7 Crucial Reasons An INFJ Man Has No Friends

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You might be wondering why do INFJs have few or no friends. These 7 crucial reasons an INFJ man has no friends will probably take a bit by surprise. Life is not simple for INFJ men, and having friends as a man INFJ is even more of a challenge. But why do INFJ men have no friends?

You might think that having a small circle of friends is unfortunate or even see it as a sign of weakness. A lot of times, it's the exact opposite - which is typically the case for INFJ males. In fact, Some people might even assume that you are an introvert who stays away from social situations for fear of looking foolish. Okay, these things might hold some truth, but there’s always a reason behind every action. Especially when it comes to INFJ men. A person can have a few good friends and still choose to keep it at that. But there must be some deeper reasons why an INFJ man has no friends, right? As you know, there are always deeper meanings when it comes to an INFJ personality type.


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0:00 Intro
0:30 Deeper Meanings
1:06 INFJ Man Prefered Company
2:05 INFJ Men Perfectionism
3:21 INFJ Man Trust
4:44 INFJ Men Conformity
5:46 INFJ Man Social Interactions
6:51 INFJ Men Selectiveness
7:58 INFJ Man Understanding
8:53 INFJ Men Thoughts


Success For Breakfast was created to be a channel that makes simple-to-follow videos giving you the tools to live your best life and help in your personal growth journey. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the bigger “whole” picture of what you envision for your best life and what success looks like for you - so I am creating videos hitting on all of those subjects. From financial tips, relationships, and happiness to psychological tips, personal development, and even productivity advice. Brain food to give you the best possible chance to level up and love your life in all areas.

We all know that a strong mindset and good mental health is the key to success, and to take control of your life, but there are many different ways to get there. It is not just motivation and affirmations, although those are important. For me, it was also about psychology, understanding myself, and knowing why I did things a certain way. It was also about meditating and learning about manifesting and the law of attraction, and of course how to be and stay motivated.

I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!

-Success 4 Breakfast


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DISCLAIMER - This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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What are your thoughts on these reasons INFJ men have no friends? Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts!

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I’m an INFJ male. I feel like I’m super awkward around people. I’m kind of a wallflower. I only have one friend I ever do things with. I want to be more social and meet new people, but I’m not outgoing enough. I am typically very lonely but have no energy to go do things with others. If it’s one on one I do better. In a group setting I’ll fade out. I’ve been told I’m standoffish but that’s cause I’m always in my head. Always thinking, never present in the moment. Hard to enjoy others when I feel that way.


Better to be alone than to be with bad company .


I would say this is pretty much spot on. The trust factor is a huge part of it. Almost all people have an agenda even in friendships and we know this. Hard to find friends that are genuinely true.


I agree with all these points. The only disadvantage I’ve experienced is when it comes to meeting a potential intimate partner. I’m absolutely satisfied without having any friends, but, I do have strong family values and see myself as a husband and father someday which creates the only obstacle if you’re forced to follow the dating “norm” of the last 50 yrs.


Spot on! Not ashamed to admit i have zero friends. Altough i help every living being on this planet except myself. Unfortunately people bring me anxiety and stress, the kind that really drains me. After social interaction i need to rest mentally, go out into the woods, create music, ...As an INFJ life is a constant struggle, with myself being my worst enemy.


I am an infj man. I've had large groups of friends at different points and times in my life but it was always via alcohol. I just couldn't be around people unless I was half drunk because it seems like everything other people talk about is just trivial nonsense to me.

Some people you meet always want to talk about sports. Damn sports!. I know people that never want to talk about anything but a damn car motor. Who gives it down!? It's like most people just pick one little thing out of all the different things they could be interested in in this life and that's all they stick to. I can't relate! My mind is all over the place but it's not focused on things so shallow as who can get a ball over line or in a hoop or in a net the fastest.

I had an interesting Motors when I was younger but when I was younger you could actually work on a car. I don't give a damn these days as long as the sumbitch runs.

It is true I only have a handful of friends. I have a lot of acquaintances and I'm known by a lot of people but my circle is very small. I don't hang out in the bars or go to parties like I did when I was younger and I have no kids and I've never been married so I spend most of my time alone and I spend all that time researching all sorts of different things and I mean down to the core of the truth of what things are. Not the lies that this whole age of man has been fed for years and years and years. I can't hardly have a conversation with anyone else without getting half ticked off because I don't understand why they can't see through the clouds of BS or I can't see why they're so stuck on a person that has a physical skill as trivial is any sport.

There was a Star Trek episode one time and I've always felt like the main guy in that episode. They went to a planet where everybody was insane and the one man that was rational appeared to be insane to everyone else around him because he was unique and different from everyone else. That's how I feel. I don't feel the need to have to prove what I think I know about this crazy world. I get it and if someone else doesn't it's not like I can explain something that's as complexed as the way I see the world to anyone in a freaking week if I tried. It took me years and years and years of studying to get my foundation for my reality to be built on. I can't convince anyone else that everything they think they know about their life is a complete lie. All I can do is carry the burden / blessing of knowing the truth about most things that most people can't wrap their minds around at all because they just don't care. All they care about is one little particular thing in life and that's what they study. The worst part is how most people take that one little interest they have and NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT IT because they want others to think their the best at that little one insignificant thing they're interested in. They have to prove their value to other people so they push that one little thing that they're interested in on everyone else around them like you have to hear them rambling on about the same stupid junk over and over and over and over again. The only time I feel like I need to prove myself to someone is when they're trying to harm me or any other innocent bystander. Then I'll do what I have to do and they're not going to like it. Yes, I am in a bit of a mood at the moment. I'm thinking some sleep I might do that some good. Peace out....


It's true, every bit of this video is completely accurate. When I believed that my happiness depended on finding ways to fit in, it seemed hopeless. Struggling to be a part of something that just wasn't me. led to feelings of failure. Many of you may be dealing with that at this time. Much of the information we have to work with is from the introverted world, and that can't fit for INFJs. In time I came to see that my life went better when I kept apart from the chaos of the society at large.

When I took the MBTI and discovered my type, that began to turn around. I now have a system of thought that fits me, and my INFJ abilities now work for me, instead of problem solve for the problems as I formerly saw them. The kind of information available on this channel and the comments from others who share the same experiences helps to make a great change possible for me. Knowing who you are, and where the person you are wants to go, changes everything. Good results can happen, and life becomes better and more manageable.


I try to not put my friends to the same standard as me but it just annoys me when i feel they dont try to be better. I mean, why are we here? To waste time?


As an INFJ men, I find this true since i have trust issues, being perfectionist and being around with the wrong people can really affect to myself


Bruh this video is so spot on I cant believe it. Can someone explain me how its possible that so many people can develop the exact same characteristics even though all make different experiences in life I dont understand it?


So few wish to be my friend and they all have their closer friends and I never bug them for time and they drift away.


It comes down to this with me. I go through a issue, analyze, adapt and grow. One day I will have a issue and the next I’ll be over it. I grow and learn and love doing it. I love people for who they are but they do struggle with this aspect of me. So I keep them at a distance because it is difficult for most people. I can’t stop learning and growing but doesn’t mean I don’t love where I’m at or the struggle I’m going through because I know I will learn and grow from it.


As an INFJ. If others don’t respect my values or my character. Too Bad . That’s not
my problem. A true friend accepts you for what you are
A fake friend is truly not your friend. Using subtle means to
manipulating your INFJ mindset


I often feel misunderstood, but that just sets me on a mission to find a way to explain things in such a way that they can. This has led to many nights of zero sleep. Sometimes just from the enthusiasm of thinking I found a way to get the point across and practicing in in my head.


I'm an INFJ man and I put a high value on connections. Having said that, I prefer one on one or small groups by far to large gatherings and if in a large gathering I tend to collapse it to a small sub-set that I interact with. I do value my alone time and large gatherings are draining but I've grown better at screening unwanted energy. Still, I do need to recharge. Too much interaction and too much alone time are for me both bad outcomes. I am most at joy with a fellow deep feeler where we swim the ocean depths. I am also filled though in a different way when I spend time with deep thinkers. Throughout my life, I have mostly had 1-2 very close friends at a time but of late I have more friends that are not as close but with whom I have placed a great deal of trust.


INFJ stand out and overshadow the weak. People will resent you for that.


Wow I'm an INFJ woman. This is so true.


''With fronds like these, who needs anemones?'' - Marlin


I’d say this is pretty much exactly accurate.
