Все публикации

What Did Queen Hatshepsut Say about the Land of Punt?

Queens of the Early 18th Dynasty #kemet

Who Were the Queens of the Early 18th Dynasty?#kemet #shorts

Kemetic Sources for the War Against Kush (New Kingdom sources)

Who Was Thutmose I? #kemet #shorts

Thutmose I: Hatshepsut's Father

Who Were the Medjay? #kemet #shorts

When Did Kemet Really Conquer the Area of Kush?

Egypt's Soldiers - What Were Nubian Soldiers Known For? #shorts #kemet #africa

Why was this dynasty important? What Was the 17th Dynasty of Egypt (Kemet)?

Kashta: The Kushite King

Sebni and His Father's Rescue in Nubia

Black Art Line: Follow Your Dream

Ma'at and the Ten Commandments: Were They Related?

How Did The Ancient Egyptians Pray? What Did They Say to God?

Prophecy of Neferti: Amenemhet I (12th Dynasty Kemet)

Prayers of Paheri: The Grandson of Ahmose, Son of Abana

Tanwetamani (Tantamani): A King's Dream

What is Hotep? One Aspect of it is Faith

Divinity and Humankind #ancientkemet #shorts

Holy Mother and Child: What Do They Really Mean?

Kings of Kush: Napatan Dynasty (900 BC - 300 BC)

The Place of Truth (Set Ma'at) #shorts #kemet

The Destruction of Mankind: Kemetic Tale