Why did Moses Beg to Stay in this Crazy and Dark World??

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In Deuteronomy chapter 3 it is recorded how Moses begged God to enter the land of Israel. But God refused. The Midrash expands on the incredible conversation between Moses and God, which seems to be incomprehensible. In this video we attempt to explain some of its depth.
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Thank you Rabbi always looking forward to hear from you


May we merit to hear weekly insights from you on the Torah portion! Please


mWaH 🕎 beautiful staging to Enter Shabbos (Thank You from our home to yours)


Beautiful! It has been so nice to see you posting videos again, so needed especially now! B'H


Wow, thank u rabbi!!! Am israel chai chai chai ❤❤❤


... birthday postcard came four years later...seven days before today...

''Oh poor tempestuous one, who was not consoled,
behold I will set your stones with carbuncle,
and I will lay your foundations with sapphires.
And I will make your windows of jasper and your gates of carbuncle stones,
and all your border of precious stones.''


That section from דברים רבה is very powerful. One of the important points mentioned there is משה לא מת. That just like with Yaacov Avinu, Moshe was “gathered to his people”. The Angel of Death had no power over him.

You ask about Moshe’s wanting his soul to be dressed in the body of an animal or a bird in this world. Why?

My suggestion to you is to take a deep dive into a Sefer that few in this generation bother to learn. The answer to your question is found in Sefer Perek Shirah, or as some call it, Sefer Pirkei Shirah.

It is one of the ספרי חיצונים and is attributed to either King David or his son, Shlomo or both.

אין קשה על התאוה
Good Shabbos my friend!


Why aren't you here at the JLI retreat?
You're missed. Shabbat shalom


And who doesn't want "company" that loves you as well as each other that is amusing due to the infinite scenarios in which they can do something stupid, funny and *_sometimes_* pleasing? Before Christ was the *_"Son of man, "_* He stated in scripture that He will enjoy future "travels" with us, "sojourning together." :-)


''...look... see...the chicken plucks and hits the ground while it feeds...''

The first one will observe and say;
The chicken does these things and as a consequence of those actions, the chicken is fed every day. So we can also say that the chicken has to work for food so the food is like a paycheck the chicken receives for the day's work.


Also, our Father doesn't like mixing the "old" with the "new." I think Moses was the last of the Egyptian-born Hebrews. Right? Don't defile the "new" with the "old."
