Classic 'Plus' Has More Problems Than You Think... | Classic WoW

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With Season of Mastery soon to be wrapping up, I got thinking about the community demand of Classic "plus" - a version of Classic that instead of moving to TBC adds new content in the spirit of Classic.
Honestly, I think there's larger problems than just whether or not Blizzard would do it, or whether they would add content that made sense.
These are my big 3 problems for Classic plus that need answering if it were to really happen.

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As someone who loved World of Warcraft from the beginning, what I really wanted was to see the stuff that was cut, like the Emerald Dream. Azuregos (and the other 3 dragons) were supposed to be an "Attunement" of sorts for the Emerald dream which was supposed to continue the story threads began in the Wailing Caverns. Obviously we eventually got an end to that storyline in Cataclysm but I for one didn't like where they went with it. I wanted to see the Dream. There's also a portal in the Tanaris dessert that leads to Uldum, or rather that would have led to Uldum. I know Uldum was eventually added, but it was originally intended to be a vanilla raid, and it was supposed to Continue the story or Ulduman. This is the kinda stuff I always wanted. Many of the dungeons had stories if you bothered to do the quests and many of them left threads hanging which were meant to be continued, either in later quests, dungeons or raids. Many of these plans were dropped as the plan changed, and were eventually re-imagined in a new expansion, but the way it was done was very unsatisfying to me. The vanilla quests sotries were not continued much less concluded, I do not like loose ends, or dropped storylines. A big part of why I loved World of Warcraft was because there were so many stories if you took the time to do the quests, things in one zone or one dungeon that were part of something bigger, or that would have led to something bigger. I am aware that the realities of game development mean that a lot of that stuff never gets finished, but I view classic "plus" as the perfect opportunity to go back and finish those stories. I don't want Blizzard to try and fit it into the wow that exists today... I want Blizzard to go back and look at the threads left hanging and finish those ideas, or at least continue them and I want them to see where that goes, a whole new WOW, new expansions, is that the slightest bit realistic, no of course not, but I loved the stories of Vanilla WOW, I want to go back and see where those original idea's could have taken us.


The issue with blizzard doing Classic+ is that it would cost more than 0$ to develop


Turtle WoW has done an awesome job with creating a Classic+ imo. I would really like it if Blizzard went for the same direction if they were to make a Classic+


I would want Classic+ to be kind of an alternate timeline to Cataclysm.


I think at this point Classic+ needs to be it's entire own thing instead of just classic with some new stuff and small changes. A reimagining of the game with some of the old stuff being slightly reworked perhaps, but overall a different game.


It's interesting that you mention the vertical progression.

What if classic plus was not so vertical ? What if there were multiple raids/content sources that were of equivalent levels in parallel. What if the new content sitted next to old one in terms of power level so you essentially have more content but it doesn't get obsolete right away because of old content or the opposite.

Also content can take many form they could reshape drastically the game just by adding new mechanics to the game, new spells to classes and so on while keeping the spirit of classic.


What you need to do is to create new loot that doesn't increase your ilvl above that of the existing vanilla content. In Classic, the solution is pretty easy -> offer gear for meme specs. Take the example of Phase 1:
-Have boots, belt, legs and wrists not drop from MC. To make sure that bosses still have decent loot tables, we will now have a set for every spec. Paladins for example will have a prot, ret and holy (lawbringer) Tier 1 sets. Goal here is to make sure that MC still has enough loot to be rewarding, while also putting some of the loot in other content. At this point you can be creative.
-Have boots be an exalted reputation reward from a new faction (Wildhammer Dwarves ?)
-Have the belt drop from a new level 60 dungeon, alongside some other blue items that could be well itemised for a few classes (Uldum ?)
-Have the wrists be a craft from a new profession recipe that you get through a big questline (could even have that questline start via an MC drop)
You get the point - there are tons of ways to add new content without having you reach ilvl 7000 within 3 patches. Then if you add some vanity dungeons/reputations with vanity items, a mount, a pet, etc. you can easily have quality side content


Turtle WoW has already done this and it's been one of the best, most fun times I've ever had in this game. On par with how much fun I had when I first experienced the game in 2007. Would be cool if somehow Blizz would, instead of sue and shut them down (which eventually happens to all servers), purchased their content and hired their team to make it an official realm.


They could add heroic versions of low level dungeons to keep more content relevant and more gear and recipes so you could customize your build. Make pve more interesting by letting people break the game a bit!


Introduce heroic mode in Classic and do some class tuning. I'd really like to play Balance Druid without being shamed.


Yeah thats why I hopped onto turtle wow. Classic+ is super doable because private servers like turtle have accomplished it beautifully. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested.


is it just me or does it look like it says "Dragon Isles" in between AQ and Black Temple at 5:10


Maybe making Classic + a horizontal progression would help create an evergreen system, balance all gear to be roughly near one another with slight upgrades in all the raids, add an achievement system and hardmodes to the old raids to create a reason to run them over for completion sake. Just spit ballin


They literally just need to hire the Turtle WoW team and all the work is done for them.


Adding Kara and re-tuned for level 60 would be dope and your other suggestions are fun ideas I would like to see.


I would like to see Classic using the TBC/Wrath skill tree.


I see where you are coming from WillE and your points were valid. For me if their was a classic plus if blizz Didn't wanna add new raids or dungeons I at least want the classes that are "useless" in classic to actually be buffed up mainly Paladin's prot and Ret than Druids. and that their is Tier gear we can buy off vendors for every spec so warriors tier gear isn't for tanking and paladins isn't just for healing anymore. also make it where we level twice as fast this time if we all start fresh again like the Joyous journey buff in wrath but permanently stays in classic plus


Classic Plus would be amazing. We've seen a couple private servers manage to pull off similar things but being able to avoid all that shadiness would make all the difference.


Classic Plus was something i was hoping for in 2019. I wanted to see game going in a new way, to be really seperate game, not just older expansion.
