Who were the Moors?

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The Moors that invaded Iberia were majority Arab and Berber also they were colonisers and slave traders.


I am from north Morocco and I got light skin dark hair and proud to be North African . I did my DNA 99% north African ( Amazigh) . In history also my great parent were moors lived in Al Andalus . Like many Moroccan we got Arabic culture and Amazigh culture . the percentage of Arab dna is less than 1% in Moroccan. We do have Arab culture bc islam and north African culture bc we r the native people of north of Africa


700 years from now Europeans will be saying that South Africans weren't black people 😂😂😂


American Black history speech is really disrespectful and almost racist towards my people. Moors were berber/amazigh people coming up from current Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia. Some of the amazaigh were black indeed. But these are berbers as long as the world is not divided into white/black as american think. Moreover there were a lot of different tribes in the amazigh people with different cultural manners. So stop spreading that fake message.


Blacks were a minority in the Almoravid and Almohad kingdoms that conquered Spain


Spain was muslim for 7 centuries, if you think that the moors of Spain were black, spain would look like colombia now 😂😂😂😂, but modern portuguese and Spanish share lot of similarities in look with north african amazigh and Arabs.
I'm Moroccan and lot of families in Morocco they still have their ancestors houses keys in Spain after they were kicked out.


As an Algeria from north africa basically "moor" i don't find myself black .
Moors were arabs and berbers .


As a Moroccan and therefore an actual Moor, please stop appropriating our history.
Deep inside you know this isn't true. You know you say this because you're going through identity troubles. But making up alternate realities is never the answer. Lying to yourself will never heal you. It will only make you lie more to justify your prior fiction.
Subsaharan West Africa has a rich history. I know colonizers erase it, but you should study it and honor your ancestors. Make them proud.


As a moroccan, moors were trading slavea so good luck next time


The murals at alhambra depict the moorish kings with pale skin. it debunks the afrocentrists who claim the moors were black


They were not sub Saharan black. They are the same Arab /berbers who are in Morocco today


the moors black ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Our people civilized humanity but now look at us !!!


I know everyone else said this. But the moors weren’t black for the majority. The term Moor isn’t supposed to be a label for a specific race or even ethnic group.

It’s just something you’d be called back then if you were of Islamic faith. Usually the term was used for Arabs, Amazigh’s, or Muslim Europeans.

And most of the Moors were definitely not black. A lot of them were actually light skinned. If you take the example of the spreading of Islam from the Arabs. You’d see why. Cause Arabs are not black.

And as for the Amazigh who became mostly Muslim. For the most part they weren’t black either. Except for the southern Amazigh. Which they didn’t have much to do with Iberia, because of how far away it was.

Iberia would have likely had mostly light skinned moors when Al-Andalus existed if you take all these factors into account.

And before you say I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m actually of moorish ancestry myself. Partially anyway. My moorish family members are mostly light skinned.

Of course there were a few exceptions like my grandfather who was of dark skin tone. And I’m of brown skin tone. But the point is. You can’t go around giving false information that the moors were inherently black.

If one is a majority. They should be treated as such. A minority can still get a chance to be heard. But the majority can’t be ignored either. Because that’s just erasing reality.


Moors or Moorish are Basically the Moroccans. North Africa is not middle est but count as west specially Morocco/Maghreb.


The moors comes from Morocco and the founder is from Safi city


I'm here for the comments denying any thing black and y'all's did like I thought


As mixed race portuguese woman I'm amazed by the stories black American tell themselves. Moors or Mouros (in Portuguese) were Arabs, you won't find a portuguese person who thinks they were black because they were not, you can even see Arabic traits in Portuguese people's faces the same as in the Spanish people. If Moors were black Spain and Portugal would have a bigger population of mixed race people


I just found out I have moor DNA and I'm so glad to see so many videos out so I can learn more about it. My family never talked about much of our DNA on my dad's side and I want to know as much as possible!!


the moors were not black, the one who conquered tge peninsula was Tarik ibn Ziyad and he was not black
