas and only offer silly rewards)
10. Add set bonuses to existing sets that don't have any (like low level green world drop sets such as the Dokebi set)
11. Add new NPCs with silly dialogues and more lore books into the world
12. Simplify flight paths (allow direct travel from point to point)
13. Dungeon finder (non-automated, just a bulletin board system)
14. Allow crafting en masse for everything (e.g. you can't afk and craft Wizard/Mana Oils, because you can't queue their crafts like you can in other professions!?)
15. Add a new pvp protection system (like /pvpprotect) that makes you unattackable by players 5+ levels higher than you (anti-griefing protocol)
16. Make Plain Letters non-bound
17. Fix /mountspecial
18. Make Black Lotuses/Devilsaur spawns more random to combat mafias
19. Limit XP gain from boosting
20. Limit mage AOE farming (SoM kinda tackled this one decently)
21. Alchemy Labs in open world to craft flasks easier
22. Remove buff/debuff cap
23. Moderate AH to combat professional TSM abusers/gold sellers
24. Add repair NPCs to notable locations from the get-go (like LHC in EPL only got one in what, Phase 6?)
25. Make some of the useless semi-farmable mobs easier (Stone Guardians in Un'Goro)
26. Make rare mobs drop blues with a higher chance
27. Add a global chat channel so that it's not controlled by players but just exists hardcoded
28. Allow all keys to fit in key ring (incl. Seal of Ascension, Thieves' Tools, BS keys, Seaforium, Ony neck etc.)
29. Allow all herb/ench bags to fit all herbs/ench things (Wild Thornroot, Seaweed, Mixed Berries etc. for herb bag; Enchanted Leather/Thorium Bars, rods, oils for ench bag etc.)
30. Voice chat
31. Make campfires deal damage
32. AOE looting
33. Ability to solo-reset dungeon without having to use script
34. Slower progression (longer phases)
35. Increase respawn rate of world bosses
36. Make obscure crafts cheaper (halve the amount of Arcanite Bars required for Frostguard, make Arcane Bombs cheaper, make Voice Amplification Modulator cheaper etc.)
37. Add more graveyards (like dying near the Timbermaw cave or at the demons in Winterspring causes a 5+ minute corpse run and that's just no fun)
38. Increase the drop rate of specific HYPER RARE items (Spellshock Leggings, Runed Ring, Pendulum of Doom)
39. Crossrealm BGs
40. Make walljumping easier
41. Reintroduce trial accounts with some changes
42. Recruit-a-friend
43. Allow Druids to jump in water in Aquatic form without losing the form
44. More tooltip info on items (like Furbolg Medicine Pouch has a hidden level requirement of 40 for the Use, some greys CAN BE FED to hunter pets etc., so give this information out)
45. Add randomized patrols to dungeons (this is to combat bots)
46. Add drops to existing dungeon bosses/named mobs that have none (like Sandarr Dunereaver in ZF)
47. Implement mechanic to stop open world rogue bots that stealth every second they are OOC
48. Remove the ability to just teleport your character at will from the Character Stuck function from the website.
49. Remove the ability of Warlocks to PVP tag people using Infernals.
50. Ban cheaters.
51. Discourage cross faction collusion and give the alliance their own WCB
52. Increase respawn rate of civilians (rip Hammertoe Griz..)
53. Make DHKs less destructive to ranking
54. Reduce the amount of things you need to collect in AV to spawn riders/Lokholar etc.
55. Fix bracket breaking
56. Add ironman
57. Add all the open world events and festivals into the game right away in Phase 1
58. Make meeting stones work for summoning (but make them require 3 players instead of 2)
59. Remove level requirements from secondary professions
60. More chests in the open world
61. Dual spec
62. Allow summon from outside to inside the dungeon/raid


you clearly know nothing about this community and what it wants
